2. Overview Binary and Text Files¶
The following functions support reading and writing text and binary files.
Functions |
fclearerror resets the error flag for the given file handle. |
fclose closes a file. |
feof tests for end-of-file. |
ferror checks if the error flag for the given file handle is set. |
ffind finds the position of a string in a file. |
fflush flushes the stream buffer. |
fgetlen returns the file length in bytes. |
The fgetline function reads a string from the input file and stores it in a string. |
fopen opens a file. |
fprintf formats and prints a series of characters and values into a file. |
fread reads data from a file. |
fseek moves the file pointer to a new position. |
fsetlen sets the file length in bytes. |
fshow lists all open file names which were created with the fopen function. |
ftell returns the current file pointer position in bytes. |
fwrite writes data into a file. |
text_file_read reads unicode and ANSI text files. |
text_file_write writes text into a file using a given character encoding and newline format. |
Reading large Data Files in Text Format |
ftf_close frees all memory used by the context. |
ftf_get_row_num returns a real matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows. |
ftf_get_row_str returns a string matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows. |
ftf_get_row_type returns a type matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows. |
ftf_get_rows loads the next nRowsMax rows. |
ftf_get_size returns the number of rows and columns of the given text file. |
ftf_open reads text files (ASCII) containing rows and columns of text, numbers and empty fields. The function can be used instead of FileToField. ftf_open can read large data files with hundreds of Megabytes. |
ftf_rewind sets the pointer to the beginning of the file. |
Miscellaneous |
The AbbreviatePathName function creates a abbreviate path name. |
AppKillTimer will stop the timer, started with AppNewTimer. |
AppNewTimer creates a new timer. The specified callback function will be invoked when the specified time has run down. The function is invoked until a call of AppKillTimer terminates the timer. |
Is replaced by AppNewTimer. |
AppShowTimer returns information about the active timers. |
ComparePath compares two file or folder names. |
CopyFile copies an existing file to a new file. |
DeleteFile deletes an existing file. |
FS_GetFileSystemList retrieves a list of drive names. |
FS_GetFreeSpace retrieves the free disk space of the specified drive. |
FS_GetTotalSpace returns the total disk space. |
FS_MakeDirectory creates a new directory. |
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create starts watching a directory. Any changes (renaming, creating, or deleting a file) will be logged. The changes can be received calling the FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get function. |
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Destroy stops watching a directory. |
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get returns all file names logged since the last time the function FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get or FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create was invoked. |
FileWatchAdd adds a file to the list of watched files. If the operating system detects a change to the file the callback function is called. |
FileWatchRemove removes a file from the list of watched files. |
The FindFiles function returns a string matrix with file names and other file information. |
GetClipboardObject reads an UniScript object from the clipboard. |
GetClipboardText gets text from the clipboard. |
The GetDirectory function returns a string vector with file names. If bRecurseSubDirs is TRUE (1) it returns also the file names found in sub-directories. The function does not return directory names. |
GetDirectoryDialog displays a directory selection dialog. |
GetDirectoryWriteAccess checks if the user has write access for the given directory. |
GetDropFileNames displays a list box which can be used to drop files from the File Manager or Explorer. |
GetFileAttributes returns attributes for one or more a specified files or directories. |
GetFileSize returns the file size in bytes for one or more a specified files. |
GetFileTime returns the date and time at which given files were created, last accessed and last written to. |
GetFileWriteAccess checks if the user has write access for the given file. |
GetOpenFileName opens a Open File dialog box. |
GetOpenFileName opens a Open File dialog box. |
GetRootDirectory returns the UniPlot directory. |
GetSaveFileName opens a dialog box to select a file name. |
GetTempFileName creates a name for a temporary file. |
GetTempPath retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files. |
The GetUNCPath function retrieves the universal naming convention (UNC) path for a mapped network drive. |
GetUserDirectory returns the UniPlot user directory. |
GetWindowsDirectory returns the name of the Windows directory |
IsDirectory checks if the given directory exists. |
IsFileExcel checks if the given file is an Excel file ( |
IsFileExcelUTX checks if the given file is an Excel file ( |
IsFileIPW checks if a file is a UniPlot file (IPW or IPZ). |
IsFileLotus checks if the given file is a Lotus 1-2-3file ( |
IsFileText checks if a file is a text file (ASCII File). |
IsFilenetCDF checks if the file is an netCDF file ( |
MakeFullPath creates a path name with backslashes ( |
MakePath creates a full path name composed of a drive letter, directory path, file name and extension. |
The MoveFile function renames an existing file or a directory (including all its children). |
RemoveDirectory deletes an existing directory. The directory must be empty, and it must not be the current working directory or the root directory. |
SetClipboardObject writes an UniScript object into the clipboard. |
SetClipboardText writes text into the clipboard. |
SetFileTime sets the date and time at which given files were created, last accessed and last written to. |
Shell_CreateShortcut creates a short cut to a program or file on the desktop, in the program menu or in other places. |
Shell_DeleteShortcut removes a shell short cut. |
Shell_GetShortcut returns information about a shell short cut file. |
Shell_GetSpecialFolder returns the path for a given ID. For example CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY returns the desktop directory for the current user. |
Shell_IsShortcut checks if a given short cut already exists.. |
md5_file calculates the MD5 check sum using the algorithm http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1321.html, MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm (RFC 1321). |
path_normalize replaces slashes ( |
Fast search function to locate a file in a given list of directories. |
utf_from_locale creates a Unicode string from an 8-Bit-ANSI string using the current local code page. |
utf_to_locale creates an 8-Bit-ANSI string from a Unicode string. |