
XYZGetFillColors returns the colors used to fill between the isolines of a 3D dataset.

rmRGB = XYZGetFillColors(hData)
rmARGB = XYZGetFillColors(hData, bTransparency)

Return Value

rmRGB is a matrix with 3 columns with fill colors. i is the index of the corresponding ISO value starting with 1. The number of rows is equal to the number of ISO values in the xyz-dataset.

Value Meaning
rmRGB[i;1] Red (0-255)
rmRGB[i;2] Green (0-255)
rmRGB[i;3] Blue (0-255)

rmARGB is a matrix with 4 columns with transparency and fill colors. i is the index of the corresponding ISO value beginning with 1. The number of rows is equal to the number of ISO values in the xyz-dataset.

Value Meaning
rmARGB[i;1] Alpha (0-255)
rmARGB[i;2] Red (0-255)
rmARGB[i;3] Green (0-255)
rmARGB[i;4] Blue (0-255)



A handle for a dataset created with XYZCreate.
