Data=>Data Exchange (Page)¶
With the command Data=>Data Exchange (Page), all data from datasets with a valid data source map can be replaced.

To execute the command:
Choose Data=>Data Exchange (Page).
In the following dialog box the names of the currently used data files will be displayed.
For each data file select a new data file by clicking the Replace File button.
Choose the OK button. The specified data files will be imported and the data of the datasets in the active page will be replaced.
The function replaces only data that was directly imported from a data file. Datasets which were created by one of the functions in the Data=>More Data Functions list remain unchanged.
- Action for selected Files
Sets for all selected data files the action.
- Data Source
The control sets the data souce. The data can be loaded from files or from ASAM-ODS databases. To enable the ASAM-ODS access, activate the addins in the Addin Manager.
- Column Comment
The text in this column will be displayed in the legend (Field Function @f{legend_table}).
- Column Action
For each data file an action can be selected for the data exchange.
The data will be replaced.
The data will not be replaced.
Set To Zero
This will set all datasets to 0 data points. The datasets with zero points will not be displayed.
Set Style Only
Only the dataset style will be set.
- column New Name
When the dialog box is opened the current data file name is displayed. For Excel files the sheet name will be displayed in square brackets behind the file name.
As soon as the data file is accessed the name of the converted NC file is displayed.
The record filter can be set for a data source. The record filter specifies a group of datapoints loaded into a dataset. For example a filter can be definded that only datapoints will be loaded where the engine speed is in the range of 1000 rmp +- 2 percent.
To remove a record filter click on the Remove Record Filter button.
- Options
Opens the Data=>Data Exchange=>Options dialog box.
- Replace File
Opens a dialog box to select a replacement for the selected file.
- Edit File
Opens a data file, see The Data Editor.
- Button One Up
Moves the selected file one step up. The order is used in the legend and to fill placeholders.
- Button One Down
Moves the selected file one step down.
- Add File
Adds a copy of the selected list element (file) to the end of the list. The command will create a copy all datasets related to the data file. To change the style attributes of the new datasets, click on the 2D Style button.
- Remove File
This command will remove an element and all related datasets from the list.
- Add Record Filter
Adds a copy of the selected list element (file) ot the end of the list and displayes the record filter dialog. The command will create a copy all datasets related to the data file.
- Remove Record Filter
Removes the record filter from a datasouce. If a record filter is removed, the associated datasets display all data points.
- Dataset List
Opens the Data=>Data Exchange=>Dataset List dialog box. The list displays all datasets with a valid data source map. The dataset channel names can be modified.
- 2D-Style
Opens the Data=>Data Exchange=>2D-Styles dialog box. The dialog box can be used to modify a selection of styles of 2D datasets.
- Always load original data files
If this option is selected, the original data files will be converted to NC files. The NC file name will be displayed New Name column. As soon as the NC name is displayed the option no longer has an impact on the data file. The NC file will be created when you click on the Edit file button, the Dataset List button or the OK button.
If this option is not selected the function always tries to open the NC file. If the file does not exist, the original data is reloaded.
The Excel sheet name will be displayed in brackets (
[ ]
) behind the file name.
The dialog settings are saved as a matrix in the document. The UniScript function DocGetDataFileList can be used to access the matrix. With DocSetDataFileList the matrix can be saved in the document. The data exchange can be executed with DocExchangeDataFiles.
The placeholders in the document will be replaced during data exchange. Please see for more information about the placeholder. Text Placeholder.
Data=>Data Exchange=>Dataset List¶
The dialog box lists all datasets with a valid data source map. The column Valid displays a plus sign + if the channel exists and an exclamation mark ! if the channel name does not exist in the data file in the order x, y, z. In the Edit Channel dialog box valid channel names can be selected.

Datasets that contain invalid channels will be set to 0 point during the data exchange.
The columns in the list can be sorted by clicking the column header.
Edit Channel
This command is used to change the channels of one or more datasets. If only one dataset is selected, the names will be displayed in the following dialog box:
If multiple datasets are selected, the combo box will display the name only if it is identical to all selected datasets. If the datasets have different channels, an empty element will be displayed
" "
. The empty element does not change the selected channel. When the list is opened, the channel names with the available channels will be displayed.If all selected datasets have the same data file source, the list will display all channel names of this data file.
If the selected datasets have different data file sources, the list will display only those channel names that exist in all data files.
This makes it possible, for example, to change the x-channel name of all datasets from one channel name to another, e.g. Speed to PME without changing the y-channel names.
To select a range of datasets hold down the Shift key. To add or remove elements to the selection hold down the Ctrl key.
Select All
Selects all displayed datasets in the list.
Data=>Data Exchange=>2D-Styles¶
The dialog box displays 6 style properties for each data source. A style element is displayed, if it is identical in all datasets of this data file, otherwise the field stays empty.
For example, if all curves are displayed in red, the line color will display red. If the curves are displayed in different colors, the element in the list is empty.
A style element can be modified by clicking in list on an element and select the new value. The selected value will be used for all datasets created from the data file.

Displays the value On or Off.
Line Color
Displays the line color.
Line Style
Displays the line style.
Line Width
Displays the line width in 0.1 mm units.
Displays the value On or Off.
Marker Style
Displays the marker style.
Color Palette
The combo box displays a list of color schemes. Select a color scheme to apply the colors to the listed data sources.
Data=>Data Exchange=>Options¶
The dialog box displays options for the data exchange.

Update Text Place Holders with header data from file.
If this option is selected, the text placeholders (e.g. $Title$) will be updated. The placeholders will be updated with the values of the first data file. To replace the placeholder with the values from another file the placeholders must contain the file index, for example $File2:Engine$. See Text Placeholder.
Auto Scale all Axes.
If this option is selected, all axes will be rescaled.
Auto Scale only those Axes where a channel name has been changed.
If this option is selected, only those axes will be rescaled where the channel names of the displayed datasets have been changed.
Update those Axis Titles where a channel name has been changed.
If this option is selected, only those axes titles will be replaced where the channel names of the displayed datasets have been changed.
Reset Offset and Scale Factor for 1D/2D Datasets to Offset=0 and Scale factor=1.
Resets the offset and scale factor for all 1D and 2D datasets for the x- and y-coordinates to the default value Offset=0 and Scale factor=1.
Use the following start directory in the file open dialog box
Sets the start directory. Otherwise the old file folder will be used as a start directory.
Display Record Filter in Data Exchange dialog box
If this option is disabled, each data file is displayed in the main dialog only ones, even if different record filters are specified for each data file.
If this option is disabled, the record filter will not be displayed but still applied during data exchange.
Remove Place Holder Values, if option ‘Set to zero’ will be applied
If enabled, the place holder values will be reset, if the option Set to zero is set for all data files. The text will be set to an empty text or replaced by the placeholder ($ text) itself.
Always display this dialog box before the data exchange starts.
If this option is selected, the Option dialog box is displayed when the OK button in the main dialog box is clicked.
Version |
Description |
R2018.4 |
New option Remove Place Holder Values, if option ‘Set to zero’ will be applied |
R2018.2 |
New option in the option dialog to display record filters in the main dialog. |
R2015.5 |
The data source dialog box contains the record filter. The record filter option has been removed from the option dialog box. |
R2011.4 |
Record filter can be modified |
See also
Data, Data=>Data Exchange (Document), Data=>More Data Functions (2D), Data=>More Data Functions (3D)