13. Overview MarkerΒΆ
Create and Destroy |
Creates a symbol to mark data points of a dataset. |
The MarkerDestroy function destroys the given marker object and frees any memory the marker object occupied. |
Set |
MarkerSetEdgeColor sets the edge color of a marker symbol. |
MarkerSetEdgeWidth sets the edge width of a marker symbol in steps of 0.1 mm. |
MarkerSetFillColor sets the fill color of a marker symbol. |
MarkerSetSize sets the size of a marker. |
MarkerSetStyle sets the style of a marker symbol. |
Get |
Returns the edge color of a marker symbol. |
Returns the edge width of a marker symbol. |
MarkerGetFillColor returns the fill color of a marker symbol. |
Returns the marker size in centimeters. |
Returns the style of a marker symbol. |
See also