.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Tools=>Formula Configuration .. _toolsformula-configuration: .. _tools-formula-configuration: Tools=>Formula Configuration ---------------------------- Some settings for to control the calculation or formula channels can be set in this dialog box. See :ref:`formula-interpreter-1---introduction`. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ToolsFormulaConfiguration-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Activate Formula Calculation** If this option is set the formula calculator is active. Example: If you press F9 in the data browser formulas will be calculated. If you edit an NC file formulas will be recalculated when the browser is closed. .. us.dlgitem **Calculate Formulas during Import** If this option is set formulas are calculated during the import process. .. us.dlgitem **Do not overwrite imported channels with formula channels** If this option is set only formulas are calculated which are not already present in the data file. .. us.dlgitem **Search Path for Formula Interpreter Functions** The search path field can contain more than one path. UniPlot will load all formula files :file:`.ic` found in each specified path. Separate paths with a semi-colon. New formulas will be added to the last specified directory. .. us.dlgitem **Create a backup file before a formula file is overwritten** If this option is set, a copy of a formula file with the extension .bak is saved in the same directory before the formula file is modified. .. us.dlgitem **Units Table** To select a unit table click on the ``...`` button. The default table is an Excel file in the installation directory of UniPlot. The file name is :file:`template\\units.xlsx`. See also :ref:`units`. .. seealso:: :ref:`formula-interpreter-1---introduction`, :ref:`FE_SetFormulaDirectory`, :ref:`FE_UpdateNCFile`, :ref:`tools` :sub:`id-692240`