New in R2024

This page describes the changes made to UniPlot R2024 since UniPlot version R2023.

New in R2024.4 (2024-11-08)


  • (UNI-816): The Filter function for XY dataset have been cleaned-up and translation updated.

  • (UNI-821): Simulink (trademark from Mathworks, Inc.) can now be seamlessly connected to UniPlot. Get the connector on the Mathworks File Exchange. To know more on how your simulation result can be sent live to UniPlot read our article on the Simulink Connector.

  • (UNI-733): File => More File Functions => Difference Map now supports Compressor maps.

  • (UNI-647): Sequencer: Added multiselection for actions. Copy/Paste/Cut works with this multiselection and reacts also on keyboard shortcuts.

  • (UNI-712): Sequencer: The Mousewheel works now in all views.

  • (UNI-820): Sequencer: New UniScript functions to remote control the sequencer: Seq_RunSequence and Seq_SwitchWorkspace

  • (UNI-811): Sequencer: Action “Load Document” provides the handle of the loaded document as Runtime Value

  • (UNI-711): Sequencer: Revised the validation mechanism. Validation of a sequence now also checks its parent and child sequences + performance is improved.

Bug Fixes

  • (UNI-832): The Event Duration Filter had a bug when the number of rising and falling edges are different. This version corrects it.

  • (UNI-520): Import of MDF4 files could fail if the file contains corrupted CAN zipped data (DZ blocks). From this release, the corrupted data is ignored and a log error thrown but the import is completed.

New in R2024.3 (2024-09-27)


  • (UNI-792): Filter functions now offers a filter that creates a dataset holding the duration of high events of a boolean signal. This is used for event detection. See the Event Duration Filter.

  • (UNI-767): Filter functions now offers the conversion of one signal to another using a characteristic curve.

  • (UNI-646): When linking axis the auto-naming of new links was stopping after “X-link10”. Limit has been increased to 99.

  • (UNI-742): The crossings(rvData, rsThreshold) formula is available in the formula editor. It helps the user find out crossings with a horizontal threshold.

  • (UNI-759): When importing CAN ASCII data with the CAN Import filter in case of multiplexed signal the multiplexer channel is now also imported into the NC2 file.

  • Multiple improvements to the handling of international text files. The UniPlot script files are now encoded in UTF-8, new script files are now saved in UTF-8, text_file_write and fopen now default to UTF-8.

Bug Fixes

New in R2024.2 (2024-06-28)


Bug Fixes

New in R2024.1 (2024-05-17)


Bug Fixes

New in R2024.0 (2024-03-01)


  • (UNI-523): Improve start-up process to provide feedback on read access of user personal script.

  • (UNI-336): Create support request via the new button available in Help/Create Support Ticket....

  • (UNI-598): Sequencer: Number of available Data Slots increased from 3 to 100.

  • (UNI-606): Sequencer: Harmonized validation indicators in the sequencer bar. Added indicators to the sequence list in the workspace area.

  • Sequencer: Many additional configuration parameter may now be configured via runtime values. Input fields of runtime values provide suggestions for easier usage. The run mode of a looped action now writes an additional index runtime value.

  • (UNI-600): Sequencer: The output file of the action File synchronization can now be assigned to a slot if the file was newly created.

Bug Fixes

  • (UNI-574): Import of ETAS MDA templates (*.xdx) was not working properly if the template had no formula.

  • (UNI-602): When adding a new axis as a copy of one using the “add axis” button, the user labels were copied and it leads to confusion. The function has been updated to avoid this behavior.

  • (UNI-611): The time left for the maintenance contract was not properly computed depending on the time zone.

  • Make atan2(c_y, c_x) available as a formula function.
