The Clipboard

Insert Objects into UniPlot

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) enables you to insert objects into UniPlot that were created in other applications.

An object can be inserted into a UniPlot document page with the command Edit=>Insert New Object or by copying the object using the clipboard.

To insert an object into a UniPlot document page using the clipboard:

  • Start the application in which you want to create the object, or open an existing file from which you want to select objects to embed into the UniPlot document.

  • Select the object you want to copy.

  • Choose Edit=>Copy in the application to copy the selection into the Windows clipboard.

  • Switch to UniPlot (key: Alt+Tab).

  • In UniPlot select the diagram into which you want to insert the object and then choose Edit=>Paste.

To embed an object:

  • Select the diagram in which you want to insert the object and then choose Edit=>Insert New Object.

  • Choose an application in which you want to create the object from the list box.

  • Create the object or choose From File and select the file which you want to insert into your UniPlot document page.

Editing an Embedded Object

Embedded objects can be moved, resized and edited without leaving UniPlot. To edit an embedded object, double-click it to open the application in which the object was created.

If the object is activated in place, you can return to UniPlot by clicking outside the object or by pressing the ESC key.

Copying Drawing Objects

Drawing objects can be copied, cut and pasted between different diagrams of one UniPlot document or between different UniPlot documents.


When an UniPlot drawing object is copied from the clipboard into the same diagram, it will cover the original object. The position and size of the inserted object will remain the same. The copy will be placed at exactly the same position even if inserted into a different document or diagram.If you want to insert drawing objects into another application, choose the Edit=>Copy Page function.

Copying Datasets

To copy the selected dataset into the clipboard, choose Edit=>Copy Dataset.

To insert the datset into a diagram, select the diagram and then choose Edit=>Paste. The diagram axes will be rescaled automatically.

Copy Diagrams

To copy a diagram with all of its drawing objects and datasets, choose Edit=>Copy.


If you want to insert an UniPlot diagram into another application, choose the Edit=>Copy Page function.

Copying Pages

The Edit=>Copy Page copies the whole page into the clipboard in UniPlot format and as a Windows Metafile.

To paste an UniPlot document into another application, choose Edit=>Paste in the application into which you want to insert the UniPlot diagram.
