AppSetGDI sets the interface used to display graphics on the monitor or printer (Graphics Device Interface). With UniPlot R2018 three different interfaces can be used.

bool = AppSetGDI(nGDIType)
bool = AppSetGDI(oOptions)

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0).



nGDIType ist einer der folgenden Werte:

nGDIType Typ Description
1 GDI Used in all versions including UniPlot R2016. Faster than GDI+. No support for transparency or anti aliasing etc.
2 GDI+ Introduced with UniPlot R2017. Better qualitiy than GDI but slower.
3 Direct2D (Default) Hardware accelerated output. Introduced with UniPlot R2018. Quality compareable with GDI+ and faster than GDI.

oOptions is an object with three elements: screen, printer, timing.

Option Value Description
screen 1, 2, 3 GDI, GDI+, D2D
printer 1,2 GDI, GDI+. D2D is not supported
timing 0,1  


The setting is saved in the registry The interface is used to display the graphics on the monitor and printer.


Using GDI for printer:

AppSetGDI( [. printer = 1] )


Version Description
R2018 (6.00.0) New.
