Rainflow Counting

The Addin RS_RAINFLOW is an extension for UniPlot to execute a rainflow counting algorithm.


Open the Addin Manager (Tools=>Add-In Manager) and mark the Addin Rainflow-counting algorithm.

After restart the User Toolbar should contain one new button: “Rainflow…”.


  • Load the stress data into a diagram, e.g. stress vs. time.

  • Select the new curve and click the Rainflow… button.

  • The following dialog box will be displayed:


    Normalize signal in percent ‘round(signal/value*100’): If this option is selected the rainflow cycles will be normalized in percent and rounded to the nearest integer.

    Ignore all turning points with a range smaller than the following threshold: If this option is selected all rainflow cycles are removed, if the range is smaller than the given threshold: abs(Max-Min) > threshold). If the data is normalized the threshold must be specified in percent. Otherwise it is specified in the stress data units.

    Combine cycles in output: If the option is selected the the number of occurrences of cycles with identical Min/Max values is calculated and printed in the last column of the data table.


An example template can be found in the \uniplot\addin\rs_rainflow directory. The template’s name is rainflow1.ipw. You can modify the template or use it to create a new template. Do not change diagram names. The names are used in the UniScript file.

The following diagrams are supported:

Diagram Name



Range (Min-Max)


Amplitude Histogram


Average Histogram


Rainflow Matrix


Original Data


Maximum Value Histogram

UniScript Interface

See Rainflow_Batch.


If you have any problems using the addin please do not hesitate to contact us.
