4. Overview Lines and ArrowsΒΆ

The attributes of line and arrow objects are set and get with the OBJ Functions. See Overview Drawing Objects

  Create and Destroy
LBCreate LBCreate creates a line or arrow drawing object.
LBDestroy The LBDestroy function destroys the given line object and frees any memory that the line object occupies.
LBGetArrowLength LBGetArrowLength returns the length of the arrow tip of a line drawing object.
LBGetArrowWidth LBGetArrowWidth returns the width of the arrow tip of a line drawing object.
LBGetP1P2 LBGetP1P2 returns the coordinates of the start and end point of a line drawing object.
LBGetProps LBGetProps gets the text box properties.
LBIsEndArrow LBIsEndArrow checks if the end of the line object has an arrow tip.
LBIsStartArrow LBIsStartArrow checks if the start of the line object has an arrow tip.
LBSetArrowLength LBSetArrowLength sets the arrow tip length of a line drawing object.
LBSetArrowWidth LBSetArrowWidth sets the arrow tip width of a line drawing object.
LBSetEndArrow LBSetEndArrow shows or hides the arrow tip of a line drawing object.
LBSetProps LBSetProps sets the text box properties.
LBSetStartArrow LBSetStartArrow shows or hides the arrow tip of a line drawing object.
