UniScript R2018

This document lists new and changed functions in R2018.

The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description.

UniScript R2018.2

  New Functions in UniPlot R2018.2 (6.00.2)
AppCmdWndCopy AppCmdWndCopy.
GetBrushDialog GetBrushDialog displays a color dialog box to select a color and a transparency value.
XYThresholdCreate XYCreate creates a new 2D dataset from a single value as a horizontal or vertical line or from a min/max value as a horizontal or vertical range (bar).
nc_varput_text The nc_varput_text functions writes string data values into a netCDF variable of an open netCDF file. The file must be in data mode.

UniScript R2018.1

  New Functions in UniPlot R2018.1 (6.00.1)
XYGetErrorData XYGetErrorData returns the error data as a matrix with two columns. The data is used to display error bars.
XYSetErrorData XYSetErrorData sets the error data. The data is used to display error bars.
auto_xy_CreateErrorDataset auto_xy_CreateErrorDataset creates a new 2D dataset with error data.

UniScript R2018.0

  New Functions in UniPlot R2018.0 (6.00.0)
AppGetGDI AppGetGDI returns the used graphic interface for the monitor and printer output.
AppSetGDI AppSetGDI sets the interface used to display graphics on the monitor or printer (Graphics Device Interface). With UniPlot R2018 three different interfaces can be used.
process_get_names process_get_names returns an object with the names of the running processes.
process_kill_by_name process_kill_by_name terminates a running process.
  Modified Functions in UniPlot R2018.0 (6.00.0)
ImageCreate ImageCreate creates a picture object.
ImageGetType ImageGetType returns the picture file type.
ImageMirror ImageMirror reflects the image vertically.
ImageRotate90 ImageRotate90 rotates the image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.
ImageSaveAs ImageSaveAs saves the picture in its orignal format as a file.
PageSaveAsBitmap PageSaveAsBitmap creates a bitmap (.BMP) or JPEG (.JPG) file from the given page.
PageSaveAsBitmapEx PageSaveAsBitmapEx creates a bitmap with high resolution or WMF file from the given page.
PageSaveAsMetafile PageSaveAsMetafile creates a Windows Meta File (.WMF), a Enhanced Metafile (.EMF), Metafile with Extensions (EMF+) or a combination of EMF and EMF+ (EMF+Dual) from the given page.
