
rspline computes a rational spline under tension for a given x and y vector.

rmXY = rspline(rvX, rvY, p)
rmXY = rspline(rvX, rvY, p, rsTensionFactor)
rmXY = rspline(rvX, rvY, p, rsTensionFactor, flag)

Return Value

The return value rmXY is a real matrix with two columns. The first column contains the x-coordinates of the spline and the second column contains the y-coordinates of the spline. In case of an error rmXY has only one element with an error number:

1 not enough memory
2 x-coordinates are not strictly increasing
3 less than 3 datapoints specified.



rvX is a real vector with at least 3 elements.


rvY is a real vector with at least 3 elemetns.


rsTensionFactor is a value in the range 0 to 100. For 0 the spline is similar to a cubic spline and for values close to 100 the result is a polygon. Default value is 1.


The meaning of p depends on the value of the parameter flag


flag can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
1 p is the number of x-, y-coordinates calculated.
2 p is the number of x-, y-coordinates calculated. The original x-coordinates are added to the total.
3 p is a strictly increasing vector of x-coordinates.

Default value is 1.




Version Description
5.5.0 New
