.. highlightlang:: us .. _toolsdataset-style-configuration: Tools=>Dataset Style Configuration ---------------------------------- .. index:: Tools=>Dataset Style Configuration Use this function to add, remove or change 2D or 3D dataset styles. Dataset Style will be listed in a combo box on the toolbar. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ToolsDatasetStyleConfiguration-en.* To change the style of one or more datasets, select the dataset with the mouse. Then choose a style from the Dataset Style field in the toolbar. .. us.dlgitem **Add 2D Style/Add 3D Style** The specified name will be added to the combo box in the toolbar. Choose a name that easily distinguishes between styles for 2D and 3D datasets. The new style will be initialized with a default dataset style. To change the style, you must assign it the name of a curve style (see below). .. us.dlgitem **Copy Style** Creates a copy of the selected style. .. us.dlgitem **Delete Style** Removes the selected dataset style from the combo box in the toolbar. .. us.dlgitem **Rename Style** Renames the selected curve style. .. us.dlgitem **One up/One down** Moves a style to a new position within the style list located in the toolbar. .. us.dlgitem **Save Style as** This functions saves the active dataset file under a different name. Add the extension :file:`.sty` and save it in the UniPlot Template Directory. .. us.dlgitem **Load Style** Loads a dataset style file from disk. Dataset styles are displayed in the combo box located in the toolbar. .. us.dlgitem **Properties** This button will open the following dialog box: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ToolsDatasetStyleConfiguration-Properties.* .. us.comment **Comment** Beginning with UniPlot 4.0.3 style files are are saved in the XML text format. .. code-block:: xml .. seealso:: :ref:`toolbardataset-style`, :ref:`tools` :sub:`id-1788009`