
FileToField reads a text file (ASCII file and UNICODE file with BOM) where the elements are arranged in rows and columns. The elements can be text, numbers and blank fields.

rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName)
rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep)
rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep)
rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep)
rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd)
rmMat = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd, bQuotedNumberConversion)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd)
<smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd, bQuotedNumberConversion)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd)
<rmMat, smMat, smType> = FileToField(ssFileName, ssFieldSep, ssDecimalSep, ssRecordSep, hStatusWnd, bQuotedNumberConversion)

Return Value

rmMat is a real matrix. If an errors occurs, rmMat has only one element with the value 0.0, smMat is an empty string and smType contains the value “Error”.

smMat is a string matrix.

smType is a string matrix in which the elements can have one of the following values:

Value Meaning
"" (empty string) A number field.
"B" (Blank) A blank field.
"S" (String) A string field.



ssFileName is the file name.


The first character of ssFieldSep is the field separator.

Field separators:

Value Meaning
" " (default) multiple blanks or tab characters.
"\b" A single blank.
"\t" A single tab character.
";" A single semi-colon.
"," A single comma.
"x" A single character.

ssDecimalSep is a period "." (default) or a comma ",".


ssRecordSep is normally the newline character "\n" (default).


Is the handle of the status bar window. It is used to display processing progress (default is 0). The AppGetStatusBarHandle function returns this handle.


If bQuotedNumberConversion is TRUE (1) a number enclosed in quotes will be converted to a number field. If bQuotedNumberConversion is FALSE (0) the quoted string will always be treated as a string. Default value is TRUE (1).


The field size is limited to 4096 characters.

The characters "\r\n" will replaced by the character \n.

The characters "\n" at the end of the file will be ignored.

If this function is called with one return parameter, non-values will be replaced by the ERROR_VALUE.

Quotes " enclosing a field will be removed. Separators inside the quotes will be ignored.


File contents:

6.34  3.3
3.04  24

* rmData = FileToField("c:/test.dat")
* rmData
6.34    3.30
3.04   24.00

File contents:

N        Mom
1000     12.3

2000     15.2

* <rmD, smS, smT> = FileToField("c:/test.dat", " ", ".", "\n", 0)
* rmD
    0.00     0.00
 1000.00    12.30
    0.00     0.00
 2000.00    15.20
* smS
 N  Mom

* smT




Version Description
R2013.1 Maximum field size from 256 characters to 4096 characters expanded.
