Import of CAS files


The addin RS_CAS is an import filter for UniPlot to access CAS data files. CAS is an combustion analysis system of the company FEV Motorentechnik GmbH ( and MTS Powertrain Technology Division (


  • Select Tools=>Add-In Manager.

  • Click on the Add-In CAS: Import of CAS Data Files.

  • Click OK. Exit UniPlot and restart UniPlot.

The installed files should now be located under C:\Program Files\UniPlot Software\UniPlot\addin\rs_cas.


This documentation




rs_cas.ic library


Some options can be setup for this add.

  • Select Tools=>CAS Configuration.


  • Start UniPlot

  • Select File=>Import Data. The following dialogue is displayed:

  • Select the type "CAS-Datei *.001".

  • Select a CAS file. Only one file should really be selected. be selected. It does not matter which of the files you select. The name is only needed to select the directory.

  • The following dialogue is displayed:


    In this dialogue you can now select the desired channels. Via the button Config you can open the following dialogue box open:


    In this field you can select which x-axis channels are to be transferred to the result file. result file.

  • In the dialogue box Signal selection, press the button OK to convert the data.

Generate NC-Data

The NC file contains the data of the selected channels of the CAS measurement. The name of the NC file is formed from the last directory name.


  • 08.12.2023: Added a configuration dialog to select x-axis generic name.

  • 16.06.2003: Channel names that contained a space in the name could not be imported.

  • 11.06.2003: Channel names that contained a @ character in the name could not be imported.

  • 11.06.2003: Added channel selection dialogue.

  • 16.12.2002: First version
