What’s New in UniPlot 5.11.0

This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.11.0 since version 5.10.3.


  • A file comment can be set in the Data=>Data Exchange (Document) and Data=>Data Exchange (Page) dialog box. The comment can be displayed using the @f{legend_table} field function. The display order of the data files can be modified as well.


    File attributes of more than one data file can be displayed in a page using placeholders in this format $File_x.attname$ for example: $File2:engineno$ to display the attribute engineno of the second file.

  • Edit Formula: A formula can be modified using the Tools=>Formulalist or via a right mouse click in the data browser on a formula channel. See also Formula Interpreter 1 - Introduction.

New UniScript Functions

  New Functions in UniPlot 5.11.0
@f{legend_table} Creates a legend table for the data files used in the page or document.
DocExchangeDataFiles DocExchangeDataFiles executes a data exchange for a complete document.
DocGetDataFileList DocGetDataFileList returns the list of used data files in the document or page.
DocSetDataFileList DocSetDataFileList saves the list of used data file names in the document.
fround fround rounds the elements of a matrix. The number of significant digits can be specified.

Modified UniScript Functions

The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description.

  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.11.0
Round Is replaced by fround.
RoundDown Is replaced by fround.
RoundUp Is replaced by fround.
XYZIsInterLinear Is replaced by XYZGetInterpolationType.
XYZSetInterLinear Is replaced by XYZSetInterpolationType.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • (ID2161) The XYZGetNumberOfPoints function was documented but missing.
  • (ID2168): 3D-Dataset-Interpolation: The Thin-Plate-Spline interpolation failed for some datasets. The interpolation has been modified as following: If the interpolations fails a linear interpolation is executed and a warning is displayed in the event window. See also: Data=>Interpolation.
  • (ID2169): IFILE: A reading sometimes occurred if the file contained Indicom extension data. See also Import of IFILE Data Files.
  • (ID2170): poly_triangulate: The function could not be invoked with three data points. At least 4 data points were needed.
  • (ID2171): Formula Interpreter: The following functions returned column vectors instead of a row vector: smooth, fft_filter, derivative, integral, max, min. Column and row vectors cannot be mixed in an expression using one of the following operators: +, - , *. /. See also Formula Interpreter 1 - Introduction.
  • (ID2173): UTX-Filter: Empty columns on the right side of the data matrix will be ignored.
  • (ID2181): UTX-Export: Each attribute was separated by two newline separators. Now, only one separator is used.
  • (ID2183): Objects with string arrays were displayed incorrectly, for example print [. a = ["Hello1", "Hello2"], b = 123];.
  • (ID2184): MATLAB files withe 0-Bytes strings in cell arrays could not be read.
  • (ID2185): Formula Interpreter: The replace_missings() function did not recognize the value 1e10 as a missing value.
  • (ID2188): In some cases a 2D curve could not be selected with the mouse. If a curve was overlapped by another curve and clipping was enabled the curve could not be selected.
  • (ID2189): Grid lines could not be displayed as a dotted line.
  • (ID2191): PDF-Export: The export used the default printer driver page size. Example: If the printer driver of the PDF Export was set to A4, the page could not be exported as A3.
  • (ID2192): Hatch filling of 2D-Datasets: If the curve was a closed polygon, the number of data points was limited to 2047 points. If the curve contained more points, a memory access violation occurred. This bug has been fixed as as follows: The number of points is limited to 181072, otherwise the hatch filling is not displayed. This limitation does not apply to monotone increasing datasets.
