UniScript 5.x

  New Functions in UniPlot 5.14.9
@f{datasetfilter} Displayes the record filter for the given dataset.
moving_median The moving_median function calculates a moving median. The function operates over a moving window of values. For each window, the middle value found in the window is used.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.14.7
nc_from_obj nc_from_obj creates a netCDF file from a special structured UniScript object.
nc_to_obj nc_to_obj reads a netCDF file or a selection of channels of a netCDF file into a UniScript object.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.14.5
IpwInfo IpwInfo returns the number of streams and the total size of all streams of an IPW or IPZ file.
us_lock us_lock locks the Windows message loop while an UniScript function is executed.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.14.0
IsWin64 IsWin64 checks, if a 64-Bit Windows version is installed.
cast cast performs a C-cast operation, for example r = (double)(float) m.
get_math_lib get_math_lib returns the name of the enabled math libray.
search_path Fast search function to locate a file in a given list of directories.
set_math_lib set_math_lib sets the math library.
svd Singular value decomposition.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.12.0
AppIsDataTooltip Checks if the data tooltips are enabled.
AppSetDataTooltip Enables or disables the data tooltips.
ObjGetUserData ObjGetUserData returns a data-object, set with ObjSetUserData.
ObjSaveUserData ObjSaveUserData save the data of a data-object added with ObjSetUserData in the connected IPW file.
ObjSetUserData ObjSetUserData saves a data-object created by obj_create in a UniPlot-object (dataset, diagram, page, drawing object, etc.).
corrcoef corrcoef returns the correlation coefficient. Its square is the coefficient of determination.
cov cov returns the covariance of its parameter.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.11.1
std std returns the standard deviation of its parameter.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.11.0
@f{legend_table} Creates a legend table for the data files used in the page or document.
DocExchangeDataFiles DocExchangeDataFiles executes a data exchange for a complete document.
DocGetDataFileList DocGetDataFileList returns the list of used data files in the document or page.
DocSetDataFileList DocSetDataFileList saves the list of used data file names in the document.
fround fround rounds the elements of a matrix. The number of significant digits can be specified.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.10.2
XYZFilterCallback XYZFilterCallback will be invoked in XYZCreate to remove unwanted data points.
reduce3d reduce3d removes data points from an x/y/z dataset.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.10.1
ADDIN_LoadAddIn ADDIN_LoadAddIn loads an Addin.
PageSaveAsBitmapEx PageSaveAsBitmapEx creates a bitmap with high resolution or WMF file from the given page.
Rainflow_Batch Executes a rainflow counting function. The results are displayed in a template.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.10.0
@f{cursor_value} Displays the x- or y-value of a 2D dataset at the cursor position.
AppGetToolbarInfo AppGetToolbarInfo returns a matrix with toolbar names and an information if the toolbar is visible.
AppGetUserColorTable The function AppGetUserColorTable returns a vector with 16 user colors.
AppSetToolbarInfo AppSetToolbarInfo switches toolbars on or off.
AppSetUserColorTable The function AppSetUserColorTable sets the user colors.
MnInsertPopup MnInsertPopup inserts a new popup menu into a menu.
matlab_load matlab_load loads a MATLAB file (mat file) into a UniScript object.
matlab_save matlab_save saves a UniScript object in a MATLAB file (mat file).
nc_dimredim nc_dimredim modifies the size of a dimension. The NC2 file must be set to define mode (see nc_endef/nc_redef).
nc_varinq_changed nc_varinq_changed returns the change counter of a netCDF variable.
uuid uuid returns a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) as a string.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.9.3
DocInsertToc DocInsertToc inserts or updates a Table of Contents.
NC_ExportData NC_ExportData converts UniPlot data files (.nc, .nc2) into another data format.
isfinite isfinite determines whether the given number is finite.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.9.2
PagePasteSpecial PagePasteSpecial inserts clipboard data into the active layer of UniPlot document page.
PagePasteSpecialDialog PagePasteSpecialDialog inserts clipboard data into the active layer of UniPlot document page. If the data is available in different formats, a selection dialog box is displayed.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.9
AppGetGlobalOption AppGetGlobalOption returns a value of an option from Tools=>More Options.
AppSetGlobalOption AppSetGlobalOption sets a value of an option from Tools=>More Options.
ExcelRead3 ExcelRead3 reads MS-Excel files (.xls).
NC_MapInterpolation NC_MapInterpolation calculates new channels by map interpolation and adds the new channels to an NC file.
PagePaste PagePaste inserts clipboard data into a UniPlot document page. The function supports only the OLE format and the UniPlot format.
XYClip XYClip clips the specified 2D dataset to the x-range displayed in the diagram.
XYGetFirstPoint XYGetFirstPoint returns the position (index) of the first loaded data point.
XYReload XYReload loads data.
XYSetFirstPoint XYSetFirstPoint is used internally. The function is used if only a range of data points are loaded.
aop_getvale aop_getvale returns values of application elements.
clipboard_enum clipboard_enum returns an integer array of clipboard formats.
clipboard_format_name clipboard_format_name returns the format name for a given format index. See clipboard_enum.
clipboard_get_data clipboard_get_data returns the clipboard data as a string. The sting can contain 0-characters.
clipboard_is clipboard_is checks if the given format is in the clipboard.
excel_get_style_index excel_get_style_index returns the index of cell style.
excel_get_style_map excel_get_style_map returns a map with style names.
ftf_close ftf_close frees all memory used by the context.
ftf_get_row_num ftf_get_row_num returns a real matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows.
ftf_get_row_str ftf_get_row_str returns a string matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows.
ftf_get_row_type ftf_get_row_type returns a type matrix loaded with ftf_get_rows.
ftf_get_rows ftf_get_rows loads the next nRowsMax rows.
ftf_get_size ftf_get_size returns the number of rows and columns of the given text file.
ftf_open ftf_open reads text files (ASCII) containing rows and columns of text, numbers and empty fields. The function can be used instead of FileToField. ftf_open can read large data files with hundreds of Megabytes.
ftf_rewind ftf_rewind sets the pointer to the beginning of the file.
registry_load registry_load copies all UniPlot settings from the specified XML file to the Windows registry.
registry_save registry_save copies all UniPlot settings from the Windows registry to the specified XML file.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.8.0
OBJSetRefPoint OBJSetRefPoint specifies, to which corner of the object the position coordinates refer.
sgolayfilt sgolayfilt computes a moving average using the Savitzky-Golay algorithm.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.7.0
AppNewTimer AppNewTimer creates a new timer. The specified callback function will be invoked when the specified time has run down. The function is invoked until a call of AppKillTimer terminates the timer.
AppShowTimer AppShowTimer returns information about the active timers.
FE_UpdateNCFile The function FE_UpdateNCFile adds all formulas to the given NC file.
TableSetSize TableSetSize sets the number of rows and columns.
ch The ch function returns the data of a given channel as a row vector.
get_ncid get_ncid
set_ch set_ch sets the new channel data.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.6.0
Round Is replaced by fround.
nc_fatal_error nc_fatal_error.
nc_last_error nc_last_error returns the last error that occurred of UniPlot data files. If the last invoked nc_-function returned without an error the function will return 0.
nc_str_error nc_str_error.
nc_sync nc_sync writes all buffered data to the file.
nc_vardelete nc_vardelete deletes a given variable. A variable can only be deleted if the file is not in definition mode.
option_add option_add adds an option to the Tools=>More Options dialog box. The option data is saved in the Windows registry or an INI file.
option_dialog option_dialog opens the option dialog box Tools=>More Options.
updf_close_storage updf_close_storage closes a storage of sub storage.
updf_commit If a root storage is given the changes are written to disk.
updf_copy_to updf_copy_to copies a storages and all containing streams, storages and properties recursively into another storage.
updf_create_file updf_create_file creates a new updf file.
updf_create_storage updf_create_storage creates a new storage within a storage.
updf_create_stream updf_create_stream creates a new stream in a storage.
updf_destroy_element updf_destroy_element removes (destroys) a storage or stream in a storage.
updf_dump updf_dump saves a complete updf file in a directory. For storages a new subdirectory will be created. Properties will be saved in xml files. Streams will be saved in binary files.
updf_enum_begin updf_enum_begin can be used with updf_enum_next to iterate over all streams and storages of a storage object.
updf_enum_close updf_enum_close
updf_enum_next updf_enum_next can be used with updf_enum_begin to iterage over all streams and storages of a storage object.
updf_file_close updf_file_close closes a updf stream.
updf_file_copy_to updf_file_copy_to.
updf_fileversion updf_fileversion returns the file version.
updf_gen updf_gen copies the all files of directory an its subdirectories into an updf file.
updf_get_error_string updf_get_error_string returns the error message for the error code returned by updf_is_error.
updf_is_error updf_is_error checks if a fatal error occurred.
updf_libversion updf_libversion.
updf_open_file updf_open_file opens an existing updf file.
updf_open_storage updf_open_storage opens a storage in a updf file.
updf_open_stream updf_open_stream opens an existing stream in a updf file.
updf_prop_close updf_prop_close closes the properties in a storage or stream.
updf_prop_copy_to updf_prop_copy_to.
updf_prop_count updf_prop_count returns the number of properties.
updf_prop_delete updf_prop_delete removes a property-object (key/value pair).
updf_prop_enum updf_prop_enum iterates over all properties of a stream or storage.
updf_prop_enum_close updf_prop_enum_close closes a propEnum object.
updf_prop_enum_next updf_prop_enum_next can be used with updf_prop_enum to iterate over all properties of a stream and storage.
updf_prop_get_at updf_prop_get_at returns a property-object.
updf_prop_has_key updf_prop_has_key checks if the given property-name exists.
updf_prop_open updf_prop_open opens the properties of a given storage or stream.
updf_prop_set_at updf_prop_set_at writes a property.
updf_propval_get updf_propval_get returns a property value.
updf_propval_get_info updf_propval_get_info returns information about a property.
updf_propval_new updf_propval_new creates a new property value object.
updf_rename_element updf_rename_element changes the name of a stream or storage.
updf_revert updf_revert reverts all modifications since the last open or commit command (updf_commit).
updf_stat_get_len updf_stat_get_len is the size of a stream (number of bytes). If stat contains a storage object the function returns 0.
updf_stat_get_name updf_stat_get_name returns the storage of stream name.
updf_stat_get_type updf_stat_get_type returns the type of an element.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.5.0
AppKillTimer AppKillTimer will stop the timer, started with AppNewTimer.
AppSetTimer Is replaced by AppNewTimer.
ExcelRead2 The ExcelRead2 function reads MS-Excel formatted files.
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create starts watching a directory. Any changes (renaming, creating, or deleting a file) will be logged. The changes can be received calling the FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get function.
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Destroy FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Destroy stops watching a directory.
FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get returns all file names logged since the last time the function FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Get or FS_ReadDirectoryChanges_Create was invoked.
IsFileExcelUTX IsFileExcelUTX checks if the given file is an Excel file (.XLS).
SetFileTime SetFileTime sets the date and time at which given files were created, last accessed and last written to.
excel_close excel_close closes an Excel document opened with excel_open or excel_create.
excel_create excel_create creates a Excel file in the Biff 12 format (Excel 2007 or newer with the extension .xlsx).
excel_get_sheetnames excel_get_sheetnames returns a string vector with the sheet names of an Excel file.
excel_open excel_open opens an Excel file for reading.
excel_sheet_close excel_sheet_close closes a sheet and frees all memory associated with the sheet object.
excel_sheet_create excel_sheet_create creates a new Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_get_row_num excel_sheet_get_row_num returns a real data matrix with the values of a section of a Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_get_row_str excel_sheet_get_row_str returns a string data matrix with the values of a section of an Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_get_row_style excel_sheet_get_row_style returns a real data matrix with the style indizes of an Excel 2007 sheet .xlsx. For Excel 2003 and older Excel versions the function returns a matrix with all elements set to 1.
excel_sheet_get_row_type excel_sheet_get_row_type returns a real matrix with the data types of a section of an Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_get_rows excel_sheet_get_rows reads the specified number of rows starting at the current position. The current position is updated by the number of rows read. To fetch the data use excel_sheet_get_row_num, excel_sheet_get_row_str and excel_sheet_get_row_str.
excel_sheet_get_size excel_sheet_get_size returns the number of rows and columns of an Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_open excel_sheet_open opens an Excel sheet.
excel_sheet_put_rows excel_sheet_put_rows writes data starting at the current position to an Excel sheet in the Biff 12 format (Excel 2007, Extension .xlsx).
pq_connectdb pq_connectdb makes a new connection to the database server.
pq_error_message pq_error_message returns the last error message.
pq_escape_bytea pq_escape_bytea prepares binary data (BLOP) of type bytea to use in an SQL command.
pq_escape_string pq_escape_string prepares an SQL string.
pq_exec pq_exec executes an SQL command.
pq_finish pq_finish closes the connection to the server.
pq_fname pq_fname returns a column name of a query result.
pq_getvalue pq_getvalue returns a single field from a query result.
pq_nfields pq_nfields returns the number of columns in the query result.
pq_ntuples pq_ntuples returns the number of rows (tuples) in the query result.
pq_result_error_message pq_result_error_message returns the error message if an error in pq_exec occurred.
pq_result_status pq_result_status returns the status of an SQL command
pq_server_version pq_server_version returns the server version.
pq_status pq_status returns the status of the connection.
pq_unescape_bytea pq_unescape_bytea converts bytea data to binary data.
rspline rspline computes a rational spline under tension for a given x and y vector.
sqlite3_busy_timeout sqlite3_busy_timeout sets the time limit to open a locked SQLite database.
sqlite3_close sqlite3_close closes the open SQLite database.
sqlite3_execute sqlite3_execute executes an SQL command.
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid sqlite3_last_insert_rowid returns the integer primary key of the last INSERT command.
sqlite3_libencoding sqlite3_libencoding returns the SQLite database string coding. In this version it returns utf-8.
sqlite3_libversion sqlite3_libversion returns the SQLite library version.
sqlite3_open sqlite3_open opens an SQLite database. If the database does not exist it will be created.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.4.0
@f{xyzvolume} Calculates the volume, area or the quotient volume/area for a given 3D dataset.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.3.4
DocGetAllPages DocGetAllPages returns a vector of all page handles for the given document or page handle.
XYGetXMonoton XYGetXMonoton returns a value greater 0, if the x-coordinates are monotonically increasing or decreasing.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.3.2
ImageSetPixelColor ImageSetPixelColor sets the color value of a bitmap pixel of a complete bitmap.
ImageSetPixelGray ImageSetPixelGray sets the gray value of a pixel or complete bitmap.
histc histc calculates a histogram.
nc_attcopy nc_attcopy copies a given attribute into a different NC file.
nc_copy nc_copy copies all variables and attributes of an NC file to a new NC file.
nc_inquire_format nc_inquire_format returns the file format for a given ncid.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.2.0
AppGetActivePrinterName The function AppGetActivePrinterName returns the active printer name.
DocPrintPDF DocPrintPDF prints the document pages to a PDF file.
ImageGetHeight ImageGetHeight returns the height in pixel of the given image.
ImageGetPixelColor ImageGetPixelColor returns the color value of a pixel as an RGB value.
ImageGetPixelGray ImageGetPixelGray returns the gray value of a pixel.
ImageGetWidth ImageGetWidth returns the width in pixel of the given image.
PageGetPaperSize PageGetPaperSize returns the index of a paper size.
moving_average The moving_average function calculates a moving average. This filter can be used to reduce random noise.
plotxyz plotxyz creates a new 3D dataset and plots the data into a diagram. The 3D dataset can be created from scattered XYZ triples or from a rectangular grid (matrix).
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.1.2
PageSetSize PageSetSize sets the paper size in centimeter or selects a predefined paper size.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.1.0
XYCopyConfig XYCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 1D or 2D dataset to the destination 1D or 2D dataset.
XYZCopyConfig XYZCopyConfig copies the style properties from the source 3D dataset to the destination 3D dataset.
  New Functions in UniPlot 5.0
AppGetBatchMode AppGetBatchMode returns the batch mode flag. If batch mode is enabled the display of dialog and message boxes are suppressed.
AppSetBatchMode AppSetBatchMode sets the batch mode flag. If batch mode is enabled the display of dialog and message boxes are suppressed.
DdeAdvise DdeAdvise starts or stops a DDE advise loop with a server (Hot-Link).
DdeCallback_Advise DdeCallback_Advise is called by the server to send data to UniPlot.
DdeServiceName DdeServiceName The DdeNameService function registers a service name for UniPlot as a sever. The default service name is "UniPlotSL".
LayerGetPolarConfig LayerGetPolarConfig returns the polar diagram configuration.
LayerIsAxisTitleFreePos LayerIsAxisTitleFreePos returns TRUE (1) if the axis title position can be modified using the mouse.
LayerSetAxisTitleFreePos LayerSetAxisTitleFreePos specifies if the position of the axis title can be modified using the mouse.
LayerSetPolarConfig LayerSetPolarConfig set the polar diagram configuration.
MapCopy MapCopy creates a copy of the given map object.
TBConfigDialog Displays the text object configuration dialog box.
TBIsClipText TBIsClipText returns TRUE (1), if clipping is enabled.
TBIsWordWrap TBIsWordWrap returns TRUE (1), if word wrap is enabled.
TBSetClipText TBSetClipText enables or disables clipping.
TBSetWordWrap TBSetWordWrap enables or disables word wrap.
XYZSetData XYZSetData sets the xyz-coordinates of a dataset.
aop_closeenv aop_closeenv ends a session.
aop_getapplinf aop_getapplinf returns the application structure of an ASAM-ODS database.
aop_getattr aop_getattr returns attribute information about an application element.
aop_getinstattr aop_getinstattr returns instance element attributes.
aop_getinstref aop_getinstref returns the instance references.
aop_getpar aop_getpar returns the value of parameters.
aop_getsecuritylevel aop_getsecuritylevel returns the security-level of the specified element id.
aop_getval aop_getval returns the values of application elements.
aop_getvalattr aop_getvalattr returns channel attributes of one or more partial matrices.
aop_getvalinf aop_getvalinf returns information about a submatrix.
aop_getvalval aop_getvalval returns the values of a measurement (AoSubMatrix).
aop_openenv aop_openenv creates a new session.
aop_putval aop_putval writes data for an instance to the database.
aop_setinstref aop_setinstref set instance references.
aop_setpar aop_setpar sets properties.
aop_setpassword aop_setpassword sets a new password.
fclearerror fclearerror resets the error flag for the given file handle.
ferror ferror checks if the error flag for the given file handle is set.
log_add_logger log_add_logger adds a logger to the list of loggers.
log_error log_error writes a log message.
log_get_filename log_get_filename returns the log file name or an empty string if logging is disabled.
log_get_level log_get_level returns the output level for the given logger.
log_get_logger_names log_get_logger_names returns a string vector with all logger names.
log_is_active log_is_active checks if the given logger is enabled.
log_set_active log_set_active enables or disables a logger.
log_set_filename log_set_filename sets a file name of the output file for all loggers.
log_set_level log_set_level sets the output level for the given logger.
mem_dump mem_dump prints a string as a memory block into the command window.
mem_pack mem_pack converts a 16 bit string (UTF 16) to an 8 bit string.
mem_unpack mem_unpack creates a string from the given input byte string.
rpc_clnt_create rpc_clnt_create creates an RPC client pointer.
rpc_clnt_destroy rpc_clnt_destroy frees the RPC client pointer.
text_file_read text_file_read reads unicode and ANSI text files.
text_file_write text_file_write writes text into a file in ANSI - or Unicode format.
utf_from_locale utf_from_locale creates a Unicode string from an 8-Bit-ANSI string using the current local code page.
utf_to_locale utf_to_locale creates an 8-Bit-ANSI string from a Unicode string.
zip_list zip_list returns information about a given zip archive.
zip_unzip zip_unzip unzips a zip archive.
zip_unzip_buffer zip_unzip_buffer copies a file from the zip file into memory.
zip_zip zip_zip copies files in a new or existing zip file.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.14.7
AppGetGlobalOption AppGetGlobalOption returns a value of an option from Tools=>More Options.
AppSetBatchMode AppSetBatchMode sets the batch mode flag. If batch mode is enabled the display of dialog and message boxes are suppressed.
AppSetGlobalOption AppSetGlobalOption sets a value of an option from Tools=>More Options.
NC_ExportData NC_ExportData converts UniPlot data files (.nc, .nc2) into another data format.
obj_lookup obj_lookup returns the value of a given key.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.14.5
nc_get_option nc_get_option gets an option.
nc_makevalidname nc_makevalidname returns a valid netCDF variable name for a given name.
nc_set_option nc_set_option sets an option.
nc_varid nc_varid returns the ID of a netCDF variable when given its name.
nc_varinq_name The nc_varinq_name function returns the name of a netCDF variable when given its ID.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.14.0
DeCompressFile DeCompressFile decompress a file that was compressed by CompressFile.
rand rand returns random numbers with uniform distribution.
regex regex checks if elements of a string vector matches a regular expression.
regsplit regsplit splits a string using regular expressions.
srand srand sets a start value for the random generator.
version version returns the version string or version number of UniPlot.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.12.0
AppQuit AppQuit closes UniPlot.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.11.1
@f{legend_table} Creates a legend table for the data files used in the page or document.
strextract strextract returns a substring of its argument string.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.11.0
Round Is replaced by fround.
RoundDown Is replaced by fround.
RoundUp Is replaced by fround.
XYZIsInterLinear Is replaced by XYZGetInterpolationType.
XYZSetInterLinear Is replaced by XYZSetInterpolationType.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.10.2
matlab_load matlab_load loads a MATLAB file (mat file) into a UniScript object.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.10.1
@f{labeldataset} The field functions labels a curve with its legend text, set with XYSetLegendText or the y-channelname.
GetProfileString GetProfileString retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file or the Windows registry.
WriteProfileString WriteProfileString writes a string into the specified section of an initialization file or the Windows registry database.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.10.0
@f{legend} Creates a legend for 1D and 2D datasets.
DialogBox DialogBox creates a dialog box with static text, edit fields, list boxes, combo boxes, check boxes, a report list (list with multiple columns), a property list box, a group box, tree control and buttons.The dialog box can be configured to be resizeable (see Dialog control |F @ xxx_callback|).
EdCreate EdCreate creates a new editor.
ExcelRead3 ExcelRead3 reads MS-Excel files (.xls).
FileToField FileToField reads a text file (ASCII file and UNICODE file with BOM) where the elements are arranged in rows and columns. The elements can be text, numbers and blank fields.
IsFileIPW IsFileIPW checks if a file is a UniPlot file (IPW or IPZ).
IsFileText IsFileText checks if a file is a text file (ASCII File).
RegisterFunction RegisterFunction registers a function from a dynamic link library (DLL) to the UniScript symbol table. After a function is registered, the function can be called directly by UniScript.
fgetline The fgetline function reads a string from the input file and stores it in a string.
obj_load obj_load loads an object saved with obj_save from the hard drive.
obj_save obj_save saves an object as an XML file or as an binary file on the hard drive or as a string.
version version returns the version string or version number of UniPlot.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.9.3
ST_seti The ST_seti function takes an vector argument (A) and removes duplicate elements. The function returns an index vector of the result.
finite finite checks if the argument is 0/0 or 1/0.
inf inf returns the result of 1/0.
isinf isinf checks if its argument is in the range -INF … INF.
nan nan (Not a Number) returns the number 0/0.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.9.2
PageInsertFromClipboard PageInsertFromClipboard pastes the clipboard contents into the given page.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.9
PageInsertFromClipboard PageInsertFromClipboard pastes the clipboard contents into the given page.
TYSetData TYSetData sets the coordinates of a y/t datasets (1D-dataset).
XYSetData XYSetData sets the xy-coordinates of a dataset.
auto_GetData auto_GetData returns the data of the given channels as a matrix. The function can only be used to read numeric data channels.
fwrite fwrite writes data into a file.
mem_dump mem_dump prints a string as a memory block into the command window.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.8.2
fread fread reads data from a file.
mem_get mem_get reads bytes from a string and converts the data.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.7.0
AppKillTimer AppKillTimer will stop the timer, started with AppNewTimer.
AppSetTimer Is replaced by AppNewTimer.
DocGetAllPages DocGetAllPages returns a vector of all page handles for the given document or page handle.
EBCreate EBCreate creates an elliptic drawing object.
LBCreate LBCreate creates a line or arrow drawing object.
LayerCreate LayerCreate creates a new diagram.
MapLookup MapLookup uses a hashing algorithm to quickly find the map element with a key that exactly matches the given key.
RBCreate RBCreate creates a rectangular drawing object.
TBCreate TBCreate creates a new text object.
TableCreate TableCreate create a new table object.
regex regex checks if elements of a string vector matches a regular expression.
regsplit regsplit splits a string using regular expressions.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.6.0
DialogBox DialogBox creates a dialog box with static text, edit fields, list boxes, combo boxes, check boxes, a report list (list with multiple columns), a property list box, a group box, tree control and buttons.The dialog box can be configured to be resizeable (see Dialog control |F @ xxx_callback|).
RegGetValue RegGetValue retrieves a value.
RegSetValue RegSetValue sets a value for the key name.
auto_LoadStyleFile auto_LoadStyleFile loads a style file. The style file contains descriptions which specify the style of a dataset. Some example files can be found in the the UniPlot Sample directory. They have the file name extension .sty .icb.
nc_attcopy nc_attcopy copies a given attribute into a different NC file.
nc_create nc_create creates a new netCDF file.
nc_inquire_format nc_inquire_format returns the file format for a given ncid.
nc_seterror_options nc_seterror_options sets the error options for the netCDF functions.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.5.0
ReportControl_GetInit ReportControl_GetInit converts a string matrix into a scalar string which can be used to initialize the report control in a dialog box.
auto_xyz_CreateColorLegend auto_xyz_CreateColorLegend creates a color legend for the given 3D dataset.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.4.2
nc_get_option nc_get_option gets an option.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.4.0
DialogBox DialogBox creates a dialog box with static text, edit fields, list boxes, combo boxes, check boxes, a report list (list with multiple columns), a property list box, a group box, tree control and buttons.The dialog box can be configured to be resizeable (see Dialog control |F @ xxx_callback|).
auto_ReplaceTextDialog auto_ReplaceTextDialog can be used within an automation script to show a text dialog box.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.3.4
XYZCreate XYZCreate creates a new 3D dataset. The 3D dataset can be created from scattered XYZ triples or from a rectangular grid (matrix).
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.3.2
ImageCreate ImageCreate creates a picture object.
ImageGetPixelColor ImageGetPixelColor returns the color value of a pixel as an RGB value.
ImageGetPixelGray ImageGetPixelGray returns the gray value of a pixel.
sort sort performs a sort from a real, complex or string matrix or vector.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.3.0
GetListBoxText GetListBoxText splits the return value of a combo box or list box into a string vector. The value is returned from the DialogBox function.
ReportControl_GetInit ReportControl_GetInit converts a string matrix into a scalar string which can be used to initialize the report control in a dialog box.
ReportControl_GetMatrix ReportControl_GetMatrix converts the DialogBox return value for the report control into a matrix.
TYAddData TYAddData adds data to a y/t dataset (1D dataset).
TYCreate TYCreate creates a new y/t datasets (1D dataset).
TYSetData TYSetData sets the coordinates of a y/t datasets (1D-dataset).
TableMergeCells TableMergeCells specifies which neighbouring cells are merged.
XYAddData The XYAddData function adds data to an existing dataset.
XYCreate XYCreate creates a new 2D dataset.
XYSetData XYSetData sets the xy-coordinates of a dataset.
XYSetNewData Is replaced by XYSetData.
fseek fseek moves the file pointer to a new position.
system system creates a new process.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.2.0
diary diary opens and closes a file in which all input and output of the command window will be written.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.1.2
DocPrint DocPrint prints the pages from the document to the printer.
PagePrint PagePrint prints a page to the printer.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.1.0
GetUserDirectory GetUserDirectory returns the UniPlot user directory.
  Changed Functions in UniPlot 5.0
GetTempFileName GetTempFileName creates a name for a temporary file.
IsFileText IsFileText checks if a file is a text file (ASCII File).
MapLoad MapLoad loads a map from a file, that was created with the MapSave function.
MapSave The MapSave function saves the data elements of a map in a file.
RegisterFunction RegisterFunction registers a function from a dynamic link library (DLL) to the UniScript symbol table. After a function is registered, the function can be called directly by UniScript.
XYZInsertLabel XYZInsertLabel lables isolines with their z-values.
base64_encode base64_encode encodes data into the base64 format
binary_decode Is replaced by base64_encode.
binary_encode Is replaced by base64_encode.
fgetline The fgetline function reads a string from the input file and stores it in a string.
fopen fopen opens a file.
fread fread reads data from a file.
loadiclib loadiclib loads a UniScript library which contains UniScript functions in binary form.
md5 md5 calculates the MD5 check sum using the algorithm http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1321.html, MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm (RFC 1321).
mem_alloc mem_alloc creates a scalar string of the given length.
mem_compress mem_compress compresses a string which may contain 0-characters.
mem_get mem_get reads bytes from a string and converts the data.
mem_len mem_len returns the length in bytes of a scalar string or a matrix of strings.
mem_set mem_set sets the bytes in a string to values of a specified data type.
obj_save obj_save saves an object as an XML file or as an binary file on the hard drive or as a string.
saveiclib saveiclib saves all loaded UniScript functions in an UniScript Library file.
sort sort performs a sort from a real, complex or string matrix or vector.
sorti sorti sorts a real, complex or string matrix or vector in ascending order and returns an index vector of the sorted matrix.
strCharToOem strCharToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM-defined character set.
strOemToChar strOemToChar translates a string from the OEM-defined character set into the Windows character set.
strchar strchar creates a string from a vector from numbers.
strcode strcode returns the code values (numbers) of the given string.
utf8_encode utf8_encode converts an ANSI string to an UTF8 string.
