
NC_CreateMeanCycleFile creates a new NC file with the mean, minimum and maximum cycle of an NC data file containing multiple cycles (segments).

ssNCMean = NC_CreateMeanCycleFile(ncid, obj)
ssNCMean = NC_CreateMeanCycleFile(ssNCFile, obj);

Return Value


Is the name of the new NC data file or an empty string if an error occurred.



ssNCFile is the name of an NC file with the source data.


ncid is the handle of an NC file, returned by nc_create or nc_open.


obj is an object with the following elements:

Name Description
obj.ssNCDestName Complete file name of the source file. If the element does not exist or contains an empty string, the file will be saved in the directory of the source file.
obj.ssXChannel Channel name with the x-coordinates, e. g. Time or CrankAngle.
obj.svMeanChannel String vector with channel names.
obj.rsStartCycle First data point of a cycle start. The point must exist in the x-data range.
obj.rsCycleLength Length of one cycle.
obj.svCycles Strintg: Specifies the cycles. Example: 3,6,10-15 or the key word All for all cycles.
obj.bMean If TRUE (1) the mean cycle will be calculated.
obj.bMaximum If TRUE (1) the maximum cycle will be calculated.
obj.bMinimum If TRUE (1) the minimum cycle will be calculated.


def TestMean()
      ssIFile = "z:/uniplot-testdata/ifile-daten/1000_023.001"
      ssNCFile = auto_ImportData(ssIFile);
      if (ssNCFile == "") {
              return FALSE;

      ncid = nc_open(ssNCFile, NC_WRITE);
      if (ncid == -1) {
              return FALSE;

      obj = [.];
      obj.ssNCDestName = ssIFile + "";
      obj.ssXChannel = "CA";
      obj.rsStartCycle = -360;
      obj.rsCycleLength = 720;
      obj.svCycles = "All";
      obj.bMean = 1;
      obj.bMaximum = 1;
      obj.bMinimum = 1;
      obj.svMeanChannel = ["P_ZYL1", "P_ZYL2", "P_ZYL3", "P_ZYL4"];

      ssNCMean = NC_CreateMeanCycleFile(ncid, obj);

      return ssNCMean;


Version Description
5.15.1 New.
