
plotcategory plots a category plot with grouped bars.

rvData = plotcategory(svCategoryLabel, rmData)
rvData = plotcategory(svCategoryLabel, rmData, oParameter)

Return Value

rvData is a vector with dataset handles.



svCategoryLabel is a string vector with category labels.


rmData is a real matrix. Each column creates a dataset. The number of rows should match the number of elements of svCategoryLabel.


oParameter is an object with optional parameters.

Element Name Description Default Value
hLayer Layer handle. 0: a new layer will be created 0
rvStacked = [0,1,1,0] A real vector with 0 (grouped) or 1 (stacked). The number of elements should match the number of datasets. 0: grouped
gapwidth gap between categories in the range 0 to 5 (0 to 500 percent or bar width). 1.0
overlap bar overlap in the range -1 to 1 (-100 to 100 percent or bar width). -0.2
bAutoscale; autoscale axes 1
bReplot replot page 1
b100percent; scale stacked bars to 100 percent. 0
xTitle x axis title “” (do not modify title)
yTitle y axis title “” (do not modify title)
color_scale color scale, see ColorScale_GetNames Example: color_scale = 'Blues' Purpels
bLabel Show or hide bar labels 1 (show label)
nLabelPosition Label position: 1: inside bottom, 2: inside center, 3: inside top, 4: outside top 3 (inside top)


The following example will create a diagram with a random data. 6 datasets with 4 values.

svCategoryLabel = "";
rmData = rand(4,6);
o = [. rvStacked = [1,1,1,0,1,1], xTitle = "Period", yTitle = "Value in %"];
plotcategory(svCategoryLabel, rmData, o)
