.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: View=>Command Window .. index:: y^view-command-window .. _viewcommand-window: .. _view-command-window: View=>Command Window -------------------- This command opens the UniScript command window. In this window, you can carry out calculations and run UniScript functions. UniScript Commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The command window can be used to run a UniScript function:: m = matlab_load(GetRootDirectory() + "samples/map-data.mat"); To print the value of a variable type in the variable name and press enter:: m [. BEEWG = matrix 1 x 78 [1002.5, 461.7, 350.3, 322, 302.6, ...] CO = matrix 1 x 78 [0.6, 0.08, 0, 0.05, 0.05, ...] EWGLST = matrix 1 x 78 [1, 3.1, 5.2, 7.3, 9.4, ...] _ = string-matrix 11 x 1 ["N", ...] ... ] object (obj at 0x51DC554) * m.BEEWG 1002.5000 461.7000 350.3000 322.0000 302.6000 319.9000 ... Multiple functions must be separated by a semi-colon:: x = linspace(0, 2*PI, 100); y = sin(x); plot(x, y); The output can be copied into the clipboard or can be displayed in an editor using the dot command ``.clip``. .. _dot-commands: Dot Commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^ UniPlot R2010 supports dot commands. .. note:: Dot commands can only be used at the UniScript command prompt, not in programs. Dot commands start with a dot. The command can be abbreviated, for example instead of ``.help`` you can type in ``.h`` If the abbreviation is ambiguous a list with all matching commands will be displayed. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - ``.cd`` - Change directory. * - ``.clear`` - Clears the command window. * - ``.clipboard`` - Opens an editor with the clipboard content. * - ``.cmd`` - Executes a DOS command. Example: ``.cmd del uniplot.tmp``. * - ``.dir`` - Lists a directory. Example: ``.dir d:\ /os`` * - ``.edit`` - The .edit command opens a UniScript function in an editor. Example: ``.edit EdCreate`` * - ``.explorer`` - Opens the Windows-Explorer. Example: ``.ex c:\`` * - ``.help`` - Opens a help topic. Example: ``.help sin``. * - ``.lua`` - Starts :ref:`lua`. * - ``.quit`` - Quit UniPlot. * - ``.show`` - Lists all handles of documents, datasets, drawing objects, etc. * - ``.system`` - Runs a program. Example: ``.sys notepad d:\a.txt``. * - ``.version`` - Returns the UniPlot version string. * - ``.what`` - Lists UniScript function names. Example: ``.what *sin*`` ``.cd`` - change directory. The argument can be a drive or a folder. Entered without an argument the command returns the current path name. :: * .cd d:\uniplot-build\main * .cd d: D:\uniplot-build * .cd d:\ d:\ ``.clipboard`` - If the clipboard contains text the command opens the text in a UniPlot-Editor. Example: ``.clip`` ``.cmd`` - Executes a DOS command. Example: ``.cmd del uniplot.tmp``. ``.dir`` - Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory (see also ``.cd``). :: * .cd c:\uniplot c:\uniplot * .d Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 8834-48FF Directory of c:\uniplot 31.05.2009 13:24 . 31.05.2009 13:24 .. 11.05.2009 09:46 addin 11.05.2009 09:46 autoload 11.05.2009 09:46 bitmap 11.05.2009 09:46 Formula 24.07.2009 11:34 help 17.06.2009 12:32 Program 11.05.2009 09:46 samples 11.05.2009 09:46 script 11.05.2009 09:46 startup 22.06.2009 11:39 template 06.07.2009 15:35 54.525 Uninstall.exe 1 File(s) 54.607 bytes 12 Dir(s) 25.147.686.912 bytes free * ``.edit`` - Opens a UniScript function in an editor. Example: ``.edit sinh`` opens the file containing the :ref:`sinh` function. ``.explorer`` - Starts the Windows-Explorer. Example: ``.ex c:\``. ``.help`` - displays this page or another help topic. Example: ``.help sin``. To open a help topic it is easier to place the cursor in the function name and press **F1**. ``.lua`` - Starts :ref:`lua`. ``exit`` to return to UniScript. Example:: * .lua LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. http://luajit.org/ JIT: OFF SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse UniPlot Lua interface v1.0 - Copyright (c) 2015 FEV Software and Testing Solutions GmbH (http://www.uniplot.com) Type 'exit' to return to UniScript > a = rand(3,3) > a 3x3 0.147248 0.0529661 0.607899 0.763069 0.146725 0.98715 0.261875 0.252775 0.872349 > exit ``.quit`` - Quits UniPlot. ``.show`` - Displays the handle values of all open documents, drawing objects datasets, etc. ``.system`` - Runs a program. Example: ``.sys notepad d:\a.txt``. ``.version`` - Returns the UniPlot version string. .. highlightlang:: none :: * .v 5.20.0 Date: Jan 23 2010 (x64) .. highlightlang:: us The dot-commands are written in UniScript. See :file:`script\\uniscript\\dot-cmds.ic`. Example command ``.clipboard``: :: def _cmd_clipboard(s) { if (IsTextInClipboard()) { sClip = GetClipboardText(); hEd = EdCreate(); EdSetText(hEd, sClip); } else { print "no text in clipboard"; } } The command starts with ``_cmd_`` and has one string parameter. The parameter is the text entered with the command. Keyboard ^^^^^^^^ To edit a command line, the following keys are supported: .. us.dlgitem **Ins** The Insert key switches between type over and insert mode. .. us.dlgitem **DEL** Deletes the character following the cursor position. .. us.dlgitem **Backspace** .. us.dlgitem **Arrow right, Arrow left** Moves the cursor one character to the right or the left. .. us.dlgitem **Enter** Executes the command line. Executes the complete command no matter where the cursor in in the line. .. us.dlgitem **Arrow up, Arrow down** Toggles through the command history (last commands). .. us.dlgitem **F1** If the cursor is located a function name and F1 is pressed the help text for that function will be displayed. .. us.dlgitem **F7** Displays the command history list box. The :kbd:`Enter` key copies the selected line into the command window. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ViewCommandWindow-en.* .. us.dlgitem **F8** Searches for an item in the command history. If the command line is empty, all other entries will be shown one after the other. If a command appears, only commands that start with the same characters will be shown. .. us.dlgitem **ESC** Deletes the command line. 1.) Aborts the current UniScript task. 2.) If the UniScript interpreter is idle the key clears the command line. .. us.dlgitem **Ctrl+C** 1.) Aborts the current UniScript task. 2.) If the UniScript interpreter is idle: Copies the line containing the cursor to the clipboard. .. us.dlgitem **Ctrl+V** Inserts a text line from the clipboard to the command line. .. us.dlgitem **Shift+Insert** Copies the current line into the clipboard. .. us.dlgitem **Ctrl+Alt+C** Copies the complete contents of the command window into the clipboard. **Ctrl+D** Removes the displayed command from the command history. .. seealso:: :ref:`view` :sub:`id-1230994`