Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>User LabelΒΆ
Axis labels can be edited in this dialog box.

Label Font
Opens the dialog box to set the font.
Standard Label
Opens the dialog box to configure the standard labels. See Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Label.
User Label
Each line in the text field can contain a label. A label starts with the value, followed by an equal sign, followed by the display text. Example:
1.0 = On
. The text can be empty. Example:2.5 =
. For an empty user label a grid line will be displayed.The label is visible, if the value is in the range of axis scale. To create a label with multiple lines, insert
as a line separator.
Display User Label
Enables the display of the user labels.
Display Standard Label
Enables the display of the standard labels.
Enable Autoload User Label
If checked, the labels are loaded if the y channel of the dataset contains the NC attribute
. Example:_nc_enum = 15|SNA|8|RUN|7|UNDEF|0|OK
Skip Overlapping Label
If checked, the standard labels are not displayed if they overlap with a user label.
Display Grid for User Label
If checked, the grid will only be displayed for the user labels.
Axis labels can be plotted horizontally or rotated by +90 or -90 degrees.
Rel. Position
Labels can be moved relative to their standard position in centimeters.
See also