14. Overview PensΒΆ


The following example creates a sin dataset with a 0.4 mm line.

// Create sin curve
x = linspace(0,2*PI,100);
y = sin(x);
h = plot(x, y);
// Create pen
hPen = PenCreate(PS_DASH, 4, [255, 0, 0]);
// Set pen for the new dataset (0.4 mm, red)
XYSetPen(h[3], hPen);
// Delete Pen
// The  ...SetPen functions uses
// a copy of the pen
  Create and Destroy
PenCreate Creates a pen object.
PenDestroy PenDestroy destroys the given pen and frees any memory the pen occupied.
PenDialog PenDialog displays a dialog box to configure a pen object.
PenSetColor PenSetColor sets the line color of a pen object.
PenSetStyle PenSetStyle sets the line style of a pen object.
PenSetWidth PenSetWidth sets the line width of a pen object.
PenGetColor PenGetColor returns the color of a pen object.
PenGetStyle PenGetStyle returns the line style of a pen object.
PenGetWidth PenGetWidth returns the line width of a pen object.
