.. |Main_Print| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Print.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. index:: File=>Print .. _fileprint: File=>Print ----------- Prints the active file on the chosen printer. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/FilePrint-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Printer Name** Displays the current printer. .. us.dlgitem **Print to File** Converts printer output to a file. .. us.dlgitem **All** Prints all pages in the file. .. us.dlgitem **Pages from/to** Prints a selection from the file. .. us.dlgitem **Selection** Prints the selected page from the current file. .. us.dlgitem **Number of copies** Specifies the number of copies to be printed. .. us.comment **Comment** Use the :ref:`fileprint-preview` function to make sure the plot fits the page. Shortcut Key: :kbd:`Ctrl+P` Button: |Main_Print| .. seealso:: :ref:`file`, :ref:`fileprint-preview`, :ref:`filepage-setup` :sub:`id-1916524`