3. Overview XYZ-Datasets

  Create and Destroy
XYZCreate XYZCreate creates a new 3D dataset. The 3D dataset can be created from scattered XYZ triples or from a rectangular grid (matrix).
XYZDestroy The XYZDestroy destroys a dataset created with XYZCreate or XYZCreateFromMatrix.
XYZCreateFromMatrix XYZCreateFromMatrix creates a 3D dataset.

A simple way to set attributes of a 3D dataset is using the XYZSetProps function (since UniPlot 4.0.3).

UniPlot uses for isolines a table for 100 isoline values. The table sets the isoline value, fill color and line style.

Index Iso-Value Fill-Color Iso-Pen
0 - red -
1 100 green solid-1-black
2 200 blue solid-1-black

The entry with index 0 only sets the fill color (XYZSetFillMinColor).

The column Iso-Value can be modified with XYZAddIsoValues, XYZSetIsoValues and XYZDeleteIsoValues.:ref:XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues returns the number of specified values.

The column Fill-Color can be modified with XYZSetFillColors and Iso-Pen with XYZSetPens.

Example (The arrow in the first column shows the value:ref:XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues would return):

Index Iso-Value Fill-Color Iso-Pen
0 - red -
1 100 green solid-1-black
2 200 blue solid-2-black
3 300 white solid-3-black
->4 400 black solid-4-black
XYZSetIsoValues(hData, [200,300])

will modify the table to

Index Iso-Value Fill-Color Iso-Pen
0 - red -
1 200 blue solid-2-black
->2 300 white solid-3-black
XYZAddIsoValues(hData, [250,350])

will modify the table to

Index Iso-Value Fill-Color Iso-Pen
0 - red -
1 200 blue solid-1-black
2 250 blue solid-1-black
3 300 white solid-3-black
->4 350 white solid-3-black
  Miscellanies (Set)
XYCopyConfig XYCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 1D or 2D dataset to the destination 1D or 2D dataset.
XYZConfigDlg XYConfigDlg displays a dialog box for the given 3D dataset.
XYZCopy XYZCopy creates a copy of a 3D dataset.
XYZCopyConfig XYZCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 3D dataset to the destination 3D dataset.
XYZSetBubbleAttribute XYZSetBubbleAttribute sets the bubble plot attributes.
XYZSetBubbleScaleValues XYZSetBubbleScaleValues sets the scale values to calculate the bubble size.
XYZSetBubbleSize XYZSetBubbleSize sets the bubble size in centimeters.
XYZSetDefault XYZSetDefault sets all dataset properties of a 3D dataset to default.
XYZSetProps XYZSetProps sets the dataset properties of a 3D dataset.
XYZSetSelect XYZSetSelect selects the dataset. In the diagram, the selected dataset will be marked with 3 small rectangles at each isoline.
XYZShow XYZShow turns a dataset on or off.
XYZShowBubble XYZShowBubble shows or hides bubbles marking the original position of the data points. The bubble size and fill color can depend on the Z-Value.
XYZShowTriangulation XYZShowTriangulation shows or hides the triangulation of the irregularly distributed data.
XYZUpdate XYZUpdate updates the configuration of a 3D dataset. This function should be called up after any changes have been made to a 3D dataset.
  Miscellanies (Get)
XYZGetBubbleAttribute XYZGetBubbleAttribute returns the bubble plot settings.
XYZGetBubbleScaleValues XYZGetBubbleSize returns the bubble scaling values.
XYZGetBubbleSize XYZGetBubbleSize returns the bubble diameter in centimeters.
XYZGetProps XYZGetProps returns the dataset properties of a 3D dataset (x/y/z).
XYZIsBubbleVisible XYZIsBubbleVisible indicates whether the bubbles are visible.
XYZIsSelected XYZIsSelected checks it the dataset is selected.
XYZIsTriangulation XYZIsTriangulation indicates whether the triangulation is visible.
XYZIsVisible XYZIsVisible determines whether a dataset is visible.
  Isolines (Set)
XYZAddIsoValues XYZAddIsoValues inserts isolines to a 3D dataset.
XYZDeleteIsoValues XYZDeleteIsoValues deletes isoline values.
XYZDeleteLinesInRect XYZDeleteLinesInRect deletes all isolines that intersect a rectangle.
XYZEnableColorMap XYZEnableColorMap enables the use of the specified color map for a contour map or 3D surface map.
XYZIsIsolinesVisible XYZIsIsolinesVisible returns a nonzero value if the isolines are visible; otherwise 0.
XYZSetColorMap XYZSetColorMap sets a color map name used to fill a contour map or 3D surface map.
XYZSetFill XYZSetFill switches the color gradient for the isoline diagram on or off.
XYZSetFillColors XYZSetFillColors sets the fill color for areas between isolines (i.e. to the color grade of the 3D surface).
XYZSetFillMinColor XYZSetFillMinColor sets the fill color for areas in which the z-value is smaller than the smallest isoline value.
XYZSetIsoValues XYZSetIsoValues sets the isoline values.
XYZSetIsoValuesScaleType XYZSetIsoValuesScaleType specifies how the isoline values are calculated (atuomatically or manually).
XYZSetPens XYZSetPens sets the pens to plot the isolines.
XYZSetSpline XYZSetSpline determines if the isolines appear as splines or polygons.
XYZShowIsolines XYZShowIsolines shows or hides the isolines.
  Isolines (Get)
XYZGetAutoScaleValues XYZGetAutoScaleValues returns a vector with automatically calculated isoline values.
XYZGetColorMap XYZGetColorMap returns the name of a color map used to fill the areas of a contour map.
XYZGetFillColors XYZGetFillColors returns the colors used to fill between the isolines of a 3D dataset.
XYZGetFillMinColor XYZGetFillMinColor returns the fill color for areas in which the z-value is smaller than the smallest isoline value.
XYZGetIsoAreas XYZGetIsoAreas returns the area between the isolines as a percent value of the complete map.
XYZGetIsoValues XYZGetIsoValues returns the isoline values.
XYZGetIsoValuesScaleType XYZGetIsoValuesScaleType returns information about the autoscaling of isoline values (Autoscale On/Off, Type, Number of values).
XYZGetIsoline XYZGetIsoline retrieves the isoline x/y coordinates of a 3D dataset.
XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues
XYZGetPens XYZGetPens returns a vector with the pen handle for the isolines.
XYZIsColorMapEnabled XYZIsColorMapEnabled returns TRUE (1), if the color map is used.
XYZIsFilled XYZIsFilled indicates whether the area between the isolines is color filled or not.
XYZIsSpline XYZIsSpline checks if the isoline points are connected by a spline.
  Isoline Label (Set)
XYZInsertLabel XYZInsertLabel lables isolines with their z-values.
XYZSetIsoLabelFont XYZSetIsoLabelFont sets the font style for isoline labels.
XYZSetLabelFormat XYZSetLabelFormat sets the label format for isolines, data points and the Full Load Line (WOT line).
XYZSetLabelFormatType XYZSetLabelFormatType specifies how the decimal places of isoline values are calculated (manually or automatically).
XYZSetLabelOrientation XYZSetLabelOrientation sets the isoline labels horizontally or on the grade of the isoline.
XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines XYZSetLabelTypeIsolines specifies how the isoline labels are placed in the dataset.
XYZShowLabelInABox XYZShowLabelInABox specifies if the isoline labels appear in boxes.
XYZShowLabelInLineColor XYZShowLabelInLineColor determines that the isoline labels will be plotted in the same color as the isolines.
XYZShowLabelTransparent XYZShowLabelTransparent specifies if the isoline labels are plotted transparent or with a white background.
  Isoline Label (Get)
XYZDeleteLabel XYZDeleteLabel deletes isoline labels inside a rectangle.
XYZGetIsoLabelFont XYZGetIsoLabelFont returns the font style for the isoline labels.
XYZGetLabelFormat XYZGetLabelFormat returns the number format for isoline labels, data point labels and the Full Load Line (WOT) labels.
XYZGetLabelFormatType XYZGetLabelFormatType returns a value that specifies how the decimal places of isoline labels are created (manually or automatically).
XYZGetLabelOrientation XYZGetLabelOrientation returns the orientation of the isoline labels.
XYZGetLabelTypeIsolines XYZGetLabelTypeIsolines returns the isoline label settings.
XYZIsLabelInABox XYZIsLabelInABox determines if the isoline labels appear in boxes.
XYZIsLabelInLineColor XYZIsLabelInLineColor
XYZIsLabelTransparent XYZIsLabelTransparent determines if the isoline labels are plotted transparent or with a white background.
  Hull (Set)
XYZSetHullLabelDistance XYZSetHullLabelDistance sets the length of the help line between the hull point and the label.
XYZSetHullNewData XYZSetHullNewData creates a new data hull that can also contain islands.
XYZSetHullPen XYZSetHullPen sets the pen style for the hull.
XYZSetHullSpline XYZSetHullSpline specifies if the north part of the hull should appear as a spline.
XYZSetHullType XYZSetHullType sets the hull type.
XYZShowHullLabel XYZShowHullLabel shows or hides the hull label.
XYZShowHullLabelHorizontal XYZShowHullLabelHorizontal determines if the hull label appears horizontally or vertically.
  Hull (Get)
XYZGetHullData XYZGetHullData returns the data hull.
XYZGetHullLabelDistance XYZGetHullLabelDistance returns the distance of the hull labels to the hull line in centimeters.
XYZGetHullPen XYZGetHullPen returns the pen handle used to draw the hull line.
XYZGetHullType XYZGetHullType returns the the hull type.
XYZIsHullLabelHorizontal XYZIsHullLabelHorizontal indicates whether the isoline labels are plottet horizontal or vertical.
XYZIsHullLabelVisible XYZIsHullLabelVisible indicates whether the dataset hull is labeled or not.
XYZIsHullSpline XYZIsHullSpline
  Data and Interpolation (Set)
XYZSetData XYZSetData sets the xyz-coordinates of a dataset.
XYZSetDataSource See XYSetDataSource
XYZSetInterDensity XYZSetInterDensity set the number of rows and columns in the interpolation matrix.
XYZSetInterOnGrid XYZSetInterOnGrid specifies if the area and the number of rows and columns of the interpolation matrix agree with the scaling of the x- and y-axes.
XYZSetInterRange XYZSetInterRange sets the coordinate range of the interpolation matrix on the x/y-plane.
XYZSetInterSmooth XYZSetInterSmooth sets the smoothing factor for the interpolation of the data matrix.
XYZSetInterpolationType XYZSetInterpolationType sets the interpolation type.
XYZSetMatrixRange XYZSetMatrixRange sets the range of the data matrix in the x/y-plane.
  Data and Interpolation (Get)
XYZGetData XYZGetData returns the original data points.
XYZGetDataSource See XYGetDataSource
XYZGetInsideMatrix XYZGetInsideMatrix returns a matrix.
XYZGetInterDensity XYZGetInterDensity returns the number of rows and columns of the interpolation maltrix.
XYZGetInterSmoothFactor XYZGetInterSmoothFactor returns the smooth factor
XYZGetInterpolZValues XYZGetInterpolZValues returns a vector with z-coordinates.
XYZGetInterpolationType XYZGetInterpolationType returns the interpolation type.
XYZGetMatrix XYZGetMatrix returns the interpolated matrix.
XYZGetMatrixColData XYZGetMatrixColData returns the x-coordinates.
XYZGetMatrixRange XYZGetMatrixRange returns the matrix range in the x/y plane.
XYZGetMatrixRowData XYZGetMatrixRowData returns a vector with y-coordinates.
XYZGetMatrixSize XYZGetMatrixSize returns the number of rows and columns of the interpolated matrix.
XYZGetNumberOfPoints XYZGetNumberOfPoints returns the number of data points (x/y/z-triple) of a 3D dataset.
XYZIsInterOnGrid XYZIsInterOnGrid returns a nonzero value if the interpolation is calculated so that the matrix matches the axes tick marks.; otherwise 0.
XYZIsMatrixOnly XYZIsMatrixOnly checks if the dataset was created from a matrix or from abitray distributed xyz triples.
  Scatter Plot (Set)
XYZSetMarker XYZSetMarker sets the symbol style for the scatter plot.
XYZSetMarkerLabelFont XYZSetMarkerLabelFont sets the font for data point labels.
XYZSetMaxMarker XYZSetMaxMarker sets the symbol marking the largest z-value data point.
XYZSetMinMarker XYZSetMinMarker sets the symbol marking the smallest z-value data point.
XYZSetScatterLabelOffset XYZSetScatterLabelOffset sets the offset of the z-labels in the scatter plot.
XYZShowMarker XYZShowMarker shows or hides symbols marking the original position of the data points.
XYZShowMarkerLabel XYZShowMarkerLabel shows or hides the labels of z-values to mark the position of data points.
XYZShowMarkerLineIndex XYZShowMarkerLineIndex shows or hides the line index to mark the position of the data points.
XYZShowMaxMarker XYZShowMaxMarker shows or hides a symbol with label marking the largest z-value data point.
XYZShowMinMarker XYZShowMinMarker shows or hides a symbol with a label to mark the data point with the smallest z-value.
  Scatter Plot (Get)
XYZGetMarker XYZGetMarker returns a copy of the marker handle used for the scatter plot.
XYZGetMarkerLabelFont XYZGetMarkerLabelFont
XYZGetMaxMarker XYZGetMaxMarker returns a copy of the marker handle used to mark the maximum z-coordinate.
XYZGetMinMarker XYZGetMinMarker returns a copy of the marker handle used to mark the minimum z-coordinate.
XYZGetScatterLabelOffset XYZGetScatterLabelOffset returns the offset of the z-labels in the scatter plot.
XYZIsMarkerLabelVisible XYZIsMarkerLabelVisible returns a nonzero value if the marker labels are visible; otherwise 0.
XYZIsMarkerLineIndexVisible XYZIsMarkerLineIndexVisible check if the index (line number) of the original data points is visible.
XYZIsMarkerVisible XYZIsMarkerVisible returns a nonzero value if the markers (scatter plot) are visible; otherwise 0.
XYZIsMaxMarkerVisible XYZIsMaxMarkerVisible checks if the maximum marker is displayed.
XYZIsMinMarkerVisible XYZIsMinMarkerVisible checks if the minimum marker is displayed.
  Surface Plot (Set)
XYZSet3DBaseValue XYZSet3DBaseValue defines the value at which the surface outside of the data hull should be set.
XYZSet3DInsideColor XYZSet3DInsideColor sets the color of the 3D surface map inside the data hull.
XYZSet3DInsidePen XYZSet3DInsidePen sets the line style of the 3D surface map grid inside the data hull.
XYZSet3DOutsideColor XYZSet3DOutsideColor sets the color of the 3D surface map outside of the data hull.
XYZSet3DOutsideHull XYZSet3DOutsideHull sets the appearance of the 3D surface map outside of the data hull.
XYZSet3DOutsidePen XYZSet3DOutsidePen sets the line style for the 3D surface map grid outside of the data hull.
XYZSet3DScatterBarWidth XYZSet3DScatterBarWidth sets the width of a 3D scatter bar in a percentage of the diagram size.
XYZSet3DShowIsolines XYZSet3DShowIsolines shows or hides isolines of a 3D surface map on or off.
XYZSet3DSurfaceAttrib XYZSet3DSurfaceAttrib specifies how the surface grid is plotted.
XYZSet3DSurfaceType XYZSet3DSurfaceType sets the style of the 3D surface map.
  Surface Plot (Get)
XYZGet3DInsideColor XYZGet3DInsideColor returns the color used to fill the 3D surface inside the data hull or the bars.
XYZGet3DInsidePen XYZGet3DInsidePen returns the line style of the 3D surface map grid lines inside the data hull.
XYZGet3DOutsideColor XYZGet3DOutsideColor returns the color used to fill the 3D surface outside the data hull or the bars.
XYZGet3DOutsideHull The XYZGet3DOutsideHull sets the display attributes for 3D surface plot outside of the data hull.
XYZGet3DOutsidePen The XYZGet3DOutsidePen function returns the line style for the 3D surface map grid outside of the data hull.
XYZGet3DScatterBarWidth The XYZGet3DScatterBarWidth function returns the width of a 3D scatter bar in percentage of the diagram size.
XYZGet3DSurfaceAttrib The XYZGet3DSurfaceAttrib funcion returns a value that specifies how the surface grid is plotted.
XYZGet3DSurfaceType XYZGet3DSurfaceType returns the style of the surface map.
XYZGet3DZBaseValue The XYZGet3DZBaseValue function returns a value to which the surface outside of the data hull is set.
XYZIs3DIsolinesVisible XYZIs3DIsolinesVisible indicates whether the isolines are plottet on the 3D surface.
  Miscellanies (Set)
XYCopyConfig XYCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 1D or 2D dataset to the destination 1D or 2D dataset.
XYZConfigDlg XYConfigDlg displays a dialog box for the given 3D dataset.
XYZCopy XYZCopy creates a copy of a 3D dataset.
XYZCopyConfig XYZCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 3D dataset to the destination 3D dataset.
XYZSetBubbleAttribute XYZSetBubbleAttribute sets the bubble plot attributes.
XYZSetBubbleScaleValues XYZSetBubbleScaleValues sets the scale values to calculate the bubble size.
XYZSetBubbleSize XYZSetBubbleSize sets the bubble size in centimeters.
XYZSetDefault XYZSetDefault sets all dataset properties of a 3D dataset to default.
XYZSetProps XYZSetProps sets the dataset properties of a 3D dataset.
XYZSetSelect XYZSetSelect selects the dataset. In the diagram, the selected dataset will be marked with 3 small rectangles at each isoline.
XYZShow XYZShow turns a dataset on or off.
XYZShowBubble XYZShowBubble shows or hides bubbles marking the original position of the data points. The bubble size and fill color can depend on the Z-Value.
XYZShowTriangulation XYZShowTriangulation shows or hides the triangulation of the irregularly distributed data.
XYZUpdate XYZUpdate updates the configuration of a 3D dataset. This function should be called up after any changes have been made to a 3D dataset.
  Miscellanies (Get)
XYZGetBubbleAttribute XYZGetBubbleAttribute returns the bubble plot settings.
XYZGetBubbleScaleValues XYZGetBubbleSize returns the bubble scaling values.
XYZGetBubbleSize XYZGetBubbleSize returns the bubble diameter in centimeters.
XYZGetProps XYZGetProps returns the dataset properties of a 3D dataset (x/y/z).
XYZIsBubbleVisible XYZIsBubbleVisible indicates whether the bubbles are visible.
XYZIsSelected XYZIsSelected checks it the dataset is selected.
XYZIsTriangulation XYZIsTriangulation indicates whether the triangulation is visible.
XYZIsVisible XYZIsVisible determines whether a dataset is visible.
