
auto_GetData returns the data of the given channels as a matrix. The function can only be used to read numeric data channels.

rmData = auto_GetData(ssNetCDFFileName, svVarName)
rmData = auto_GetData(ncid, ssNetCDFFileName, svVarName)
rmData = auto_GetData(ncid, ssNetCDFFileName, svVarName, bFilter)
rmData = auto_GetData(ncid, ssNetCDFFileName, svVarName, bFilter, bRemoveMissingValues)
rmData = auto_GetData(ncid, ssNetCDFFileName, svVarName, bFilter, bRemoveMissingValues, rsStart, rsCount)

Return Value

rmData is a real Matrix. The matrix contains one column for each channel. If one of the channels does not exists or is a string channel the function returns the scalar number 0.If the function cannot open the file or the first channel name in the paramter svVarName does not exist in the file the function returns a vector with the values 0. The vector length is identical to the numer of channels given in parameter svVarName.

If the first channel name exists but one or more of the other given channels do not exists the matrix is filled with the values 0.

For all other errors the function returns the scalar value ERROR_VALUE.



ssNetCDFFileName is the complete name of a netCDF file (.nc). If ncid contains a valid ncid, ssNetCDFFileName can be an empty string.


ncid is the nc file handle. The handle is returned by the function nc_open. If ssNetCDFFileName contains a valid NC file name, ncid can be set to -1.


svVarName is a vector of channel names.


bFilter specifies if the record filter is evaluated. Default value is FALSE (0).


bRemoveMissingValues specifies if all values or only valid values are returned. Default value is TRUE (1).


rsStart is a scalar value specifying the index of the the first data value. rsStart starts with 0. Default value is 0.


rvCount is a scalar value specifying the number of data points to read. Default value is “all points”.
