.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Dialog Box=>Bar Style .. index:: y^dialog-box-bar-style .. _dialog-boxbar-style: .. _dialog-box-bar-style: Dialog Box=>Bar Style --------------------- .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DialogBoxBarStyle-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Presentation: Hatch** Bars will be hatched. .. us.dlgitem **Presentation: Fill Color** Bars will be color filled. .. us.dlgitem **Orientation: Vertical/Horizontal** Determines whether the bars should be displayed horizontally or vertically. .. us.dlgitem **Bar Width** Bar width can be set in centimeters or percentages of the diagram width. .. us.dlgitem **Offset** Dataset bars can be shifted opposite the standard position. A negative factor shifts to smaller values. A positive factor shifts to larger values. .. us.dlgitem **y-Base Value as Base** A straight line with the assigned y-value will be used as the base point for the bars. This line will run parallel to either the x- or y-axis depending on which orientation has been chosen. .. us.dlgitem **Fill Color** Shows the fill colors. .. us.dlgitem **Hatch: Type** Shows various hatch types. .. us.dlgitem **Hatch: Line Distance** Defines the distance between two parallel neighboring hatch lines. Distance is set in centimeters. .. us.dlgitem **Hatch: Line Width** The line width of the hatch lines is set in steps of 0.1 mm. .. us.dlgitem **Hatch: Line Color** Shows possible line colors. .. us.dlgitem **Hatch: Offset Origin** An offset position can be set for the origin of the hatch lines in this field. For example, if two areas are filled with the same hatch, you can shift the hatch of one area to half of the line distance in order to differentiate between the two areas. .. us.dlgitem **Edge Line:Color** Shows the colors possible for the edge line of the bars. .. us.dlgitem **Edge Line: Width** The width of the edge line is set in 0.1 mm steps. :sub:`id-1003500`