.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: File=>Import Options .. _fileimport-options: .. _file-import-options: File=>Import Options -------------------- In this box certain settings for the import of Text- and Excel files can be specified. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/FileImportOptions-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Placeholder to create the axis title** If available, UniPlot uses the NC attribute long_name to set the axis title. In this field you can specify how the long_name attribute is created from the channel name and the unit name. Examples: ``Torque [Nm]``, ``Torque in Nm``, ``Torque/Nm``, ``Torque/(Nm)`` or in two lines. In the placeholder the channel name is replaced by ``nnn`` and the unit name is replaced by ``uuu``. If you want the name and the unit in two lines insert the characters ``\n``, example: ``nnn\nin uuu``. .. us.dlgitem **Legend Text** Specifies how the legend text is created: **"Channel Name, e.g. BSFC"**: Only the last dataset channel name is used, e.g the y- channel name for a 2D dataset. **"NC-Attribute long_name, e.g. BSFC [g/kWh]"**: The attribute NC file attribute ``long_name`` of the last data channel is used as the legend text. **"Filename plus Channel list, e.g. test.nc (speed, BSFC)"**: This is the default type. .. us.dlgitem **Add source file extension to the NC file name** If selected the source file extention is added to the NC file name. .. us.dlgitem **Calculate formulas during data file import** If this option is checked and the formula interpreter is active (see :ref:`tools-formula-configuration`), the formula channels are calculated during the data import. .. us.dlgitem .. us.comment **Comment** **Comments** The command **File=>Import Options** is written in UniScript. The source code is found in the file :file:`do_iopt.ic`. .. seealso:: :ref:`uniplot's-use-of-the-windows-registry`, :ref:`file`, :ref:`file-import-data` :sub:`id-1660369`