sum computes the sum of all elements for a real or complex vector. Strings from string vectors will be appended to a scalar string. When the argument is a matrix, a row vector will be created containing the sum of the matrix columns.
- mSum = sum(m)
Return Value
mSum is a scalar if m is a vector. The scalar contains the sum of vector elements. If m is a matrix, mSum is a row vector. The row vector’s columns contain the sum of matrix rows m.
- m
m is a real, complex or string matrix.
There is a set of functions in UniScript which edit their arguments columnwise when it is a matrix: i.e. all, any, max, min.
* m = rand(4,3)
* m
0.3237 0.3530 0.3255
0.3244 0.1540 0.3401
0.4934 0.5662 0.8952
0.2887 0.8207 0.3366
* sum(m)
1.4302 1.8939 1.8974
* sum(sum(m))
See also