
nc_varid returns the ID of a netCDF variable when given its name.

varid = nc_varid(ncid, ssName)

Return Value

varid is the ID of the variable ssName. If an error occurs, varid is -1.



Identifies the netCDF file.


ssName is the name of the netCDF variable.


In UniPlot 5.14.5 channel names may contain the following special characters: ., -, +, $, #, ~, !, ^, &, %. To avoid problems with the formula interpreter, data exchange or compatibility problems, the channel name can be used with underscores instead of the special characters. Example: A NC-file contains a the channel AI50%+m. The following two calls will return the correct, identical varid:

varid = nc_varid(ncid, "AI50%+m");
varid = nc_varid(ncid, "AI50__m");

If the NC file contains channel names which only differ in special characters the function may return different varids. The reason is that the function returns the first channel id that matches the channel name. Example: A NC file contains the following two channels AI50%+m (varid 0) and AI50%-m (varid 1):

The following call will return the varid = 1:

varid = nc_varid(ncid, "AI50%-m");

If called with two underscores the function returns the varid of AI50%+m, varid = 0:

varid = nc_varid(ncid, "AI50__m");

To avoid problems, all channel names should be unique even if the special characters are replaced by underscores. If the NC files are created with UniPlot, the channel names which are only different in the special characters are enumerated, starting with 0. The first channel name will be unmodified.


Version Description
5.14.5 Special characters in channel names
