.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Data=>More Data Functions (2D) .. _data-more-data-functions-2d: .. _datamore-data-functions-(2d): Data=>More Data Functions (2D) ------------------------------ In order for this command to be activated, a 2D dataset must be selected. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DataMoreDataFunctions1-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Create integral dataset** Creates a integral dataset from the selected dataset. (see :ref:`dataintegral`). .. us.dlgitem **Create derivative dataset** Creates a derivative dataset from the selected dataset (see :ref:`dataderivative`). .. us.dlgitem **Create fit spline dataset** Creates a spline dataset from the selected dataset (see :ref:`datacreate-fit-spline-dataset`). .. us.dlgitem **Create step dataset (start vertical)** Creates a new dataset with a step curve starting with a vertical line (see :ref:`datastep-dataset-vertical`). .. us.dlgitem **Create step dataset (start horizontal)** Creates a new dataset with a step curve starting with a horizontal line (see :ref:`datastep-dataset-horizontal`). .. us.dlgitem **Find minimum and maximum** Searches for the selected dataset's absolute minimum and maximum values (see :ref:`datafind-minimum-and-maximum`). .. us.dlgitem **Compute Area** Calculates the surface area of the selected dataset (see :ref:`datacompute-area`). .. us.dlgitem **Create a data table** Creates a data table for the selected dataset as an Excel Object (see :ref:`datacreate-a-data-table`). .. us.dlgitem **Create a mean dataset** Creates a dataset with 2 points in which the y-coordinates of both points are the arithmetic mean of the y-coordinates of the selected dataset (see :ref:`datacreate-a-mean-dataset`). .. us.dlgitem **Create a minimum dataset** Creates a dataset with 2 points in which the y-coordinates of both points are the same as the minimum of the dataset's y-coordinates (see :ref:`datacreate-a-minimum-dataset`). .. us.dlgitem **Create a maximum dataset** Creates a dataset with 2 points in which the y-coordinates of both points are the same as the maximum of the dataset's y-coordinates (see :ref:`datacreate-a-maximum-dataset`). .. us.dlgitem **Compute statistic** Calculates some statistic values (see :ref:`data-compute-statistic-2d`). .. us.dlgitem **Sort x-coordinates in ascending order** Sorts the x-coordinates in ascending order (see :ref:`data-sort-x-coordinates-2d`). .. us.dlgitem **Remove double data points (same x-coordinates)** Removes double data points from the selected dataset (see :ref:`dataremove-double-data-points`). .. us.dlgitem **Scale coordinates** Runs a linear scaling of the x- and y-coordinates of the selected dataset (see :ref:`data-scale-coordinates-2d`). .. us.dlgitem **Fill area between 2 X/Y-Datasets with hatch** This function creates a new dataset from 2 selected datasets. (see :ref:`data-fill-area-2d`). .. us.dlgitem **Label Data Points** The function labels the data points with its y-values (see :ref:`datalabel-data-points`). .. us.dlgitem **Label Dataset with Name** Lables the curve with its name (see :ref:`datalabel-dataset-with-name`). .. us.dlgitem **Create Data Boundary** Calculates the upper or lower boundary (see :ref:`datacreate-data-boundary`). .. us.dlgitem **Reduce Signal Noise** Reduces noise by calculating the moving avarage (see :ref:`datareduce-signal-noise`). .. us.dlgitem **Extract Data Subset** (see :ref:`dataextract-data-subset`). .. us.dlgitem **Compute Linear Correlation Coefficient** (see :ref:`datacompute-linear-correlation-coefficient`). .. us.dlgitem **Create Norm Dataset** (see :ref:`datacreate-norm-dataset`). .. us.dlgitem **2D-Interpolation** This function can apply operations like add, sum, mean, etc. for 2D datasets which have monotone increasing x-coordinates but not necessarily with identical x-coordinates. (see :ref:`datalinear-interpolation`): .. us.dlgitem **Polynom Fit Functions** Calculates a polynom fit function for the selected dataset (see :ref:`datapolynom-fit-functions`). .. us.dlgitem **Other Fit Functions** Calculates a fit function for the selected dataset (see :ref:`datafit-functions`). .. us.dlgitem **Compound Counting** See :ref:`data-3d-classification-of-a-xyz-dataset`. .. us.dialog .. us.comment **Comment** The functions for 2D datasets are written in UniScript. The source code can be found in the file :file:`rs_xy.ic`. .. seealso:: :ref:`data` :sub:`id-1690199`