.. highlightlang:: us .. _toolbardataset-style: Toolbar=>Dataset Style ---------------------- .. index:: Toolbar=>Dataset Style The dataset style will be listed in a field on the toolbar. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/ToolbarDatasetStyle-en.* To assign a style to one or more dataset you can: * Select the dataset by clicking the dataset with the mouse. Hold the Shift Key down to select more than one dataset. * Choose a style from the Dataset Style list. .. us.dlgitem **1D and 2D Dataset Styles** The style sets line, symbol, bar, drop line, hatch and color fill styles and defines which of these elements should be used for the dataset. .. us.dlgitem **3D Dataset Style** A 3D dataset style sets all of the plot attributes of a 3D dataset except for the labels and color fill .. seealso:: :ref:`tools`, :ref:`toolsdataset-style-configuration` :sub:`id-1101807`