2. Overview XY-DatasetsΒΆ
Create and Destroy |
XYCreate creates a new 2D dataset. |
XYDestroy destroys the given xy- or ty-dataset and frees any memory the dataset occupied. |
1D Dataset |
TYAddData adds data to a y/t dataset (1D dataset). |
TYCreate creates a new y/t datasets (1D dataset). |
TYSetData sets the coordinates of a y/t datasets (1D-dataset). |
XYIsTYDataset determines whether the dataset is a 1D dataset (yt-dataset). |
Data and Filter |
The XYAddData function adds data to an existing dataset. |
XYFind finds in a 1D or 2D dataset a datapoint for a given x-coordinate. |
XYGetData returns all data points or a clipping of data points. |
XYGetDataSource returns the dataset source. |
XYGetDataType returns the data type of the data saved in the UniPlot document. |
XYGetErrorData returns the error data as a matrix with two columns. The data is used to display error bars. |
XYGetFilterFunctions returns a scalar string with filter functions. |
XYGetFirstPoint returns the position (index) of the first loaded data point. |
XYGetGetOrgDataFlag returns the flag set with XYSetGetOrgDataFlag. |
XYGetNumberOfPoints returns the number of data points of a 2D dataset. |
XYGetXMonoton returns a value greater 0, if the x-coordinates are monotonically increasing or decreasing. |
XYGetXRange returns the smallest and largest x-coordinates of the data points. |
XYGetYRange returns the smallest and largest y-coordinate of the data points. |
XYIsFilterUsed checks if the original data or the filtered data is displayed. |
XYIsMarkerOrgData checks if the marker are displayed for the original data points or the filtered data points. |
XYIsMonoton returns TRUE (1) if the x-coordinates are strictly monoton increasing. |
XYIsTYDataset determines whether the dataset is a 1D dataset (yt-dataset). |
XYSetData sets the xy-coordinates of a dataset. |
XYSetDataSource sets the data source string. The data source string is used by the function Data=>Data Exchange (Page) to exchange the data of the given dataset. |
XYSetDataType sets the data type for 1D and 2D datasets saved in the UniPlot document (.ipw). |
XYSetErrorData sets the error data. The data is used to display error bars. |
XYSetFilterFunctions sets one or more filter functions for a 2D dataset. |
XYSetFirstPoint is used internally. The function is used if only a range of data points are loaded. |
XYSetGetOrgDataFlag specifies if the XYGetData function returns the original data or the filtered data. |
XYShowMarkerOrgData specifies if the dataset markers are displayed for the original data or the filtered data. |
The XYUpdate functions recalculates the filter functions of a 2D dataset. |
XYUseFilter specifies if the filter functions are used to calculate the output data. |
To set dataset properties you can simply use the XYSetProps function (UniPlot 4.0.3 and higher).
Set |
SetDataInfo sets the dataset info string. |
XYClip clips the specified 2D dataset to the x-range displayed in the diagram. |
XYConfigDlg displays a dialog box for the given dataset. |
XYCopy creates a copy of a 2D dataset. |
XYProtectLegendText protects the legend text of a dataset. |
XYReload loads data. |
XYSetBarAttrib sets the attribute for 2D dataset bars. |
XYSetBarEdgePen sets the hatch style for bar graphs. |
XYSetBarFillColor sets the fill color for bars. |
XYSetBarHatch sets the hatch style for bars. |
XYSetBarLabelFormat sets the label format for bars in a category plot. |
XYSetBarAttrib sets the position of the label for 2D dataset bars in a category plot. |
XYSetBarWidthPos sets the width and offset of 2D dataset bars. |
XYSetClosedPolygon sets which part of the area under the curve will be closed and color filled. |
XYSetDefault sets all dataset properties of 2D dataset to default. |
XYSetDropPen sets the drop line pen. |
XYSetDropValue sets the height of the ground line used to fill the area under the curve and for the drop line base point. |
XYSetErrorbarConfig sets the error bar settings. |
XYSetFillColor sets the fill color for the area under the curve. |
XYSetHatch sets the style for a hatch underneath the curve of a 2D dataset. |
XYSetLegendText sets the legend text for a 1D or 2D dataset. |
XYSetMarker sets the data point symbol style. |
XYSetMarkerFrequence sets the marker frequency. |
XYSetPen sets the dataset pen. |
XYSetProps sets the dataset properties of a 2D dataset. |
XYSetScaleOffset sets the scaling for the x- and y-coordinates of the given dataset. |
XYSetSelect selects a dataset. The selected dataset will be marked in the diagram with a small rectangle. |
XYSetSpline determines if the data points should be connected with a spline or a polygon. |
XYSetStacked specifies, if the dataset (bar) is stacked on the previous dataset. Only used in a category plot. |
XYSetStyle sets the style attributes for a 2D dataset. Datasets with more than 1024 points can only display a connecting line ( |
XYShow shows or hides a dataset. |
XYShowBar turns the bars of a 2D dataset on or off. Bars are only shown in datasets with less than 1025 data points. |
XYShowBarLabel turns the bar labels or off. |
XYShowDropLine turns the drop line on or off. Drop lines will be drawn from a data point to the ground line. |
XYShowFill turns the color fill for the area under the curve on or off. |
XYShowHatch turns the hatch under the curve of a 2D datset on or off. The hatch will on be shown in a 2D dataset with less than 1025 data points. |
XYShowLine turns the dataset curve on or off. |
XYShowMarker turns data point symbols on or off. |
Get |
GetDataInfo returns the dataset info string. |
XYGetBarAttrib returns the displaying attributes of 2D dataset bars. |
XYGetBarEdgePen sets the edge pen for 2D dataset bars. |
XYGetBarFillColor returns the fill color of 2D dataset bars. |
XYGetBarHatch returns a handle for a hatch of a dataset bar. |
XYGetBarLabelFont returns the font of a 2D dataset bar label. |
XYGetBarLabelFormat returns the number format of the bar labels. |
XYGetBarAttrib returns the position of the label for 2D dataset bars. |
XYGetBarWidthPos returns the width and offset of 2D dataset bars. |
XYGetDropPen returns the handle of the pen that draws drop lines. |
XYGetDropValue asks for the height of the ground line that will be used to fill the area under the curve and also for the base point of the drop lines. |
XYGetErrorbarConfig returns the error bar settings. |
XYGetFillColor returns fill color for the area under the curve. |
XYGetHatch returns the object handle for the hatch of 2D datasets. |
XYGetLegendText returns the legend text of a 1D or 2D dataset. |
XYGetMarker returns the marker (symbol) handle which is used to display the data points. |
XYGetPen returns the pen handle for the creation of a 2D dataset curve. |
XYGetProps returns a string with properties of an x/y dataset. |
XYGetScaleOffset gets the scaling for the x- and y coordinates of the given dataset. |
XYGetStacked returns 1, if the dataset (bar) is stacked on the previous dataset. |
XYGetStyle returns the style value of a 2D dataset. |
XYIsBarLabel returns TRUE (1), if the bars are labeled. |
XYIsBarVisible determines whether bars are visible. |
XYIsDropLineVisible determines whether drop lines are visible. |
XYIsFillVisible determines whether the area underneath the curve is filled with a solid color. |
XYIsHatchVisible determines whether the area underneath the curve is filled with a hatch. |
XYIsLegendTextProtected determines if the dataset legend text is protected. |
XYIsLineVisible checks whether the data points are connected by lines. |
XYIsMarkerVisible determines whether the datapoint symbols are visible. |
XYIsPolygonClosed determines whether the polygon is closed. |
XYIsSelected determines whether the dataset is selected. |
XYIsSpline determines whether the data points are connected by a spline. |
XYIsVisible determines whether a dataset is visible. |