fspline computes a fit spline for a given x- and y-vector.
- rmXY = fspline(rvX, rvY)
- rmXY = fspline(rvX, rvY, rsSmoothFactor)
- rmXY = fspline(rvX, rvY, rsSmoothFactor, nPoints)
Return Value
The return value rmXY is a real matrix with two columns. The first column contains the x coordinates of the spline and the second column contains the y coordinates of the spline.
- rvX
rvX is a real vector with at least 3 elements in increasing order.
- rvY
rvY is a real vector with at least 3 elememts.
- rsSmoothFactor
rsSmoothFactor is an integer equal to or greater than 0.0. For 0.0 the spline will cross all data points.
- nPoints
nPoints is the number of points of rmXY.

x = [1,3,5,8]
y = [0,5,8,2]
h = plot(x,y)
xy = fspline(x,y,0,100)
xy = fspline(x,y,0.5,100)
See also