File=>Export DataΒΆ

Command to convert netCDF files (.nc) into another format. If the selected file is not an NC file, it will be converted to an NC file before the dialog box is displayed.

You will find the command under File=>Export=>NC-Export.



netCDF files can be converted into the following formats:

Type Extension Description
CSV .csv oder .txt Text file without header data with one of the following field separators (comma, semicolon, Tab)
CSV-UTX .utx Text file with header data in the UTX format
XLS .xls Excel file without header data with a maximum of 16384 rows and 255 channels
XLS-UTX .xls Excel file with header data in the UTX format with a maximum of 16384 rows and 255 channels
XLSX .xlsx Excel format with header data in Excel 2007 format
XLSX-NOHEADER .xlsx Excel format without header data in Excel 2007 format
XLSX-UTX .xlsx Excel format with header data in the UTX format in Excel 2007 format
TDM .tdm TDM format (National Instruments Format)
NC .nc netCDF file in standard format.
NC-UP .nc netCDF file in UniPlot format (compressed)
MATLAB .mat MATLAB File Format, Version 5.
MDF4 .mf4 ASAM MDF File Format (Measurement Data Format) Version 4.0.

CSV-Text Field separator

Field and decimal separators:

Type Description
Auto Local setting for Field and Decimal separator, e.g. comma and point
Comma/Decimal point 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0
Semicolon/Decimalcomma 1,0;2,0;3,0;4.0
Tab/Dezimalpunk 1.0<Tab>2.0<tab>3.0<tab>4.0
Tab/Dezimalkomma 1,0<Tab>2,0<Tab>3,0<Tab>4.0


Text to display invalid values for Text and Excel files.

Always over write existing files

If not checked, a message box will be displayed for each existing file.

Open first converted file

If checked, the first converted file will be opened for the registered file extension. CSV- and NC files will be opened with UniPlot.


If a NC file contains more than one data group (channels with different number of points), UniPlot creates one file for each group. The file name will be extended with _g1, _g2, etc. For XLS Excel files the number of rows is limited to 16834.

If this limitation is a problem, the data can be exported in the XLSX format. XLSX files can be opened with Excel 2000 or Excel 2003 using the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. Up to 65000 rows can be used with this Excel Version.

Link to the Microsoft converter: (Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats)

For XLSX files UniPlot will create a sheet for each group.

The command File=>Export Data is written in UniScript. the source code can be found in the file do_conv.ic. The NC_ExportData function can be used to export data in script files.


Version Description
R2014.3 Export format XLSX-NOHEADER added.
