8. Overview ClipboardΒΆ
Clipboard |
Reads data in text format from the clipboard. The ClipboardToField works the same way as the FileToField function. The only difference is that the first parameter of ClipboardToField is a scalar string with the value |
EmptyClipboard empties the clipboard. |
GetClipboardObject reads an UniScript object from the clipboard. |
GetClipboardText gets text from the clipboard. |
PageCopyToClipboard copies a page to the clipboard. |
PageInsertFromClipboard pastes the clipboard contents into the given page. |
PagePaste inserts clipboard data into a UniPlot document page. The function supports only the OLE format and the UniPlot format. |
PagePasteSpecial inserts clipboard data into the active layer of UniPlot document page. |
PagePasteSpecialDialog inserts clipboard data into the active layer of UniPlot document page. If the data is available in different formats, a selection dialog box is displayed. |
SetClipboardObject writes an UniScript object into the clipboard. |
SetClipboardText writes text into the clipboard. |
clipboard_enum returns an integer array of clipboard formats. |
clipboard_format_name returns the format name for a given format index. See clipboard_enum. |
clipboard_get_data returns the clipboard data as a string. The sting can contain 0-characters. |
clipboard_is checks if the given format is in the clipboard. |
See also