.. highlightlang:: us .. _datalabel-data-points: Data=>Label Data Points ----------------------- .. index:: Data=>Label Data Points .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DataMoreDataFunctionsLabelDataPoints-en.* This function labels the data points with the y-value. A maximum or 50 data points can be labeled. the labels will be evenly distributed for datasets with more than 50 points. The label text can be created from the same 2D dataset, a different 2D dataset or a 3D dataset. If a 3D dataset is selected, the label value is the interpolated z-value at the given x/y position. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DataMoreDataFunctionsLabelDataPoints.* Die maximum number of data points can be changed with the following function call in the command window, for example to 100 data points: :: WriteProfileInt("Settings", "LabelDataPoint_Count", 100); .. seealso:: :ref:`data` :sub:`id-1731405`