.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Dialogfeld=>Lizensierung .. index:: y^dialog-box-license .. _dialog-box-license: Dialog Box=>License ------------------- .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DialogBoxLicense-en.* You can request a license with the license dialog. .. us.dlgitem **Request license** A license request email will be generated and opend in your email program. You can then send this email to the UniPlot support. .. us.dlgitem **Save request** In case the machine on which you want to license UniPlot is not connected to the internet, you have the option of saving a license request file. This file can then be send to the UniPlot support from a different machine. .. us.dlgitem **Install license file** Once you received the license file, you can install the license using this command. .. us.dlgitem **Help** Shows this help. .. us.dlgitem **Exit UniPlot** Exits UniPlot. :sub:`id-1887051`