excel_sheet_get_rows reads the specified number of rows starting at the current position. The current position is updated by the number of rows read. To fetch the data use excel_sheet_get_row_num, excel_sheet_get_row_str and excel_sheet_get_row_str.
- nRows = excel_sheet_get_rows(oSheet, nRowsToRead)
Return Value
nRows is the number of full rows actually read. It may be less than nRowsToRead if the end of the sheet is reached. If an error occurs the function returns 0.
- oSheet
oSheet is an object created by excel_sheet_open.
- nRowsToRead
Is the max. number of rows to read.
See excel_open.
Version |
Description |
5.5.0 |
New |
See also
Overview Excel Files, excel_open, excel_sheet_open, excel_get_sheetnames, excel_get_style_index, excel_get_style_map, excel_sheet_close, excel_sheet_get_row_num, excel_sheet_get_row_str, excel_sheet_get_row_style, excel_sheet_get_row_type