What’s New in UniPlot 5.13.0

This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.13.0 since version 5.12.0.


  • The help has been created using the Sphinx Documentation Generator (http://sphinx.pocoo.org/)
  • If you have problems to use the help in a network installation you can copy the help files onto your local machine. (see Network Installation)

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • (ID2240): ASAM-ODS Browser (RPC): The search function did not work for some ODS servers.
  • (ID2241): Formula Interpreter 1 - Introduction: Formulas containing global NC attributes could not be calculated.
  • (ID2243): ffind stopped the search when the first character of the search string was found in the file.
  • (ID2244): 2D-Datasets: 2D-Datasets using the scale parameter could not be selected with the mouse.
  • (ID2248): Norm-Names-Addin: A scheme name specified only in the Channelname sheet of the Excel file could not be used.
  • (ID2249): Import of MATLAB Data Files: MATLAB-files containing strings with length 0 could not be loaded and caused a memory access violation.
  • (ID2251): File=>Export Data, nc_copy: The function failed if both given NC files had the standard file format with or without identical byte order.
  • (ID2252): Data=>Data Exchange (Page): The dataset style could be overwritten if curves load from one file used different style attributes. Example: The curves were displayed with different colors. After the data exchange all curves used the same color.
