2. Overview XY-DatasetsΒΆ

  Create and Destroy
XYCreate XYCreate creates a new 2D dataset.
XYDestroy XYDestroy destroys the given xy- or ty-dataset and frees any memory the dataset occupied.
  1D Dataset
TYAddData TYAddData adds data to a y/t dataset (1D dataset).
TYCreate TYCreate creates a new y/t datasets (1D dataset).
TYSetData TYSetData sets the coordinates of a y/t datasets (1D-dataset).
XYIsTYDataset XYIsTYDataset determines whether the dataset is a 1D dataset (yt-dataset).
  Data and Filter
XYAddData The XYAddData function adds data to an existing dataset.
XYFind XYFind finds in a 1D or 2D dataset a datapoint for a given x-coordinate.
XYGetData XYGetData returns all data points or a clipping of data points.
XYGetDataSource XYGetDataSource returns the dataset source.
XYGetDataType XYGetDataType returns the data type of the data saved in the UniPlot document.
XYGetErrorData XYGetErrorData returns the error data as a matrix with two columns. The data is used to display error bars.
XYGetFilterFunctions XYGetFilterFunctions returns a scalar string with filter functions.
XYGetFirstPoint XYGetFirstPoint returns the position (index) of the first loaded data point.
XYGetGetOrgDataFlag XYGetGetOrgDataFlag returns the flag set with XYSetGetOrgDataFlag.
XYGetNumberOfPoints XYGetNumberOfPoints returns the number of data points of a 2D dataset.
XYGetXMonoton XYGetXMonoton returns a value greater 0, if the x-coordinates are monotonically increasing or decreasing.
XYGetXRange XYGetXRange returns the smallest and largest x-coordinates of the data points.
XYGetYRange XYGetYRange returns the smallest and largest y-coordinate of the data points.
XYIsFilterUsed XYIsFilterUsed checks if the original data or the filtered data is displayed.
XYIsMarkerOrgData XYIsMarkerOrgData checks if the marker are displayed for the original data points or the filtered data points.
XYIsMonoton XYIsMonoton returns TRUE (1) if the x-coordinates are strictly monoton increasing.
XYIsTYDataset XYIsTYDataset determines whether the dataset is a 1D dataset (yt-dataset).
XYSetData XYSetData sets the xy-coordinates of a dataset.
XYSetDataSource XYSetDataSource sets the data source string. The data source string is used by the function Data=>Data Exchange (Page) to exchange the data of the given dataset.
XYSetDataType XYSetDataType sets the data type for 1D and 2D datasets saved in the UniPlot document (.ipw).
XYSetErrorData XYSetErrorData sets the error data. The data is used to display error bars.
XYSetFilterFunctions XYSetFilterFunctions sets one or more filter functions for a 2D dataset.
XYSetFirstPoint XYSetFirstPoint is used internally. The function is used if only a range of data points are loaded.
XYSetGetOrgDataFlag XYSetGetOrgDataFlag specifies if the XYGetData function returns the original data or the filtered data.
XYShowMarkerOrgData XYShowMarkerOrgData specifies if the dataset markers are displayed for the original data or the filtered data.
XYUpdate The XYUpdate functions recalculates the filter functions of a 2D dataset.
XYUseFilter XYUseFilter specifies if the filter functions are used to calculate the output data.

To set dataset properties you can simply use the XYSetProps function (UniPlot 4.0.3 and higher).

SetDataInfo SetDataInfo sets the dataset info string.
XYClip XYClip clips the specified 2D dataset to the x-range displayed in the diagram.
XYConfigDlg XYConfigDlg displays a dialog box for the given dataset.
XYCopy XYCopy creates a copy of a 2D dataset.
XYProtectLegendText XYProtectLegendText protects the legend text of a dataset.
XYReload XYReload loads data.
XYSetBarAttrib XYSetBarAttrib sets the attribute for 2D dataset bars.
XYSetBarEdgePen XYSetBarEdgePen sets the hatch style for bar graphs.
XYSetBarFillColor XYSetBarFillColor sets the fill color for bars.
XYSetBarHatch XYSetBarHatch sets the hatch style for bars.
XYSetBarLabelFont XYSetBarLabelFont
XYSetBarLabelFormat XYSetBarLabelFormat sets the label format for bars in a category plot.
XYSetBarLabelPos XYSetBarAttrib sets the position of the label for 2D dataset bars in a category plot.
XYSetBarWidthPos XYSetBarWidthPos sets the width and offset of 2D dataset bars.
XYSetClosedPolygon XYSetClosedPolygon sets which part of the area under the curve will be closed and color filled.
XYSetDefault XYSetDefault sets all dataset properties of 2D dataset to default.
XYSetDropPen XYSetDropPen sets the drop line pen.
XYSetDropValue XYSetDropValue sets the height of the ground line used to fill the area under the curve and for the drop line base point.
XYSetErrorbarConfig XYSetErrorbarConfig sets the error bar settings.
XYSetFillColor XYSetFillColor sets the fill color for the area under the curve.
XYSetHatch XYSetHatch sets the style for a hatch underneath the curve of a 2D dataset.
XYSetLegendText XYSetLegendText sets the legend text for a 1D or 2D dataset.
XYSetMarker XYSetMarker sets the data point symbol style.
XYSetMarkerFrequence XYSetMarkerFrequence sets the marker frequency.
XYSetPen XYSetPen sets the dataset pen.
XYSetProps XYSetProps sets the dataset properties of a 2D dataset.
XYSetScaleOffset XYSetScaleOffset sets the scaling for the x- and y-coordinates of the given dataset.
XYSetSelect XYSetSelect selects a dataset. The selected dataset will be marked in the diagram with a small rectangle.
XYSetSpline XYSetSpline determines if the data points should be connected with a spline or a polygon.
XYSetStacked XYSetStacked specifies, if the dataset (bar) is stacked on the previous dataset. Only used in a category plot.
XYSetStyle XYSetStyle sets the style attributes for a 2D dataset. Datasets with more than 1024 points can only display a connecting line (XY_SHOWLINE) and data point symbols (XY_SHOWMARKER).
XYShow XYShow shows or hides a dataset.
XYShowBar XYShowBar turns the bars of a 2D dataset on or off. Bars are only shown in datasets with less than 1025 data points.
XYShowBarLabel XYShowBarLabel turns the bar labels or off.
XYShowDropLine XYShowDropLine turns the drop line on or off. Drop lines will be drawn from a data point to the ground line.
XYShowFill XYShowFill turns the color fill for the area under the curve on or off.
XYShowHatch XYShowHatch turns the hatch under the curve of a 2D datset on or off. The hatch will on be shown in a 2D dataset with less than 1025 data points.
XYShowLine XYShowLine turns the dataset curve on or off.
XYShowMarker XYShowMarker turns data point symbols on or off.
GetDataInfo GetDataInfo returns the dataset info string.
XYGetBarAttrib XYGetBarAttrib returns the displaying attributes of 2D dataset bars.
XYGetBarEdgePen XYGetBarEdgePen sets the edge pen for 2D dataset bars.
XYGetBarFillColor XYGetBarFillColor returns the fill color of 2D dataset bars.
XYGetBarHatch XYGetBarHatch returns a handle for a hatch of a dataset bar.
XYGetBarLabelFont XYGetBarLabelFont returns the font of a 2D dataset bar label.
XYGetBarLabelFormat XYGetBarLabelFormat returns the number format of the bar labels.
XYGetBarLabelPos XYGetBarAttrib returns the position of the label for 2D dataset bars.
XYGetBarWidthPos XYGetBarWidthPos returns the width and offset of 2D dataset bars.
XYGetDropPen XYGetDropPen returns the handle of the pen that draws drop lines.
XYGetDropValue XYGetDropValue asks for the height of the ground line that will be used to fill the area under the curve and also for the base point of the drop lines.
XYGetErrorbarConfig XYGetErrorbarConfig returns the error bar settings.
XYGetFillColor XYGetFillColor returns fill color for the area under the curve.
XYGetHatch XYGetHatch returns the object handle for the hatch of 2D datasets.
XYGetLegendText XYGetLegendText returns the legend text of a 1D or 2D dataset.
XYGetMarker XYGetMarker returns the marker (symbol) handle which is used to display the data points.
XYGetMarkerFrequence XYGetMarkerFrequence.
XYGetPen XYGetPen returns the pen handle for the creation of a 2D dataset curve.
XYGetProps XYGetProps returns a string with properties of an x/y dataset.
XYGetScaleOffset XYGetScaleOffset gets the scaling for the x- and y coordinates of the given dataset.
XYGetStacked XYGetStacked returns 1, if the dataset (bar) is stacked on the previous dataset.
XYGetStyle XYGetStyle returns the style value of a 2D dataset.
XYIsBarLabel XYIsBarLabel returns TRUE (1), if the bars are labeled.
XYIsBarVisible XYIsBarVisible determines whether bars are visible.
XYIsDropLineVisible XYIsDropLineVisible determines whether drop lines are visible.
XYIsFillVisible XYIsFillVisible determines whether the area underneath the curve is filled with a solid color.
XYIsHatchVisible XYIsHatchVisible determines whether the area underneath the curve is filled with a hatch.
XYIsLegendTextProtected XYIsLegendTextProtected determines if the dataset legend text is protected.
XYIsLineVisible XYIsLineVisible checks whether the data points are connected by lines.
XYIsMarkerVisible XYIsMarkerVisible determines whether the datapoint symbols are visible.
XYIsPolygonClosed XYIsPolygonClosed determines whether the polygon is closed.
XYIsSelected XYIsSelected determines whether the dataset is selected.
XYIsSpline XYIsSpline determines whether the data points are connected by a spline.
XYIsVisible XYIsVisible determines whether a dataset is visible.
