File=>Channel Quick View

This command creates x/y or t/y overlay plots of selected channels for one or more data files.

The channel and file selection can be changes after the document has been created. To access these commands add the toolbar buttons File=>QV Channels and File=>QV Files to the user toolbar (see Tools=>Customize User Toolbar).

  • To use Quick View with Excel- or ASCII data files please check import options first. (File=>Import Options). The following settings should be selected for the example files \UniPlot\Addin\rs_auto\*.xls:

  • To create a report with the quick view function, choose File=>Channel Quick View to open the following dialog box:

  • To specify the search filter for data files, click the Search Filter button to open the following dialog box:

  • Click OK to return to the Select Files dialog box. Choose the files Test1.xls and Test5.xls and then press OK.

  • In the following Channel Selection dialog box, choose EngSpd from the x-channel combo box and select EngPwr, SAEPwr, SAETrq, SB and SZ as y-channels.


    This will produce the following output:


Modifying Templates

The function File=>Channel Quick View uses templates files which are stored in the directory UniPlot\Template\QV. New templates should be stored in this directory. If you modify the templates shipped with UniPlot, save them under a new name to avoid the files being overwritten by an UniPlot update. Currently, UniPlot comes with 3 templates:

  • default.ipw: This template can plot up to 8 channels on one page. If for example you select 10 channels UniPlot will create a document with two pages. The first page would contain 8 diagrams and the second page 2 diagrams.

  • Simple.ipw: A very simple template with two template pages.

  • SmallDiagrams.ipw: A template with one page. The page contains 12 small diagrams.

Lets have a look at the template file default.ipw.


The file contains 10 pages. The name of the first page is Background- Landscape. This page will be used as the background for the diagrams. The page contains two so called field functions, two place-holders (text enclosed in $- signs), a frame and a simple logo.

@f{legendFile(Diagram 1)}{Legend}


$(1)Page Title$

$(2)Page Subtitle$

The Background-Portrait page will be used as the background page for pages in portrait format. This page is not used in this template. The pages with the names 1 to 8 are all in landscape format.

The two pages Background-Landscape and Background-Portrait are optional.

The following pages have the names 1 to 8. The number refers to the number of diagrams in the page. Page 1 contains one diagram, page 2 contains two diagrams and page 8 contains eight diagrams. Example: If the user selects 6 channels, the function File=>Channel Quick View uses the page with the name 6 (if available). The page must contain 6 diagrams if the page name is 6.

If you select 10 channels, the first page will show 8 channels and the second page 2 channels.

If you select 22 channels, a document with 3 pages will be created. The first page will show 8 channels the second page 8 and the third page 6 channels.

A template file does not need to have all consecutive pages. A template can contain pages with the names 1, 2 and 4.

Modifying dataset styles

In this version dataset styles are “hard coded”. To change the colors, markers etc. copy the file Script\rs_qv_st.ic into the uniplot/autoload directory or in the directory C:/Documents and Settings/User Name/Local Settings/UniPlot/autoload. Here you can modify the file. Choose UniScript=>Save/Execute to translate the file.


The functions for the command File=>Channel Quick View can be found in the files rs_qv.ic, rs_qv_dg.ic, rs_qv_i.ic, rs_qv_st.ic in the script directory.

def Sample_1()
    ssPath = GetRootDirectory() + "Samples/";
    svFiles = ssPath + ["Test1", "Test2"] + ".xls";
    ssXChannel = "EngSpd";
    svChannels = ["SB", "SZ", "EngPwr", "SAEPwr"];
    svText = ["Text1", "Text2"];
    bShowFileOpenDlg = 0;
    bShowChannelSelectDlg = 0;
    bShowTextInputDlg = 0;
    ssTemplate = "Default";

    rvOptions = [bShowFileOpenDlg, bShowChannelSelectDlg, bShowTextInputDlg]
    QV_MainProg(ssTemplate, svFiles, ssXChannel, svChannels, svText, rvOptions);
