Obsolete Functions

  Obsolete Functions
AppSetTimer Is replaced by AppNewTimer.
ConvertToVariant Is replaced by vconvert.
EdLimitText Deprecated.
Event_Error Is replaced by log_error.
Event_Information Is replaced by log_info.
Event_Warning Is replaced by log_warning.
Round Is replaced by fround.
RoundDown Is replaced by fround.
RoundUp Is replaced by fround.
SynEdCreate Is replaced by EdCreate.
SynEdFind Is replaced by EdFindReplace.
SynEdFindText Is replaced by EdFind.
SynEdFoldAll Is replaced by EdFoldAll.
SynEdGetMarginType Is replaced by EdGetMarginType.
SynEdSetMarginType Is replaced by EdSetMarginType
SynEdToggleFolding Is replaced by EdToggleFolding.
VariantConvert Is replaced by vcast.
VariantGetType Is replaced by vtype.
XYSetNewData Is replaced by XYSetData.
XYZIsInterLinear Is replaced by XYZGetInterpolationType.
XYZSetInterLinear Is replaced by XYZSetInterpolationType.
auto_SetImportOptions Function is deprecated. The import options will be created automatically during import.
binary_decode Is replaced by base64_encode.
binary_encode Is replaced by base64_encode.
finite finite checks if the argument is 0/0 or 1/0.
inf inf returns the result of 1/0.
isinf isinf checks if its argument is in the range -INF … INF.
nan nan (Not a Number) returns the number 0/0.
sqlite_busy_timeout Removed, use sqlite3_busy_timeout.
sqlite_close Removed, use sqlite3_close.
sqlite_execute Removed, use sqlite3_execute.
sqlite_last_insert_rowid Removed, use sqlite3_last_insert_rowid.
sqlite_libencoding Removed, use sqlite3_libencoding.
sqlite_libversion sqlite_libversion returns the SQLite library version.
sqlite_open Removed, use sqlite3_open.
