7. Overview DDE¶
DDE is the abbreviation for Dynamic Data Exchange. DDE is a method of interprocess communication between programs to exchange data or control another program. Examples for DDE are querying a database, or sending data to a spreadsheet program. The application that intiates the conversation is the DDE client application; the application that responds to the client is the DDE server application. UniPlot can be used as a DDE server or client.
7.1. UniPlot as a Client¶
UniScript provides the following 6 functions for the client side. The user must define the functions.
UniPlot as a Client |
DdeInitiate initiates a DDE conversation between UniPlot and another application. |
DdeExecute executes a server macro. |
DdePoke sends data to a server. |
DdeRequest retrieves data from a server. |
DdeTerminate terminates a DDE conversation. |
DdeTerminateAll closes all open DDE channels. |
Here is an example for UniPlot as client. The server is Excel:
system("c:/msoffice/excel/excel.exe", SW_HIDE, 1);
hConv = DdeInitiate("Excel", "System");
ssFile = GetRootDirectory() + "samples\map-data.xls";
DdeExecute(hConv, "[OPEN(\"" + ssFile + "\")]")
hConvTab = DdeInitiate("Excel", "map-data.xls");
ssData = DdeRequest(hConvTab, "z1s1:z16384s255");
DdeExecute(hConv, "[QUIT()]");
hedit = EdCreate();
EdSetText(hedit, ssData);
The program excutes the following commands:
Excel will be started.
Excel will load the
file.Excel will send the sheet data to a UniPlot variable.
Teh content will be displayed in an UniPlot editor.
7.2. UniPlot as a Server¶
UniScript provides the following 6 functions calls for the server side. The user must define the functions.
UniPlot as a Server |
DdeCallback_Connect is called when a client wants to open a channel to UniScript. |
DdeCallback_ConnectConfirm is called after the DdeCallback_Connect function is called. |
DdeCallback_Execute is called by the client, when a command in UniScript should be performed. |
DdeCallback_Poke is called by the client to send data to UniPlot. |
DdeCallback_Request is called by the client to request data from UniPlot. |
DdeCallback_Disconnect is called when the client closes the conversation. |
As an example we will write a Basic program for Microsoft Word. The Basic program will be used to create plots with UniPlot.
Lets start with the UniPlot side (Server). Copy the following code into a program editor in UniPlot and save the file on your computer. Press F4 to compile the function.
def DdeCallback_Poke(hConv, ssItem, ssTopic, ssData)
ss = strtok(ssData, ",");
rvData = strtod(ss);
plot(1:len(rvData), rvData);
return TRUE;
To keep the function short we have not checked and function parameters or return values.
Now lets start on the client side. Start Word and type in the following macro (Execute: Tools=>Macro=>Create Makro):
Sub Main
chan = DDEInitiate("UniPlotSL", "xydata")
DDEPoke chan, "xydata", "1, 5, 3, 4, 8, 12"
End Sub
If you execute the Basic function Main
in Word, UniPlot will create
a plot.
See also