.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Tools=>Formulalist .. _tools-formula-list: .. _toolsformulalist: Tools=>Formulalist ------------------ Shows a list of all loaded formulas. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ToolsFormulaList-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Copy List into an Editor** .. us.dlgitem **Delete Formula** Deletes the selected formula from the list of registered formulas and deletes the script file as well. It creates a backup file with the extension :file:`.bak`. .. us.dlgitem **Open Formula File** Opens a script editor and loads the file of the selected formula. **Edit Formula** Opens the Formula Editor (see :ref:`the-add-formula-channel-dialog-box`) To enable the dialog box to display data channels, click on the **NC-File for Channel Selection** button. **NC-File for Channel Selection** Selects a data file for the channel list box in the Formula Editor. .. seealso:: :ref:`formula-interpreter-1---introduction`, :ref:`tools` :sub:`id-1104583`