- News
- New in R2024
- UniScript R2024
- Obsolete Functions
- News UniPlot R2010-R2023
- New in R2023
- UniScript R2023
- New in R2022
- UniScript R2022
- New in R2021
- UniScript R2021
- New in R2020
- UniScript R2020
- New in R2018
- New in R2018.13 (2019-12-03)
- New in R2018.12 (2019-11-29)
- New in R2018.11 (2019-10-18)
- New in R2018.10 (2019-09-13)
- New in R2018.9 (2019-07-12)
- New in R2018.8 (2019-05-31)
- New in R2018.7 (2019-04-19)
- New in R2018.6 (2019-03-15)
- New in R2018.5 (2019-02-15)
- New in R2018.4 (2019-01-18)
- New in R2018.3 (2018-11-30)
- New in R2018.2 (2018-10-26)
- New in R2018.1 (2018-08-24)
- New in R2018.0 (2018-06-28)
- UniScript R2018
- New in R2017
- UniScript R2017
- New in R2016
- New in R2016.11 (10 November 2017)
- New in R2016.10 (26 September 2017)
- New in R2016.9 (18 August 2017)
- New in R2016.8 (09 June 2017)
- New in R2016.7 (17 Mar 2017)
- New in R2016.6 (13 Jan 2017)
- Neu in R2016.5 (25 Nov 2016)
- New in R2016.4 (30 Sep 2016)
- New in R2016.3 (26 Aug 2016)
- New in R2016.2 (29 July 2016)
- New in R2016.1 (08 July 2016)
- UniScript R2016
- New in R2015
- New in R2015.11 (08 July 2016)
- New in R2015.10 (16 May 2016)
- New in R2015.9 (14 Apr 2016)
- New in R2015.8 (04 Mar 2016)
- New in R2015.7 (04 Dec 2015)
- New in R2015.6 (20 Nov 2015)
- New in R2015.5 (11 Sep 2015)
- New in R2015.4 (01 Jul 2015)
- New in R2015.3 (22 May 2015)
- New in R2015.2 (24 Apr 2015)
- New in R2015.1 (27 Feb 2015)
- New in R2015.0 (23 Jan 2015)
- Bug Fixes R2015
- UniScript R2015
- New in R2014
- Bug Fixes R2014
- UniScript R2014
- New in R2013
- Bug Fixes R2013
- UniScript R2013
- New in R2012
- UniScript R2012
- New in R2011
- UniScript R2011
- New in R2010
- UniScript R2010
- News UniPlot 5
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.15
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.14
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.13.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.12.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.11.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.11.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.10.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.10.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.10.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.10.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.9.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.9.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.9.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.9.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.8.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.8.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.8.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.7.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.6.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.6.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.6.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.6.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.5.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.5.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.4.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.4.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.3.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.3.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.3.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.3.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.3.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.2.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.1.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.1.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.1.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 5.0.0
- UniScript 5.x
- News UniPlot 4
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.8
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.7
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.6
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.5
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.2.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.5
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.1.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.0.5
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.0.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.0.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.0.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 4.0.0
- UniScript 4.x
- News UniPlot 3
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.8
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.7
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.6
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.5
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.6.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.5.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.5.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.4.3
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.4.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.4.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.3.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.3.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.3.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.2.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.2.1
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.2.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.1.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.1.0
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.0.5
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.0.4
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.0.2
- What’s New in UniPlot 3.0.0
- UniScript 3.x
- 1. General
- 2. Questions about UniPlot
- 2.1. I have problems saving a UniPlot file. What should I do ?
- 2.2. Can I create WMF files with UniPlot ?
- 2.3. Can I create EPS files with UniPlot ?
- 2.4. What is the difference between the interpolation methods in UniPlot ?
- 2.5. Can I create PDF files with UniPlot ?
- 2.6. How can I switch off the UniPlot StartUp box?
- 2.7. What is a style file?
- 2.8. How can I import an Excel file with columns of variable length?
- 2.9. How can I hatch fill the area where the intake and exhaust valves overlay?
- 2.10. Convert Unix date to Excel date
- 2.11. How to control UniPlot from another Program?
- 3. Questions about UniScript
- 3.1. I have edited one of the UniScript Files. The next time I started UniPlot the changes were gone. Why ?
- 3.2. How can I create a simple dialog box?
- 3.3. The UniScript function system doesn’t work perfectly, how can I execute a command ?
- 3.4. How can I write a DLL and call one of the DLL functions from UniScript?
- 3.5. UniPlot online documentation contains UniScript example scripts. How can I run these scripts ?
- 3.6. Can I start UniPlot with command-line arguments?
- UniPlot Manual
- Installation of UniPlot
- Documentation, Support
- UniPlot Essentials
- A Simple Example
- UniPlot Objects
- The Clipboard
- Examples
- 2D Dataset Attributes
- Diagram with 3 Overlapping y-axes
- 2D Dataset - Derivation and Integration
- Diagram with 2 Curves and Color Filling
- Plot a Function f(x)
- Contour Diagram with Color Gradient and Legend
- Contour and 3D Diagram
- Plot a Function f(x,y)
- Contour Cross-section
- Cross-section along a 2D Curve
- Importing Data
- Overview Automation
- Licenses
- UniPlot Reference
- Menus
- File
- File=>New
- File=>Open
- File=>Page Margin
- File=>Page Setup
- File=>Print Preview
- File=>Print
- File=>Save All
- File=>Save As
- File=>Save
- File=>Split Documents
- File=>Summary Info
- File=>Export Data
- File=>Channel Quick View
- File=>Close All
- File=>Close (Save Compact)
- File=>Close
- File=>Edit Alias Table
- File=>Exit
- File=>Send to PowerPoint
- File=>Send to Word
- File=>File Quick View
- File=>Import Data
- File=>Import Options
- File=>Merge Documents
- File=>Create Data-Table
- File=>More File Functions=>1D Signal Import (ASCII)
- File=>More File Functions=>Create Diagram Template
- File=>More File Functions=>Excel Report
- File=>More File Functions=>Load 3D Data Hull
- File=>More File Functions=>Load 3D Data Matrix
- File=>More File Functions=>Reset recent NC-data name list
- File=>More File Functions=>Save 3D Data Hull
- File=>More File Functions=>Save 3D Data Matrix
- File=>EPS/PDF-Export
- File=>PDF-Export
- Bookmarks
- File=>Metafile/Bitmap-Export
- File=>More File Functions=>Save netCDF (.NC) File as an ASCII File
- File=>More File Functions=>Save original 2D data
- File=>More File Functions=>Save original 3D data
- File=>More File Functions=>Save All-data
- File=>More File Functions=>Synchronize Data Files
- File=>More File Functions=>Waterfall-Multi Channel Import
- File=>More File Functions=>Waterfall-Single Cycle Import
- File=>More File Functions
- Edit
- Edit=>Clear
- Edit=>Copy Dataset
- Edit=>Copy Diagram
- Edit=>Copy Page
- Edit=>Copy
- Edit=>Copy Format
- Edit=>Copy Format=>Style Editor
- Edit=>Cut
- Edit=>Edit Object
- Edit=>Goto
- Edit=>Attachments
- Edit=>Insert Graphic
- Edit=>Insert Video
- Edit=>Insert LaTeX Formula
- Edit=>Insert New Object
- Edit=>Search and Replace (IPW)
- Edit=>Links
- Edit=>Object Properties=>Picture
- Edit=>Object Properties=>Video
- Edit=>Object
- Edit=>Page=>Delete
- Edit=>Page=>Move
- Edit=>Page=>Duplicate
- Edit=>Page=>New Page
- Edit=>Page=>Rename
- Edit=>Paste
- Edit=>Redo
- Edit=>Replace
- Edit=>Search
- Edit=>Undo
- Edit=>Update Fields
- Edit=>Insert Table Of Contents
- Edit=>Find In Files
- UniScript
- View
- Diagram
- Diagram=>3D Configuration
- Diagram=>3D View
- Diagram=>Add new Diagram
- Diagram=>Align Drawing Objects
- Diagram=>Link Axes Scales
- Diagram=>Create U3D Diagram
- Diagram=>Create Stacked Diagram
- Diagram=>Diagram Settings
- Diagram=>Display as 2D Plot
- Diagram=>Display as 3D Plot
- Diagram=>Insert Field Function
- Diagram=>Select All Diagrams
- Diagram=>Layout=>Axes
- Diagram=>Layout=>Grid
- Diagram=>Layout=>Polar
- Diagram=>Layout=>Ticks
- Diagram=>Layout=>Waterfall
- Diagram=>Layout
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Create Legend for 2D Datasets
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Create Vector
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Edit Drawing Object Size
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Import Page
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Read Text for Placeholders from File
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Scale Axes for Square Grid
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Global Placeholders
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions=>Unit as Axis Label
- Diagram=>More Functions=>Diagramm=>Create Table Linked to Excel Sheet
- Diagram=>More Diagram Functions
- Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>User Label
- Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Label
- Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Parameters
- Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Title
- Diagram=>Add Diagrams (Matrix)
- Diagram=>Category Options
- Diagram=>Pie Chart
- Data
- Data=>1D and 2D Dataset Properties
- Data=>1D and 2D Dataset
- Data=>3D Classification of a XYZ-Dataset
- Data=>3D Color Legend
- Data=>3D-Dataset=>3D-Surface
- Data=>3D-Dataset=>Hull
- Data=>3D-Dataset=>Isolines
- Data=>3D-Dataset=>Scatter Plot
- Data=>3D-Dataset=>Z-Values
- Data=>3D Dataset Properties
- Data=>3D-Dataset
- Data=>3D Polynomial Fit
- Data=>Box Whisker
- Data=>Compute area
- Data=>Compute Linear Correlation Coefficient
- Data=>Compute statistic (2D)
- Data=>Convert 2D Curve to Hull
- Data=>Copy 3D dataset configuration
- Data=>Create a data table
- Data=>Create a maximum dataset
- Data=>Create a mean dataset
- Data=>Create a minimum dataset
- Data=>Create Data Boundary
- Data=>Create fit spline dataset
- Data=>Create Norm Dataset
- Data=>Cross-section (3D)
- Data=>Cross-section along a 2D dataset (Profile) (3D)
- Data=>Cursor Data Table
- Data=>Data Cursor=>Move Datasets
- Data=>Data Cursor Configuration
- Data=>Data Cursor
- Data=>Data Exchange (Document)
- Data=>Data Exchange (Page)
- Data=>Data Filter
- Data=>Dataset List
- Data=>Derivative
- Data=>Difference map and other functions (3D)
- Data=>Edit 2D-Dataset Coordinates
- Data=>Edit Function List
- Data=>Envelope
- Data=>Extract Data Subset
- Data=>Fill Area (2D)
- Data=>Find data hull (3D)
- Data=>Find minimum and maximum
- Data=>Find Peaks
- Data=>Fit Functions
- Data=>Histogram
- Data=>Integral
- Data=>Interpolation
- Data=>Label Data Points
- Data=>Label Dataset with Name
- Data=>Linear Interpolation
- Data=>Add Magnifying Diagram
- Data=>Matrix-Interpolation (3D)
- Data=>More Data Functions (2D)
- Data=>More Data Functions (3D)
- Data=>More Data Functions
- Data=>Polynom Fit Functions
- Data=>Reduce Signal Noise
- Data=>Reload Data
- Data=>Remove double data points
- Data=>Scale coordinates (2D)
- Data=>Sort x-coordinates (2D)
- Data=>Statistic (3D)
- Data=>Step dataset horizontal
- Data=>Step dataset vertical
- Data=>Open Datafile
- Data=>2D Bit Dataset
- Data=>Threshold (Range)
- Data=>Vector
- Tools
- Tools=>Add-In Manager
- Tools=>Create Template
- Tools=>Create UniScript Library
- Tools=>Customize User Toolbar
- Tools=>Dataset Style Configuration
- Tools=>Dataset Style Order Configuration
- Tools=>Formula Configuration
- Tools=>Formulalist
- Tools=>Import Formulas from Excel File
- Tools=>More Options
- Tools=>Options
- Tools=>Protect Document
- Tools=>U3D Diagram Configuration
- Tools=>Update Formulalist
- Tools=>User Colors
- Tools=>LaTeX Formula Configuration
- Window
- Help
- File
- Dialog Boxes
- Dialog Box=>Bar Style
- Dialog Box=>Bubble Options
- Dialog Box=>Cycle Length
- Dialog Box=>Data Filter
- Dialog Box=>Dataset Name
- Dialog Box=>Date/Time Format
- Dialog Box=>Diagram Name
- Dialog Box=>Edit Time/Date Format
- Dialog Box=>Errorbars
- Dialog Box=>Fill Color
- Dialog Box=>Font
- Dialog Box=>Hatch Style
- Dialog Box=>Insert New Isoline
- Dialog Box=>License
- Dialog Box=>Line Style
- Dialog Box=>Single Point Import
- Dialog Box=>Symbol Style
- Dialogbox=>Datasource-Information
- Objects
- Toolbars
- Browser
- Browser=>Classify
- Browser=>Create Header Table
- Browser=>Check Formula
- Browser=>Interpolation
- Browser=>Load Placeholder Text
- Browser=>Create New NC File
- Browser=>Options
- Browser=>Sort
- Browser=>Add Files
- Browser=>Mean Cycle
- Browser=>Filter Channel Names
- Browser=>Create Embedded Data Table
- Browser=>Convert Units
- Sequencer
- Page
- Page=>Select Master Page
- Table=>File Legend Configuration
- Table=>Dataset Legend Configuration
- Edit=>Conditional Formatting
- Condional Format Dialogbox
- UniScript-Interface
- Menus
- UniScript Manual
- 1. What is UniScript?
- 2. UniScript in Examples
- 3. UniScript FAQ
- 4. Elements of UniScript
- 5. Operators
- 6. Control Statements
- 7. Functions for Vectors and Matrices
- 8. Functions
- 9. UniScript Objects
- UniScript Functions Overview
- 1. Overview Application Object
- 2. Overview Toolbar and Statusbar
- 3. Overview netCDF File Browser
- 4. Overview Databrowser
- 5. Overview Menus
- 6. Overview Dialogboxes
- 7. Overview DDE
- 8. Overview Clipboard
- 9. Overview Editors
- 1. Overview Diagram Documents
- 2. Overview Document Pages
- 3. Overview Documents
- 1. Overview Diagrams
- 2. Overview Drawing Objects
- 3. Overview Group Object
- 4. Overview Lines and Arrows
- 5. Overview Circles and Ellipses
- 6. Overview Rectangles
- 7. Overview Table
- 8. Overview Text Objects
- 9. Overview Field Functions
- 10. Overview Pictures
- 11. Overview Videos
- 12. Overview Fonts
- 13. Overview Marker
- 14. Overview Pens
- 15. Overview Hatch
- 1. Overview Data File Informations for Datasets
- 2. Overview XY-Datasets
- 3. Overview XYZ-Datasets
- 1. Overview Programming
- 2. Overview Mathematic
- 3. Overview Map
- 4. Overview Container
- 5. Overview Date and Time
- 6. Overview Automation
- 7. Overview Objects
- 8. Overview UniScript Objects
- 9. Overview Strings
- 10. Overview Logging
- 11. Overview Lua
- 1. Overview Files
- 2. Overview Binary and Text Files
- 3. Overview Curl
- 4. Overview Excel Files
- 5. Overview MATLAB Files
- 6. Overview UPDF Files
- 7. Overview UniPlot Data Files
- 8. Overview ASAM-ODS
- 9. Overview db Interface
- 10. Overview SQLite
- 11. Overview PostgreSQL
- 12. Overview XML
- UniScript Functions
- _g
- _mem
- _s
- AbbreviatePathName
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- acot
- AddExternDocPage
- ADDIN_LoadAddIn
- akimaspline
- akimaspline2
- alias
- all
- angle
- any
- aop_closeenv
- aop_getapplinf
- aop_getattr
- aop_getinstattr
- aop_getinstref
- aop_getpar
- aop_getsecuritylevel
- aop_getval
- aop_getvalattr
- aop_getvale
- aop_getvalinf
- aop_getvalval
- aop_openenv
- aop_putval
- aop_setinstref
- aop_setpar
- aop_setpassword
- AppAddToRecentFileList
- AppCmdWndClear
- AppCmdWndClose
- AppCmdWndCopy
- AppCmdWndShow
- AppCommandTracing
- AppEventWndClear
- AppGetActiveDocument
- AppGetActiveEditor
- AppGetActivePage
- AppGetActivePrinterName
- AppGetAllPrinterNames
- AppGetBar
- AppGetBatchMode
- AppGetCommandLine
- AppGetDateFormatStrings
- AppGetFileNameSettings
- AppGetGDI
- AppGetGlobalOption
- AppGetMainWnd
- AppGetSelectedDatasets
- AppGetSelectedLayers
- AppGetSelectedXYDatasets
- AppGetSelectedXYZDatasets
- AppGetStatusBarHandle
- AppGetToolbarInfo
- AppGetUserColorTable
- AppHelp
- AppHelpOptions
- AppIsDataTooltip
- AppIsFullScreen
- AppIsPostScriptPrinter
- AppIsVisible
- AppKillTimer
- AppLoadSettings
- AppNewTimer
- AppOnCloseCallback
- AppProgressCreate
- AppProgressDestroy
- AppProgressDialog
- AppProgressStepIt
- AppQuit
- AppRunAutomated
- AppSaveSettings
- AppSendCommandMessage
- AppSetBar
- AppSetBatchMode
- AppSetDatasetDataType
- AppSetDataTooltip
- AppSetDateFormatStrings
- AppSetFullScreen
- AppSetGDI
- AppSetGlobalOption
- AppSetPrinter
- AppSetStatusBarText
- AppSetTimer
- AppSetTitle
- AppSetToolbarInfo
- AppSetUserColorTable
- AppShowTimer
- AppSleep
- asin
- asinh
- atan
- atan2
- atanh
- Attachments
- auto_AddPage
- auto_AddToUI
- auto_AssignStyleOrder
- auto_CalculateNCFormula
- auto_CloseDocument
- auto_GetData
- auto_GetFileNameDialog
- auto_ImportData
- auto_LoadCompressorMap
- auto_LoadDataset
- auto_LoadDataset_CycleIndex
- auto_LoadMatrixDataset
- auto_LoadStyleFile
- auto_LoadTemplate
- auto_PrintDocument
- auto_PrintPage
- auto_ReadNCText
- auto_ReplaceText
- auto_ReplaceTextAgain
- auto_ReplaceTextDialog
- auto_ReplaceTextFromNCFile
- auto_SaveDocumentAs
- auto_ScaleAxes
- auto_SetDatasetStyle
- auto_SetFileNameDialogInit
- auto_SetFilter
- auto_SetImportOptions
- auto_SetLegendText
- auto_SetTemplate
- auto_UpdateLegendSize
- auto_UpdatePage
- auto_xy_Add
- auto_xy_Correlate
- auto_xy_CorrelationCoefficient
- auto_xy_CreateDataset
- auto_xy_CreateErrorDataset
- auto_xy_CreateRegion
- auto_xy_Derivative
- auto_xy_Div
- auto_xy_Envelope
- auto_xy_ExtractRange
- auto_xy_GetParentHandle
- auto_xy_histogram
- auto_xy_Integral
- auto_xy_IntegralValue
- auto_xy_Interpolate
- auto_xy_LabelDataPoints
- auto_xy_LabelDataPoints_SetOptions
- auto_xy_LabelDataset
- auto_xy_LinearInterpolation
- auto_xy_Max
- auto_xy_Mean
- auto_xy_Min
- auto_xy_MinMaxValue
- auto_xy_Mult
- auto_xy_OneDown
- auto_xy_OneUp
- auto_xy_Peaks
- auto_xy_RemoveDoublePoints
- auto_xy_Scale
- auto_xy_SetStyle
- auto_xy_SetStyleAttribs
- auto_xy_Smooth
- auto_xy_SortX
- auto_xy_Spline
- auto_xy_Statistic
- auto_xy_Step
- auto_xy_Sub
- auto_xyz_Add
- auto_xyz_CreateColorLegend
- auto_xyz_CreateHull
- auto_xyz_CreateIsolines
- auto_xyz_CreatePowermap
- auto_xyz_CrossSectionXY
- auto_xyz_Div
- auto_xyz_Interpolate
- auto_xyz_Mean
- auto_xyz_Mult
- auto_xyz_RelDiv
- auto_xyz_SetIsolineStyle
- auto_xyz_SetStyle
- auto_xyz_Statistic
- auto_xyz_Sub
- AutoScaleLin
- AutoScaleLog
- base64_decode
- base64_encode
- besseli
- besselj
- binary_decode
- binary_encode
- bit_and
- bit_get
- bit_lshift
- bit_not
- bit_or
- bit_rshift
- bit_set
- bit_xor
- Browser_DblClickCallback
- Browser_DropCallback
- Browser_EditCallback
- Browser_FileChangeCallback
- Browser_FileClickCallback
- Browser_GetControlSelection
- Browser_GetDataFile
- Browser_IsVisible
- Browser_LoadCallback
- Browser_Replot
- Browser_SetControlData
- Browser_SetControlSelection
- Browser_SetDataFile
- Browser_Show
- Browser_SortCallback
- call
- cast
- CBAddObjects
- CBCreate
- CBDestroy
- CBGetAllObjects
- CBRemoveAllObjects
- CBUpdate
- ceil
- ch
- clear
- clipboard_enum
- clipboard_format_name
- clipboard_get_data
- clipboard_is
- ClipboardToField
- CnAdd
- CnCreate
- CnDestroy
- CnGetAt
- CnGetSize
- CnInsertAt
- CnLoad
- CnPrint
- CnRemoveAt
- CnSave
- CnSetAt
- ColorScale_dialog
- ColorScale_GetColors
- ColorScale_GetNames
- ComboAddString
- ComboGetString
- ComboResetContent
- ComboSelectString
- ComparePath
- CompressFile
- cond
- config
- conj
- conv
- ConvertToVariant
- CopyFile
- corrcoef
- cos
- cosh
- cov
- CreateListBoxText
- CreateObject
- CreateObjectEmbedded
- cumprod
- cumsum
- curl_download
- curl_easy_cleanup
- curl_easy_init
- curl_easy_perform
- curl_easy_setopt
- curl_easy_strerror
- curl_version
- date
- DdeAdvise
- DdeCallback_Advise
- DdeCallback_Connect
- DdeCallback_ConnectConfirm
- DdeCallback_Disconnect
- DdeCallback_Execute
- DdeCallback_Poke
- DdeCallback_Request
- DdeExecute
- DdeInitiate
- DdeServiceName
- DdePoke
- DdeRequest
- DdeTerminate
- DdeTerminateAll
- DebugBreak
- DeCompressFile
- deconv
- DeleteFile
- det
- detect_peaks
- diag
- DialogBox
- diary
- diff
- DocAddEmptyPages
- DocAddPage
- DocCanPaste
- DocCopyPage
- DocCreate
- DocDestroy
- DocExchangeDataFiles
- DocFindTaggedObject
- DocGetActivePage
- DocGetAllPages
- DocGetDataFileList
- DocGetFileType
- DocGetLoadCallback
- DocGetPageCount
- DocGetPageHandle
- DocGetPageNames
- DocGetPageNumber
- DocGetPathName
- DocGetProtectionComment
- DocGetProtectionFlags
- DocGetScript
- DocGetSummaryInfo
- DocGetTitle
- DocGetUserData
- DocHasAttachments
- DocInsertPage
- DocInsertToc
- DocIsModified
- DocIsReadOnly
- DocIsVisible
- DocLoadPage
- DocPrint
- DocPrintPDF
- DocSave
- DocSaveModified
- DocSelectPage
- DocSetDataFileList
- DocSetLoadCallback
- DocSetModifiedFlag
- DocSetPathName
- DocSetProtectionFlags
- DocSetReadOnly
- DocSetScript
- DocSetSummaryInfo
- DocSetTitle
- DocSetUserData
- DocShow
- Document.Application
- Document.Handle
- DokumentSeiteZufuegen
- DS_FindNCFile
- DS_GetKeys
- DS_GetNCFileName
- DS_GetOriginFileName
- DS_GetValue
- DS_RemoveValue
- DS_SetDataSource
- DS_SetValue
- DT_Format
- DT_GetCurrentTime
- DT_GetDay
- DT_GetDayOfWeek
- DT_GetDayOfYear
- DT_GetHour
- DT_GetMinute
- DT_GetMonth
- DT_GetSecond
- DT_GetTimeZoneOffsets
- DT_GetYear
- DT_ParseDateTime
- DT_SetDate
- DT_SetDateTime
- DT_SetLocale
- DT_SetTime
- DT_UnixTime
- EBCreate
- EBDestroy
- EBGetProps
- EBSetProps
- EdCanPaste
- EdCanUndo
- EdClear
- EdCopy
- EdCreate
- EdCut
- EdDestroy
- EdEmptyUndoBuffer
- EdFind
- EdFindReplace
- EdFoldAll
- EdGetActivePane
- EdGetCurrentPos
- EdGetCursorPos
- EdGetEncoding
- EdGetLexer
- EdGetLine
- EdGetLineCount
- EdGetLineFromPos
- EdGetLineLen
- EdGetMarginType
- EdGetModify
- EdGetPathName
- EdGetPosFromLine
- EdGetSel
- EdGetSelectedText
- EdGetSplit
- EdGetTabStops
- EdGetText
- EdGetWnd
- EdGotoPos
- EdIsReadOnly
- EdLimitText
- EdLineScroll
- EdPaste
- EdPrint
- EdReplaceSel
- EdSave
- EdSaveModified
- EdSetActivePane
- EdSetEncoding
- EdSetLexer
- EdSetMarginType
- EdSetModify
- EdSetPathName
- EdSetReadOnly
- EdSetSel
- EdSetSplit
- EdSetTabStops
- EdSetText
- EdShow
- EdToggleFolding
- EdUndo
- eig
- EmptyClipboard
- erf
- error
- error_create
- eval
- eval_file
- evalp
- evalp_file
- Event_Error
- Event_Information
- Event_Warning
- excel_close
- excel_create
- excel_get_sheetnames
- excel_get_style_index
- excel_get_style_map
- excel_open
- excel_sheet_close
- excel_sheet_create
- excel_sheet_get_row_num
- excel_sheet_get_row_str
- excel_sheet_get_row_style
- excel_sheet_get_row_type
- excel_sheet_get_row_type2
- excel_sheet_get_rows
- excel_sheet_get_size
- excel_sheet_open
- excel_sheet_put_rows
- ExcelGetSheetNames
- ExcelRead
- ExcelRead2
- ExcelRead3
- ExcelReadEx
- ExcelWrite
- ExcelWriteEx
- exp
- exptok
- eye
- fclearerror
- fclose
- fcloseall
- FE_GetFormulaDirectory
- FE_SetFormulaDirectory
- FE_UpdateNCFile
- feof
- ferror
- @f{3dlegend}
- @f{_a}
- @f{ansi}
- @f{area}
- @f{channelname}
- @f{copytextcolortocurve}
- @f{createdate}
- @f{cursor_value}
- @f{datafilenames}
- @f{datasetfilter}
- @f{date}
- @f{documentname}
- @f{excel_data}
- @f{file}
- @f{labeldatapoint}
- @f{labeldataset}
- @f{labelsinglepoint}
- @f{lastprintdate}
- @f{lastsavedate}
- @f{latex}
- @f{legend}
- @f{legend_table}
- @f{legendchannel}
- @f{legendfile}
- @f{legendstyle}
- @f{legendtext}
- @f{linkaxisscale}
- @f{magnify}
- @f{marker}
- @f{ncattfromdata}
- @f{ncattribute}
- @f{ncvaluefromdata}
- @f{pagename}
- @f{pagenumber}
- @f{revnum}
- @f{runtimevalue}
- @f{scaleaxis}
- @f{summaryinfo}
- @f{symbol}
- @f{time}
- @f{update3dcolorlegend}
- @f{update3dcolorlegendtable}
- @f{xyinterpol}
- @f{xyminmax}
- @f{xystatistic}
- @f{xystatvalue}
- @f{xyvalue}
- @f{xyzstatistic}
- @f{xyzstatvalue}
- @f{xyzvolume}
- ffind
- fflush
- fft
- fgetlen
- fgetline
- FileToField
- FileWatchAdd
- FileWatchRemove
- find
- FindFiles
- findfirst
- finite
- floor
- FontCreate
- FontDestroy
- FontDialog
- FontGetAngle
- FontGetColorRGB
- FontGetFaceName
- FontGetHeight
- FontGetPitchAndFamily
- FontGetProps
- FontGetWeight
- FontIsItalic
- FontIsStrikeOut
- FontIsUnderline
- FontItalic
- FontSetAngle
- FontSetColorRGB
- FontSetFaceName
- FontSetHeight
- FontSetPitchAndFamily
- FontSetProps
- FontSetWeight
- FontStrikeOut
- FontUnderline
- fopen
- format
- format_number
- fprintf
- fread
- fround
- FS_GetDriveType
- FS_GetFileSystemList
- FS_GetFreeSpace
- FS_GetTotalSpace
- FS_MakeDirectory
- FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create
- FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Destroy
- FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get
- fseek
- fsetlen
- fshow
- fspline
- fspline2
- ftell
- ftf_close
- ftf_get_row_num
- ftf_get_row_str
- ftf_get_row_type
- ftf_get_rows
- ftf_get_size
- ftf_open
- ftf_rewind
- fwrite
- G_ConfigureLine
- g_graph
- gc
- Get3DConfigDialog
- Get3DViewDialog
- get_language
- get_math_lib
- get_ncid
- get_prototype
- GetAllDocuments
- getargs
- GetBrushDialog
- GetClipboardObject
- GetClipboardText
- GetColorDialog
- GetColorGradientDialog
- GetCommandLine
- GetDataInfo
- GetDirectory
- GetDirectoryDialog
- GetDirectoryWriteAccess
- GetDropFileNames
- getenv
- GetExceptionCode
- GetExceptionInfo
- GetExceptionString
- GetFileAttributes
- GetFileSize
- GetFileTime
- GetFileWriteAccess
- GetListBoxText
- GetLocaleInfo
- GetLocalTime
- GetObject
- GetOpenFileName
- GetOpenFileName
- GetParent
- GetProfileInt
- GetProfileInt_Policy
- GetProfileSection
- GetProfileSectionNames
- GetProfileString
- GetProfileString_Policy
- GetRootDirectory
- gets
- GetSaveFileName
- GetTempFileName
- GetTempPath
- GetTickCount
- GetUNCPath
- GetUserDirectory
- GetWindowsDirectory
- GetWindowsVersion
- GridCanRedo
- GridCanUndo
- GridCloseNCID
- griddata
- GridEmptyUndoRedoList
- GridFreezeCols
- GridGetColCount
- GridGetConfigInfo
- GridGetFrozenCols
- GridGetLeftCol
- GridGetNCID
- GridGetReadOnly
- GridGetRecordCount
- GridGetRedoString
- GridGetSelectedCols
- GridGetSelectedRows
- GridGetSelection
- GridGetSettings
- GridGetSwapRowCol
- GridGetTopRow
- GridGetUndoString
- GridGetVarids
- GridLoadCallback_xxx
- GridLoadEnableCallback_xxx
- GridRedo
- GridReplaceFile
- GridSetConfigInfo
- GridSetLeftCol
- GridSetSelection
- GridSetSettings
- GridSetSwapRowCol
- GridSetTopRow
- GridSetValues
- GridUndo
- GridUpdate
- HatchCreate
- HatchDestroy
- HatchGetColor
- HatchGetDistance
- HatchGetOffset
- HatchGetStyle
- HatchGetWidth
- HatchSetColor
- HatchSetDistance
- HatchSetOffset
- HatchSetStyle
- HatchSetWidth
- hilb
- histc
- histogram
- ifft
- imag
- ImageCreate
- ImageDestroy
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetFileName
- ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetLinkType
- ImageGetOrgSize
- ImageGetPixelColor
- ImageGetPixelGray
- ImageGetProps
- ImageGetType
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageIsFrame
- ImageMirror
- ImageRotate90
- ImageSaveAs
- ImageSetFileName
- ImageSetFrameWidthAndColor
- ImageSetLinkType
- ImageSetPixelColor
- ImageSetPixelGray
- ImageSetProps
- ImageShowFrame
- ImageUpdate
- inf
- int
- integral
- interpol
- interpol2
- inv
- invhilb
- IpwInfo
- ipz_pack
- iscolvector
- iscomplex
- IsDirectory
- IsFileExcel
- IsFileExcelUTX
- IsFileIPW
- IsFileLotus
- IsFilenetCDF
- IsFileText
- isfinite
- IsFunctionLoaded
- isinf
- isint
- ismatrix
- isnan
- isreal
- isrowvector
- isscalar
- isstring
- isvector
- LayerAddCursorColumnNames
- LayerAddDataset
- LayerAddObjects
- LayerAutoScale
- LayerCanHaveData
- LayerCMtoWC
- LayerCreate
- LayerCreateMetaFromFile
- LayerDestroy
- LayerGet3DBoxRatio
- LayerGet3DView
- LayerGet3DViewType
- LayerGetAllDatasets
- LayerGetAllObjects
- LayerGetAutoScale
- LayerGetAxesAttribs
- LayerGetAxisDateFormat
- LayerGetAxisLabel
- LayerGetAxisLabelFont
- LayerGetAxisLabelFormat
- LayerGetAxisLink
- LayerGetAxisLinkName
- LayerGetAxisMajorTickLen
- LayerGetAxisMajorTickWidth
- LayerGetAxisMinMaxDelta
- LayerGetAxisMinorTickLen
- LayerGetAxisMinorTickWidth
- LayerGetAxisNTicks
- LayerGetAxisPen
- LayerGetAxisPosition
- LayerGetAxisRelPosition
- LayerGetAxisScale
- LayerGetAxisTB
- LayerGetAxisTextPosSize
- LayerGetAxisTickPos
- LayerGetAxisTitle
- LayerGetAxisTitleFont
- LayerGetAxisTitleOffset
- LayerGetAxisUserLabel
- LayerGetAxisUserLabelAttribs
- LayerGetBoundingBox
- LayerGetCategoryGapWidth
- LayerGetCategoryOverlap
- LayerGetClip
- LayerGetCursorAttrib
- LayerGetCursorPen
- LayerGetCursorPosition
- LayerGetDiagramType
- LayerGetFirstLabel
- LayerGetLabelNum
- LayerGetLastLabel
- LayerGetLink
- LayerGetMajorGridPen
- LayerGetMinMaxLinePen
- LayerGetMinorGridPen
- LayerGetParentPage
- LayerGetPolarConfig
- LayerGetProps
- LayerGetSelectedDataset
- LayerGetSelectedDatasets
- LayerGetSelectedObjects
- LayerGetWaterfallAttrib
- LayerGetWaterfallLabelFreq
- LayerGetWaterfallLabelType
- LayerGetWaterfallOffset
- LayerIs3D
- LayerIs3DAxisLabelAlignHorz
- LayerIs3DBox
- LayerIsAxisDescending
- LayerIsAxisLabel
- LayerIsAxisTitle
- LayerIsAxisTitleAutoPos
- LayerIsAxisTitleFreePos
- LayerIsCursor
- LayerIsFirstLabel
- LayerIsLabelNumEnabled
- LayerIsLastLabel
- LayerIsMajorGrid
- LayerIsMaxLine
- LayerIsMinLine
- LayerIsMinorGrid
- LayerMoveDataset
- LayerMoveObjects
- LayerSet3D
- LayerSet3DAxisLabelAlignHorz
- LayerSet3DBoxRatio
- LayerSet3DShowBox
- LayerSet3DView
- LayerSet3DViewType
- LayerSetAutoScale
- LayerSetAxesAttribs
- LayerSetAxisDateFormat
- LayerSetAxisDescending
- LayerSetAxisLabel
- LayerSetAxisLabelFont
- LayerSetAxisLabelFormat
- LayerSetAxisLink
- LayerSetAxisLinkName
- LayerSetAxisMajorTickLen
- LayerSetAxisMajorTickWidth
- LayerSetAxisMinMaxDelta
- LayerSetAxisMinorTickLen
- LayerSetAxisMinorTickWidth
- LayerSetAxisNTicks
- LayerSetAxisPen
- LayerSetAxisPosition
- LayerSetAxisRelPosition
- LayerSetAxisScale
- LayerSetAxisTB
- LayerSetAxisTickPos
- LayerSetAxisTitle
- LayerSetAxisTitleAutoPos
- LayerSetAxisTitleFont
- LayerSetAxisTitleFreePos
- LayerSetAxisTitleOffset
- LayerSetAxisUserLabel
- LayerSetAxisUserLabelAttribs
- LayerSetCategoryGapWidth
- LayerSetCategoryOverlap
- LayerSetClip
- LayerSetCursorAttrib
- LayerSetCursorColumnData
- LayerSetCursorPen
- LayerSetCursorPosition
- LayerSetDiagramType
- LayerSetFirstLabel
- LayerSetFixedLabelNum
- LayerSetGridPen
- LayerSetLabelNum
- LayerSetLastLabel
- LayerSetLink
- LayerSetMinMaxLinePen
- LayerSetPolarConfig
- LayerSetProps
- LayerSetWaterfallAttrib
- LayerSetWaterfallLabelFreq
- LayerSetWaterfallLabelType
- LayerSetWaterfallOffset
- LayerShowAxisLabel
- LayerShowAxisTitle
- LayerShowCursor
- LayerShowFirstLabel
- LayerShowGrid
- LayerShowLastLabel
- LayerShowMinMaxLine
- LayerUpdateDocumentMap
- LayerWCtoCM
- LBCreate
- LBDestroy
- LBGetArrowLength
- LBGetArrowWidth
- LBGetP1P2
- LBGetProps
- LBIsEndArrow
- LBIsStartArrow
- LBSetArrowLength
- LBSetArrowWidth
- LBSetEndArrow
- LBSetP1P2
- LBSetProps
- LBSetStartArrow
- len
- LibMain
- linspace
- lltostr
- load
- loadiclib
- loadlib
- log
- log10
- log_add_logger
- log_error
- log_get_filename
- log_get_level
- log_get_logger_names
- log_is_active
- log_set_active
- log_set_filename
- log_set_level
- logspace
- LotusRead
- ltostr
- lua_call
- lua_eval
- lua_get
- lua_require
- lua_set
- lua_str
- lua_string
- lua_type
- MakeFullPath
- MakePath
- MapCopy
- MapCreate
- MapDestroy
- MapGetCount
- MapGetKeys
- MapInitHashTable
- MapKeyExists
- MapLoad
- MapLookup
- MapPrint
- MapRemoveAt
- MapSave
- MapSetAt
- MarkerCreate
- MarkerDestroy
- MarkerDialog
- MarkerGetEdgeColor
- MarkerGetEdgeWidth
- MarkerGetFillColor
- MarkerGetSize
- MarkerGetStyle
- MarkerGetTransparent
- MarkerSetEdgeColor
- MarkerSetEdgeWidth
- MarkerSetFillColor
- MarkerSetSize
- MarkerSetStyle
- MarkerSetTransparent
- matlab_load
- matlab_save
- max
- maxi
- md5
- md5_file
- mean
- mem_alloc
- mem_compare
- mem_compress
- mem_dump
- mem_get
- mem_len
- mem_pack
- mem_set
- mem_uncompress
- mem_unpack
- MenuCreatePopup
- MenuDisplayContextMenu
- MenuGetMap
- MenuGetPopup
- MenuInsertCommands
- merge
- meshdom
- MessageBeep
- MessageBox
- MessageBoxError
- MessageBoxInfo
- MessageBoxQuestionYesNo
- MessageBoxQuestionYesNoCancel
- MessageBoxWarning
- min
- mini
- MnAppend
- MnDrawMenuBar
- MnGetNewCommandID
- MnGetStrings
- MnInsert
- MnInsertPopup
- MnRemove
- MnSetChecked
- MnSetCommand
- MoveFile
- moving_average
- moving_median
- MySQL, MariaDB
- nan
- nargsin
- nargsout
- nc
- nc_abort
- NC_AddFiles
- nc_attcopy
- nc_attdelete
- nc_attget
- nc_attinq_datatype
- nc_attinq_len
- nc_attname
- nc_attput
- nc_attrename
- NC_Classify
- nc_close
- nc_convert_units
- nc_copy
- nc_create
- NC_CreateMeanCycleFile
- NC_CreateSampleReduction
- NC_DeleteFilteredRecords
- nc_dimdef
- nc_dimid
- nc_diminq_name
- nc_diminq_size
- nc_dimredim
- nc_dimrename
- NC_DlgGetFileName
- NC_Edit
- nc_endef
- NC_ExportData
- nc_fatal_error
- nc_filename
- nc_from_obj
- nc_get_enum_values
- nc_get_option
- NC_GetVarAttribs
- NC_GetVarNames
- nc_inquire_format
- nc_inquire_mode
- nc_inquire_ndims
- nc_inquire_ngatts
- nc_inquire_nvars
- nc_inquire_recdim
- NC_Interpolation
- nc_last_error
- nc_makevalidname
- NC_MapInterpolation
- NC_MergeFiles
- nc_open
- NC_plotcategory
- nc_redef
- nc_set_option
- nc_seterror_options
- nc_setfill
- nc_str_error
- nc_sync
- NC_SynchronizeTime
- NC_TimeInterpolation
- nc_to_obj
- nc_varcopy
- nc_vardef
- nc_vardelete
- nc_varget
- nc_varget_missing
- nc_varid
- nc_varinq_changed
- nc_varinq_datatype
- nc_varinq_dimids
- nc_varinq_info
- nc_varinq_name
- nc_varinq_natts
- nc_varput
- nc_varput_missing
- nc_varput_text
- nc_varrename
- nc_varsearch
- nmaxargs
- nonlin
- norm
- nr
- obj_copy
- obj_count
- obj_count_num
- obj_count_str
- obj_create
- obj_has_key
- obj_info
- obj_keys
- obj_load
- obj_lookup
- obj_methods
- obj_parent
- obj_remove
- obj_save
- obj_set_at
- obj_set_methods
- obj_set_parent
- obj_set_str_return
- ObjBeginEnum
- ObjCopy
- ObjCreate
- ObjCreateXML
- ObjDestroy
- ObjGet
- OBJGetBkMode
- OBJGetCallbackFunction
- ObjGetClass
- OBJGetColorGradient
- OBJGetFillMode
- ObjGetFirst
- OBJGetMap
- OBJGetMapNames
- ObjGetName
- ObjGetNext
- ObjGetOk
- OBJGetParentCB
- OBJGetPen
- OBJGetPosSize
- ObjGetProps
- OBJGetProtect
- OBJGetRadius
- OBJGetRect
- OBJGetRefPointWC
- OBJGetShadowWidth
- OBJGetSolidColor
- ObjGetTags
- ObjGetUserData
- OBJGetVisible
- ObjGetXML
- OBJIsEdge
- OBJIsRoundRect
- OBJIsSelected
- OBJIsShadow
- OBJRemoveCallbackFunction
- OBJRemoveMap
- ObjSaveUserData
- ObjSet
- OBJSetBkMode
- OBJSetCallbackFunction
- OBJSetColorGradient
- OBJSetEdge
- OBJSetFillMode
- OBJSetMap
- ObjSetName
- OBJSetPen
- OBJSetPosSize
- ObjSetProps
- OBJSetProtect
- OBJSetRadius
- OBJSetRect
- OBJSetRefPoint
- OBJSetRefPointWC
- OBJSetRoundRect
- OBJSetSelect
- OBJSetShadow
- OBJSetShadowWidth
- OBJSetSolidColor
- ObjSetTags
- OBJSetUsePosWC
- ObjSetUserData
- OBJSetVisible
- ObjShow
- ode
- OLEDoVerb
- OLESavePicture
- OLESaveToFile
- OnCommand
- OnCommandUI
- ones
- OnGridKeyDown
- OnImportUpdateNCFile
- option_add
- option_dialog
- p7z_libversion
- p7z_list
- p7z_unzip
- p7z_unzip_buffer
- p7z_zip
- PageAddLayer
- PageCanRedo
- PageCanUndo
- PageCopyToClipboard
- PageCreate
- PageDestroy
- PageEmptyUndoBuffer
- PageGetAllDataLayers
- PageGetAllDatasets
- PageGetAllLayers
- PageGetAllObjects
- PageGetAllSelectedDatasets
- PageGetAllSelectedLayers
- PageGetAttrib
- PageGetBackgroundPageName
- PageGetBoundingRect
- PageGetDatasetHandle
- PageGetForegroundPageName
- PageGetLayerHandle
- PageGetMargin
- PageGetObjectHandle
- PageGetOrientation
- PageGetPaperSize
- PageGetParentDocument
- PageGetSelectedDataLayer
- PageGetSelectedLayer
- PageGetSize
- PageGetTabColor
- PageGetTitle
- PageGetUndoBufferSize
- PageInsertFromClipboard
- PageMove
- PagePaste
- PagePasteSpecial
- PagePasteSpecialDialog
- PagePrint
- PageRedo
- PageReplot
- PageSaveAsBitmap
- PageSaveAsBitmapEx
- PageSaveAsMetafile
- PageSendLayerToPos
- PageSendToPowerPoint
- PageSetAttrib
- PageSetBackgroundPageName
- PageSetForegroundPageName
- PageSetMargin
- PageSetOrientation
- PageSetSize
- PageSetTabColor
- PageSetTitle
- PageSetUndoBufferSize
- PageUndo
- PageUndoEnd
- PageUndoStart
- PageUpdateAxisLink
- PageUpdateFields
- path_normalize
- PenCreate
- PenDestroy
- PenDialog
- PenGetColor
- PenGetStyle
- PenGetWidth
- PenSetColor
- PenSetStyle
- PenSetWidth
- pie
- pie_get_props
- pie_set_props
- pinv
- plot
- plotcategory
- plotxyz
- poly_hull
- poly_is_point_in_polygon
- poly_line_clip
- poly_poly_clip
- poly_poly_intersect
- poly_simplify
- poly_triangulate
- polyarea
- polyfit
- polyval
- pq_connectdb
- pq_error_message
- pq_escape_bytea
- pq_escape_string
- pq_exec
- pq_finish
- pq_fname
- pq_getvalue
- pq_nfields
- pq_ntuples
- pq_result_error_message
- pq_result_status
- pq_server_version
- pq_status
- pq_unescape_bytea
- printf
- process_get_names
- process_kill_by_name
- prod
- profiler_start
- profiler_stop
- pspline
- putenv
- quantile
- QV_MainProg
- RadioControl_Group
- Rainflow_Batch
- rand
- RBCreate
- RBDestroy
- RBGetProps
- RBSetMillimeter
- RBSetMillimeterEx
- RBSetProps
- real
- reduce3d
- RegConnect
- RegCreate
- RegCurComputer
- RegCurKey
- RegCurReg
- RegDelete
- RegEnumerateKeys
- RegEnumerateValues
- regex
- RegGetValue
- RegisterCommand
- RegisterFunction
- registry_load
- registry_save
- RegOpen
- RegSetValue
- regsplit
- remove
- RemoveDirectory
- ReportControl_GetColorNames
- ReportControl_GetColorRGB
- ReportControl_GetInit
- ReportControl_GetLineStyle
- ReportControl_GetLineStyleNames
- ReportControl_GetMarkerStyle
- ReportControl_GetMarkerStyleNames
- ReportControl_GetMatrix
- ReportControl_GetStyleNames
- ReportControl_GetStyles
- ReportControl_RemoveSelection
- ReportControl_SelUpOrDown
- ReportControl_Sort
- reshape
- round
- Round
- RoundDown
- RoundUp
- rpc_clnt_create
- rpc_clnt_destroy
- rspline
- rspline2
- saveiclib
- search_path
- Seq_AbortSequence
- Seq_GetGlobalObj
- Seq_GetRuntimeValue
- Seq_GetSlotPath
- Seq_GetWorkspacePath
- Seq_RunSequence
- Seq_SetRuntimeValue
- Seq_SetSlotPath
- Seq_SwitchWorkspace
- set_ch
- set_math_lib
- set_method_table
- SetClipboardObject
- SetClipboardText
- SetDataInfo
- SetDlgParentWnd
- SetFileAttributes
- SetFileTime
- SetzeKurvenStil
- SetzeLegendenText
- sgolayfilt
- Shell_CreateShortcut
- Shell_DeleteShortcut
- Shell_GetShortcut
- Shell_GetSpecialFolder
- Shell_IsShortcut
- ShellExecute
- ShowWaitCursor
- sin
- sinh
- size
- smooth2
- smprintf
- solve
- sort
- sorti
- source
- spline2
- SplitPath
- SplitPlaceholder
- sprintf
- sqlite3_busy_timeout
- sqlite3_close
- sqlite3_execute
- sqlite3_last_insert_rowid
- sqlite3_libencoding
- sqlite3_libversion
- sqlite3_open
- sqlite_busy_timeout
- sqlite_close
- sqlite_execute
- sqlite_last_insert_rowid
- sqlite_libencoding
- sqlite_libversion
- sqlite_open
- sqrt
- srand
- ST_complement
- ST_intersection
- ST_intersectioni
- ST_set
- ST_seti
- ST_union
- stack
- std
- strcat
- strchar
- strCharToOem
- strcode
- strempty
- strextract
- strfind
- strfindreplace
- StringToField
- strlen
- strlower
- strmatch
- strmatchi
- strOemToChar
- strremove
- strsplit
- strspn
- strtod
- strtok
- strtol
- strtoseq
- strtoull
- strtrim
- strupper
- sum
- svd
- symbols
- SynEdCreate
- SynEdFind
- SynEdFindText
- SynEdFoldAll
- SynEdGetMarginType
- SynEdSetMarginType
- SynEdToggleFolding
- system
- TableAddBrush
- TableAddFont
- TableAddFormat
- TableAddPen
- TableCreate
- TableDeleteColumn
- TableDeleteRow
- TableDestroy
- TableGetAlign
- TableGetAttrib
- TableGetBorderPenIndex
- TableGetBrushIndex
- TableGetBrushList
- TableGetColumnWidth
- TableGetEdgeDistance
- TableGetFontIndex
- TableGetFontList
- TableGetFormatIndex
- TableGetFormatList
- TableGetMergedCells
- TableGetName
- TableGetPenList
- TableGetProps
- TableGetRowHeight
- TableGetSelection
- TableGetSize
- TableGetText
- TableGetTextAngle
- TableGetTextExt
- TableInsertColumn
- TableInsertRow
- TableIsCellMerged
- TableIsPlaceholderDialogUsed
- TableMergeCells
- TableRedo
- TableSetAlign
- TableSetAttrib
- TableSetBorderPenIndex
- TableSetBrushIndex
- TableSetColumnWidth
- TableSetEdgeDistance
- TableSetFontIndex
- TableSetFormatIndex
- TableSetName
- TableSetProps
- TableSetRowHeight
- TableSetSelection
- TableSetSize
- TableSetText
- TableSetTextAngle
- TableUndoEnd
- TableUndoStart
- TableUnMergeCell
- TableUsePlaceholderDialog
- tan
- tanh
- TBConfigDialog
- TBCreate
- TBDestroy
- TBGetAlignHorz
- TBGetAlignVert
- TBGetAngle
- TBGetEdgeDistance
- TBGetFont
- TBGetProps
- TBGetRefPoint
- TBGetText
- TBGetTextExtend
- TBIsAutoSize
- TBIsClipText
- TBIsWordWrap
- TBSetAlignHorz
- TBSetAlignVert
- TBSetAngle
- TBSetAutoSize
- TBSetClipText
- TBSetDefault
- TBSetEdgeDistance
- TBSetFont
- TBSetProps
- TBSetRefPoint
- TBSetText
- TBSetWordWrap
- text_file_read
- text_file_write
- tic
- time
- toc
- TYAddData
- TYCreate
- TYGetMinAndDelta
- type
- TYSetData
- TYSetMinAndDelta
- UniPlot.Call
- UniPlot.Call2
- UniPlot.Caption
- UniPlot.Height
- UniPlot.Left
- UniPlot.Top
- UniPlot.Visible
- UniPlot.Width
- UniScript.Call
- UniScript.Call2
- UniScript.Load
- units
- units_get_other_units
- units_get_preferred_unit
- units_get_scale
- units_get_si_unit
- updf_close_storage
- updf_commit
- updf_copy_to
- updf_create_file
- updf_create_storage
- updf_create_stream
- updf_destroy_element
- updf_dump
- updf_enum_begin
- updf_enum_close
- updf_enum_next
- updf_file_close
- updf_file_copy_to
- updf_fileversion
- updf_gen
- updf_get_cmode
- updf_get_error_string
- updf_get_filetimes
- updf_get_free_pages
- updf_get_parent
- updf_is_error
- updf_libversion
- updf_move_element
- updf_open_file
- updf_open_storage
- updf_open_stream
- updf_prop_close
- updf_prop_copy_to
- updf_prop_count
- updf_prop_delete
- updf_prop_enum
- updf_prop_enum_close
- updf_prop_enum_next
- updf_prop_get_at
- updf_prop_has_key
- updf_prop_open
- updf_prop_set_at
- updf_propval_get
- updf_propval_get_info
- updf_propval_new
- updf_rename_element
- updf_revert
- updf_set_filetimes
- updf_stat_get_len
- updf_stat_get_name
- updf_stat_get_type
- upfirdn
- us_lock
- us_path
- us_set_breakpoint
- us_get_breakpoints
- us_remove_breakpoints
- UserBar_Add
- utf8_decode
- utf8_encode
- utf8_len
- utf_from_locale
- utf_to_locale
- uuid
- VariantConvert
- VariantGetType
- vcast
- vconvert
- version
- VideoActivate
- VideoCommand
- VideoCreate
- VideoDestroy
- VideoGetFileName
- VideoGetStartPos
- VideoIsActivated
- VideoIsCallback
- VideoIsPlaybar
- VideoSetCallback
- VideoSetFileName
- VideoSetStartPos
- VideoShowPlaybar
- VideoSnapshot
- vmatrix
- vtype
- what
- who
- whos
- WriteProfileInt
- WriteProfileString
- XLSREPORT_CreateFromTemplate
- XML_ErrorString
- xml_esc
- XML_ExpatVersion
- XML_GetCurrentByteCount
- XML_GetCurrentByteIndex
- XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber
- XML_GetCurrentLineNumber
- XML_GetErrorCode
- XML_GetUserData
- XML_Parse
- xml_parse_string
- XML_ParserCreate
- XML_ParserFree
- xml_save_node
- XML_SetCharacterDataHandler
- XML_SetCommentHandler
- XML_SetDefaultHandler
- XML_SetElementHandler
- XML_SetEndElementHandler
- XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler
- XML_SetStartElementHandler
- XML_SetUserData
- xml_simple
- XYAddData
- XYClip
- XYConfigDlg
- XYCopy
- XYCopyConfig
- XYCreate
- XYDestroy
- XYFind
- XYGetBarAttrib
- XYGetBarEdgePen
- XYGetBarFillColor
- XYGetBarHatch
- XYGetBarLabelFont
- XYGetBarLabelFormat
- XYGetBarLabelPos
- XYGetBarWidthPos
- XYGetData
- XYGetDataSource
- XYGetDataType
- XYGetDropPen
- XYGetDropValue
- XYGetErrorbarConfig
- XYGetErrorData
- XYGetFillColor
- XYGetFilterFunctions
- XYGetFirstPoint
- XYGetGetOrgDataFlag
- XYGetHatch
- XYGetLegendText
- XYGetMarker
- XYGetMarkerFrequence
- XYGetNumberOfPoints
- XYGetPen
- XYGetProps
- XYGetScaleOffset
- XYGetStacked
- XYGetStyle
- XYGetXMonoton
- XYGetXRange
- XYGetYRange
- XYIsBarLabel
- XYIsBarVisible
- XYIsDropLineVisible
- XYIsFillVisible
- XYIsFilterUsed
- XYIsHatchVisible
- XYIsLegendTextProtected
- XYIsLineVisible
- XYIsMarkerOrgData
- XYIsMarkerVisible
- XYIsMonoton
- XYIsPolygonClosed
- XYIsSelected
- XYIsSpline
- XYIsTYDataset
- XYIsVisible
- XYProtectLegendText
- XYReload
- XYSetBarAttrib
- XYSetBarEdgePen
- XYSetBarFillColor
- XYSetBarHatch
- XYSetBarLabelFont
- XYSetBarLabelFormat
- XYSetBarLabelPos
- XYSetBarWidthPos
- XYSetClosedPolygon
- XYSetData
- XYSetDataSource
- XYSetDataType
- XYSetDefault
- XYSetDropPen
- XYSetDropValue
- XYSetErrorbarConfig
- XYSetErrorData
- XYSetFillColor
- XYSetFilterFunctions
- XYSetFirstPoint
- XYSetGetOrgDataFlag
- XYSetHatch
- XYSetLegendText
- XYSetMarker
- XYSetMarkerFrequence
- XYSetNewData
- XYSetPen
- XYSetProps
- XYSetScaleOffset
- XYSetSelect
- XYSetSpline
- XYSetStacked
- XYSetStyle
- XYShow
- XYShowBar
- XYShowBarLabel
- XYShowDropLine
- XYShowFill
- XYShowHatch
- XYShowLine
- XYShowMarker
- XYShowMarkerOrgData
- XYThresholdCreate
- XYUpdate
- XYUseFilter
- XYZAddIsoValues
- XYZConfigDlg
- XYZCopy
- XYZCopyConfig
- XYZCreate
- XYZCreateFromMatrix
- XYZDeleteIsoValues
- XYZDeleteLabel
- XYZDeleteLinesInRect
- XYZDestroy
- XYZEnableColorMap
- XYZFilterCallback
- XYZGet3DInsideColor
- XYZGet3DInsidePen
- XYZGet3DOutsideColor
- XYZGet3DOutsideHull
- XYZGet3DOutsidePen
- XYZGet3DScatterBarWidth
- XYZGet3DSurfaceAttrib
- XYZGet3DSurfaceType
- XYZGet3DZBaseValue
- XYZGetAutoScaleValues
- XYZGetBubbleAttribute
- XYZGetBubbleScaleValues
- XYZGetBubbleSize
- XYZGetColorMap
- XYZGetColorMatrixAttrib
- XYZGetColorMatrixPen
- XYZGetData
- XYZGetDataSource
- XYZGetFillColors
- XYZGetFillMinColor
- XYZGetHullData
- XYZGetHullLabelDistance
- XYZGetHullPen
- XYZGetHullType
- XYZGetInsideMatrix
- XYZGetInterDensity
- XYZGetInterpolationType
- XYZGetInterpolZValues
- XYZGetInterSmoothFactor
- XYZGetIsoAreas
- XYZGetIsoLabelFont
- XYZGetIsoline
- XYZGetIsoValues
- XYZGetIsoValuesScaleType
- XYZGetLabelFormat
- XYZGetLabelFormatType
- XYZGetLabelOrientation
- XYZGetLabelTypeIsolines
- XYZGetMarker
- XYZGetMarkerLabelFont
- XYZGetMatrix
- XYZGetMatrixColData
- XYZGetMatrixRange
- XYZGetMatrixRowData
- XYZGetMatrixSize
- XYZGetMaxMarker
- XYZGetMinMarker
- XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues
- XYZGetNumberOfPoints
- XYZGetPens
- XYZGetProps
- XYZGetScatterLabelOffset
- XYZInsertLabel
- XYZIs3DIsolinesVisible
- XYZIsBubbleVisible
- XYZIsColorMapEnabled
- XYZIsColorMatrix
- XYZIsFilled
- XYZIsHullLabelHorizontal
- XYZIsHullLabelVisible
- XYZIsHullSpline
- XYZIsInterLinear
- XYZIsInterOnGrid
- XYZIsIsolinesVisible
- XYZIsLabelInABox
- XYZIsLabelInLineColor
- XYZIsLabelTransparent
- XYZIsMarkerLabelVisible
- XYZIsMarkerLineIndexVisible
- XYZIsMarkerVisible
- XYZIsMatrixOnly
- XYZIsMaxMarkerVisible
- XYZIsMinMarkerVisible
- XYZIsSelected
- XYZIsSpline
- XYZIsTriangulation
- XYZIsVisible
- XYZSet3DBaseValue
- XYZSet3DInsideColor
- XYZSet3DInsidePen
- XYZSet3DOutsideColor
- XYZSet3DOutsideHull
- XYZSet3DOutsidePen
- XYZSet3DScatterBarWidth
- XYZSet3DShowIsolines
- XYZSet3DSurfaceAttrib
- XYZSet3DSurfaceType
- XYZSetBubbleAttribute
- XYZSetBubbleScaleValues
- XYZSetBubbleSize
- XYZSetColorMap
- XYZSetColorMatrixAttrib
- XYZSetColorMatrixPen
- XYZSetData
- XYZSetDataSource
- XYZSetDefault
- XYZSetFill
- XYZSetFillColors
- XYZSetFillMinColor
- XYZSetHullLabelDistance
- XYZSetHullNewData
- XYZSetHullPen
- XYZSetHullSpline
- XYZSetHullType
- XYZSetInterDensity
- XYZSetInterLinear
- XYZSetInterOnGrid
- XYZSetInterpolationType
- XYZSetInterRange
- XYZSetInterSmooth
- XYZSetIsoLabelFont
- XYZSetIsoValues
- XYZSetIsoValuesScaleType
- XYZSetLabelFormat
- XYZSetLabelFormatType
- XYZSetLabelOrientation
- XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines
- XYZSetMarker
- XYZSetMarkerLabelFont
- XYZSetMatrixRange
- XYZSetMaxMarker
- XYZSetMinMarker
- XYZSetPens
- XYZSetProps
- XYZSetScatterLabelOffset
- XYZSetSelect
- XYZSetSpline
- XYZShow
- XYZShowBubble
- XYZShowColorMatrix
- XYZShowHullLabel
- XYZShowHullLabelHorizontal
- XYZShowIsolines
- XYZShowLabelInABox
- XYZShowLabelInLineColor
- XYZShowLabelTransparent
- XYZShowMarker
- XYZShowMarkerLabel
- XYZShowMarkerLineIndex
- XYZShowMaxMarker
- XYZShowMinMarker
- XYZShowTriangulation
- XYZUpdate
- zeros
- zip_list
- zip_unzip
- zip_unzip_buffer
- zip_zip
- Addins
- 3D-Classification of a XY-Dataset
- 3D Classification of a XYZ-Dataset
- Data Exchange
- Emission Evaluation
- Installation
- Main Dialog
- Data Channels
- Gas Response Time
- Fuel Composition
- Definition of Weight Factors for Stationary Tests
- Verification of the test run (Regression Analysis)
- Loading the measured data
- Configuration
- Calculation
- ELR Test
- EPA 1065
- C-Balance
- UniScript-Interface
- XML Parameter File
- Result-Document
- Problems
- Gas Response Time Correction
- Real Driving Emission Data Evaluation
- Map Calculator
- NC-Explorer
- Norm-Names
- Rainflow Counting
- ASAM-ODS Browser (RPC)
- ASAM-ODS Browser (CORBA)
- Import of ATFX Files
- Import of CAN Files
- Import of CAS files
- Import of COMBI Files
- Connecting Simulink to UniPlot for seamless analysis
- Import of D7D files
- Import of DIAdem files
- Import of FAMOS files
- Import of Fevis Files
- Import of IFILE Data Files
- Import of KiBox Files
- Import of MATLAB Data Files
- Import of MDF Files
- Import of MDF4 Files
- Import of MDF-Stiegele Files
- Import of PNRF Data Files
- Import of REC DAS 700 files
- Import of ERG files
- Import of TCM Data Files
- Import/Export of TDM Files
- Import of TPC5/TPS5 Files
- Import of TransPC Data Files
- Import of Virtual Dynamics Request files
- Use Cases
- Technical Article
- Application Limits
- Processing Large Data Files
- The Data Editor
- Load
- Copy
- Freeze Columns/Unfreeze Columns
- Mark Records as Deleted
- Mark Channels As Deleted
- Remove Records
- Remove Channels
- Remove all Formula Channels
- Remove all “Missing Value” channels
- Remove All Marked Cells
- Remove Delete Flag
- Add Channel
- Insert Records
- Add Formula Channel
- Add Attribute
- Delete Attribute
- Rename Channel
- Go To Record
- Save As
- Add Data
- Export
- Open
- Sort
- Classify Data
- Configuration
- Undo/Redo
- Comment
- The Data Browser Window
- Insert Datasets into a Template
- Filter Functions for XY datasets
- Formula Interpreter 1 - Introduction
- An Example
- The Add Formula Channel Dialog Box
- Defining Formulas
- Alternative Formula
- Functions in Formulas
- abs(c)
- and(c1, c2)
- atan(c)
- atan2(c_y, c_x)
- between(c, lower, upper)
- bit(c, nBit)
- compare_equal(c1, c2)
- compare_greater(c1, c2)
- compare_greaterequal(c1, c2)
- compare_less(c1, c2)
- compare_lessequal(c1, c2)
- compare_notequal(c1, c2)
- cos(c)
- counter()
- counter(ssChannelname)
- crossings(rvData, rsThreshold)
- cumsum(c)
- derivative(x, y)
- diff(c)
- exclude(c, minval, maxval)
- exp(c)
- extract(c, minval, maxval)
- findfirst(cx, cy, posx)
- fft_filter(time, c, rsFreqCutOffBelow, rsFreqCutOffAbove)
- find_plateau(ctime, cData, dy_tolerance, min_len, max_len, y_min_threshold, y_maxn_threshold)
- get_val_at(c, i)
- if_than_else(expr, than_exp, else_exp)
- int(c)
- integral(x, y)
- integral_withreset(x, y, rsYResetThreshold or idx_vector, bEndValueOnly)
- integral_withreset2(x, y, bool_channel_01, bEndValueOnly)
- integral_withreset_thd(x, y, Threshold)
- len(c)
- log(c)
- log10(c)
- max(c)
- max(c1, c2), max(c1, c2, …, c5)
- max(c1, r)
- mean(c)
- min(c)
- min(c1, c2), min(c1, c2, …, c5)
- min(c1, r)
- not(c)
- or(c1, c2)
- PI()
- pow(c, n)
- PT1(rvT, rvY, T_const)
- quantile(c1, q)
- rand()
- replace_missings(c1, c2)
- replace_missings(c1, value)
- root_mean_square(c, n)
- section_points(time, c, Threshold, min_section_len_time, add_time_before, add_time_after, bEnumSection)
- shift_points(c, nPoints, rsMissing)
- sin(c)
- smooth(c, width)
- smooth_median(c, nNeighbor)
- smooth_time(c, TimeChannel, TimeWindow)
- sqrt(c)
- srand(r)
- std(c)
- sum(c)
- tan(c)
- Channels with Missing Values
- Formula Import from an Excel Workbook
- Formula Interpreter 2 - Creating a formula table
- Formula Interpreter 3 - Creating Script Formulas
- UniPlot’s Use of the Windows Registry
- Report Templates
- SQLite (SQL)
- Creation of a Diagram Template
- UniPlot-Tools
- UniPlot:3DView
- UniScript as a Stand-Alone Program
- UniScript R2011
- The File List Window
- netCDF-SDK
- Unit Converter
- File Format Remarks
- The Sequencer
- Sequencer Tutorial
- Lua
- Lua Functions
- Basic Functions
- Coroutine Manipulation
- Debug Library
- Input and Output Facilities
- Mathematical Functions
- Operating System Facilities
- Modules (package)
- String Manipulation
- Table Manipulation
- inspect
- jit
jit.on(func|true [,true|false])
jit.off(func|true [,true|false])
jit.flush(func|true [,true|false])
status, ... = jit.status()
– JIT compiler optimization controljit.util.*
– JIT compiler introspection
- lua-utf8
- LuaExpat (lxr)
- struct
- Lua API
- Examples
- License