
plotxyz creates a new 3D dataset and plots the data into a diagram. The 3D dataset can be created from scattered XYZ triples or from a rectangular grid (matrix).

hData = plotxyz(rvX, rvY, rvZ)
hData = plotxyz(rvX, rvY, rmZ)
hData = plotxyz(rvX, rvY, rvZ, option)
hData = plotxyz(rvX, rvY, rmZ, option)

Return Value

hData is the handle of the dataset. If the dataset cannot be created hData is 0.



rvX is a vector with x-coordinates.


rvY is a vector with y-coordinates.


rvZ is a vector with z-coordinates.


rmZ is a matrix with z-coordinates. The coordinates of the matrix columns are specified by the vector rvX and the rows are specified by the vector rvY. rvX and rvY should be sorted in ascending order. If they are not sorted the function will sort the vectors and the z matrix.


The optional parameter option is an object with options. See example. The following options will be evaluated:

xTitle x axis titel, Default = “”: If value = “” the title will not be modified.
yTitle y axis titel, Default = “”: If value = “” the title will not be modified.
zTitle z axis titel, Default = “”: If value = “” the title will not be modified.
name Dataset name.
hLayer Dataset will be added to this valid layer.
autoscale If value = 1 the axis will be autoscaled.
props This element can contain dataset poperties, see XYZSetProps.
hData Handle of a 3D dataset which properties will be copied into the new dataset.
Layer3D If value = 1 the layer will be plotted as a 3D box, Value = 0 2D box. Value = -1 not altered. Default value = -1.


nRC = 40
xmin = 0.05-PI/2;
xmax = 0.05+PI;
ymin = -PI/2;
ymax =  PI/2
x = linspace(xmin, xmax, nRC);
y = linspace(ymin, ymax, nRC);
<xx, yy> = meshdom(x,y);
zz = real(tan(xx + 1i * yy));
option = [.]; // Create object = "real(tan(xx + 1i * y))";
option.autoscale = 1;
option.props = "surface-type = '2'"; // STYLE_SURF_COLORGRADIENT
option.Layer3D = 1;
// another syntax to create the option object
option = [. name = "real(tan(xx + 1i * y))", autoscale = 1,
            props = "surface-type = '2'", Layer3D = 1];
plotxyz(x, y, zz, option);
