4. Overview DatabrowserΒΆ
Data Browser Window |
Browser_GetControlSelection returns the selected elements in the controls of the data browser window. |
Browser_GetDataFile returns the name of the active data file displayed in the data browser window. |
Browser_IsVisible checks if the data browser window is visible. |
Browser_Replot replots the data browser window. |
Browser_SetControlData sets the data in the data browser control elements. |
Browser_SetControlSelection sets the selection in the data browser control elements. |
Browser_SetDataFile opens a data file in the Data-Browser window. |
Browser_Show displays or hides the data browser window. |
Data Browser Window Callbacks |
Browser_DblClickCallback is invoked by the framework if an element in the channel list box is double-clicked. |
Browser_DropCallback is invoked by the framework if channel names are dropped into a UniPlot document or the main window. |
Browser_EditCallback is invoked by the framework if the Edit button in the data browser window is clicked. |
Browser_FileChangeCallback is invoked by the framework if the file name is changed in the file combo box. |
Browser_FileChangeCallback is invoked by the framework if the file name is changed in the file combo box. |
Browser_LoadCallback is invoked by the framework if the Load button is clicked. |
Browser_SortCallback is invoked by the framework if a title button in the channel list is clicked. |
See also