
OBJSetCallbackFunction sets a callback function for some events.

bool = OBJSetCallbackFunction(hObj, ssCallbackType, ssCallbackFunction)

Return Value

Is TRUE (1), if the function was successful and otherwise FALSE (0).



Identifies the drawing object.


ssCallbackType sets the type of callback function. The following events are supported:

Type (String) Description
ObjectDblClickCallBack Will be invoked if an object is double clicked (Diagram, Drawing Object) The function must have one parameter: cb(hObject).
ObjectClickCallback Will be invoked if an object is clicked (Diagram, Drawing Object) The function must have one parameter: cb(hObject).
VideoPos Will be invoked if a video is played). The function must have two parameters: cb(hVideo, pos).
VideoMode Will be invoked if a video is played. The function must have two parameters: cb(hVideo, mode).
DragEnd Will be invoked if an object has been dragged to a new position (Diagram, Drawing Object). The function must have one parameter: cb(hObject).
SaveAs Will be invoked if an IPW/IPZ document will be saved under a new name. The function must have one parameter: cb(hDoc, ssNewName).

ssCallbackFunction is the callback function name.


An object can only have one callback function specified for each event.


OBJSetCallbackFunction(hCB, "ObjectDblClickCallBack", "OnLabelDataPointConfig");


Version Description
R2013.3 New.
