2. Overview Mathematic¶
Miscellaneous |
get_math_lib returns the name of the enabled math libray. |
ode computes the solution of ordinary differential equation of the first order. |
set_math_lib sets the math library. |
solve calculates the solution of a non linear system. |
Interpolation |
akimaspline computes an akima spline for a given x- and y-vector. |
detect_peaks finds peaks and valleys in a given noisy signal. Only local minima and maxima detected where the difference between adjacent extreme values are greater than the threshold. |
fspline computes a fit spline for a given x- and y-vector. |
The interpol function executes a linear interpolation or cosine interpolation for the given x-coordinates. |
The moving_average function calculates a moving average. This filter can be used to reduce random noise. |
The moving_median function calculates a moving median. The function operates over a moving window of values. For each window, the middle value found in the window is used. |
nonlin computes the parameters of a given (non linear) function so that the deviation of the function for the given data points is minimized. |
polyfit finds the coefficients of a polynomial of degree N using the least squares method. |
polyval calculates the y coordinates of a polynomial of degree n evaluated at x. |
pspline computes a spline under tension for a given x and y vector. In contrast to the fspline function, the x-elements do not have to be sorted in increasing order. |
rspline computes a rational spline under tension for a given x and y vector. |
sgolayfilt computes a moving average using the Savitzky-Golay algorithm. |
2D-Interpolation |
akimaspline2 executes a 2-dimensional “matrix to matrix” interpolation. |
fspline2 executes a 2-dimensional “matrix to matrix” interpolation. |
griddata creates a regular grid of arbitrarily distributed data triples. |
interpol2 executes a 2-dimensional “matrix to matrix” interpolation. |
nonlin computes the parameters of a given (non linear) function so that the deviation of the function for the given data points is minimized. |
reduce3d removes data points from an x/y/z dataset. |
rspline2 executes a 2-dimensional “matrix to matrix” interpolation. |
smooth2 is a function to smooth a matrix using the Savitzky-Golay algorthim. |
spline2 executes a 2-dimensional “matrix to matrix” interpolation. |
The conv function combines two signals to form a new signal, for example, calculates the output signal for an input signal and the impulse response signal. |
The deconv performs the deconvolution of vector u and vector v. |
The fft function computes the complex Fourier Transformation. |
Calculates the Inverse Fourier Transformation. |
upfirdn is a polyphase FIR resampling function. |
Elementary Functions |
abs calculates the absolute value of its argument. |
all checks if all elements of a vector or matrix are other than zero (0). |
angle calculates the phase angles in radinas for each element of a complex array. |
any checks if any elements of a vector or matrix are zero. |
Calculates the ceiling of a value. |
conj returns the complex conjugate of its parameter. |
cumprod returns the cumulative product of each column of a matrix. |
cumsum returns the cumulative sums of each column of a matrix. |
diff computes differences such as the following: [x[2] - x[1], x[3] - x[2], … , x[n] - x[n-1]] |
exp returns the exponential value of its parameter. |
Returns the largest interger that is less than or equal to its argument. |
fround rounds the elements of a matrix. The number of significant digits can be specified. |
histc calculates a histogram. |
histogram calculates the histogram of a vector. |
imag returns the imaginary part of a complex number. |
log returns the natural logarithm of its parameter. |
log10 returns the base-10 logarithm of its parameter. |
mean returns the mean of its parameter. When the argument is a matrix, a row vector will be created containing the mean values of the matrix columns. |
merge merges two sorted vectors and returns a single sorted vector. |
quantile returns quantile of a data vector rvX for the cumulative probability rvP in the interval 0 to 1. For rvP = 0.5 the median is returned. For rvP = 1 the maximum is returned. |
real returns the real part of its argument. |
remove removes all elements with the value 0 or rsRemove from a real vector. In case of a matrix all rows with the value 0 or rsRemove in the first column will be removed. |
Is replaced by fround. |
sort performs a sort from a real, complex or string matrix or vector. |
sqrt calculate the square root of a matrix. |
std returns the standard deviation of its parameter. |
sum computes the sum of all elements for a real or complex vector. Strings from string vectors will be appended to a scalar string. When the argument is a matrix, a row vector will be created containing the sum of the matrix columns. |
Trigonometric Functions |
acosh calculates the arccosine. |
acosh calculates the hyperbolic arccosine. |
acot calculates the arccotangent. |
asin calculates the ac arcsine. |
asinh calculates the hyperbolic arcsine. |
atan2 calculates the four-quadrant inverse tangent. |
atanh calculates the hyperbolic arctangent. |
cos returns the cosine of its parameter. |
cosh returns the hyperbolic cosine of its parameter. |
sin returns the sine of m. |
sinh returns the hyperbolic sine of its parameter. |
tan returns the tangent of its parameter. |
tanh returns the hyperbolic tangent of its parameter. |
Special Functions |
Modified Bessel function of the first kind. |
Bessel function of the first kind. |
erf calculates the error function: . |
Matrix Creation |
diag creates a diagonal-matrix or a row-vector. |
eye returns an identity matrix. |
ones creates a real matrix with all elements set to the value 1.0. |
rand returns random numbers with uniform distribution. |
The zeros function creates a real matrix with all elements set to the value 0.0. |
Linear Algebra |
cond calculates the condition number of a matrix. |
det computes the determinant of a square matrix. |
eig calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix. |
integral computes an approximation of the integral via the trapezoidal method. |
inv calculates the inverse of a square matrix. |
norm calculates various matrix norms. |
pinv calculates the pseudoinverse of a given matrix. |
Singular value decomposition. |
Random Numbers |
rand returns random numbers with uniform distribution. |
srand sets a start value for the random generator. |
See also