ObjGetFirst is called in conjunction with ObjGetNext to iterate through all objects.
- handleOut = ObjGetFirst()
- handleOut = ObjGetFirst(handle)
- handleOut = ObjGetFirst(ssClass)
- handleOut = ObjGetFirst(handle, ssClass)
Return Value
handleOut is a handle.
- handle
handle is a handle.
- ssClass
ssClass is a class name.
When the function is called with a class name - e.g. "OBJ_DOCUMENT"
- ObjGetFirst will return the handle of the first
object of the specified class.
When the function is called with a handle, ObjGetFirst returns the handle of the
object, that contains the specified object (Objects of type OBJ_DOCUMENT
can contain other objects).
When the function is called with a handle and a class name, ObjGetFirst returns
the object handle of the specified class that is owned by the object with the
specified handle. Example: 17 is the handle of a diagram (OBJ_LAYER
ObjGetFirst(17, "OBJ_TEXT")
will return the first text object of the diagram or 0
if the diagram does not contain any text objects.
See also
Overview Objects, ObjCreate, ObjGetNext, ObjGetClass, ObjGet