.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Label .. index:: y^diagram-xyz-axis-label .. _diagramx/y/z-axislabel: .. _diagram-xyz-axis-label: Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Label -------------------------- Axis labels can be edited in this dialog box. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DiagramXYZAxisLabel-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Value** Lists the axis label values in the left column. Text labels in the right column can be edited. .. us.dialog .. us.comment **Comment** If you rescale the axis, the axis labels will be changed as well. To avoid this lables can be marked with #b or #e. The two characters must be placed in front of the text. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - #b - The label string will stay at the position counted from the beginning * - #a - the same as #b. * - #e - The label string will stay at the position counted from the end. .. us.example **Example** To print the axis unit (Nm) as the second last label, the #e has to be placed in front of the string: :: #eNm .. seealso:: :ref:`diagram` :sub:`id-1838844`